General Discussion

General DiscussionDonate me money so I can get a better comp so I can record commentary...

Donate me money so I can get a better comp so I can record commentary on pro games to expose the rigging of this game. in General Discussion

    Well now he violated the code by insulting valve and the world.. Still if u dont care about doto then why stick to the forum?


      @tmo-captainshags what kind of comment do you expect posting this kind of content


        @tmo-captainshags How do you expect valve to give us content if they're not earning profit from it?
        They are not a charity organization. People give (money) because they received something, Dota2 is a free to play game, money won't make you stronger in the game, however people pay to get cosmetics which won't interfere in the mechanics of the game which is very fair

        So, a draft that didn't turn out they way it was planned because enemy made significant counter or even played better means your team is a noob and should not even compete in a qualifier? Then how many teams do you expect to comepete if one bad game means they are not qualified to compete anymore


          Hello can you all stop posting on this thread ? You're obviously all retarded


            @tmo-captainshags Of course, tournaments is a marketing campaign. Why? Are corporations not allowed to host a marketing event?


              Donate money to me and I can prove why OP is a Moron.

              no dota in dubai

                I'd make an argument that it's just simply an inclusive, regional thing. You know how the chinese are. When playing amongst themselves, sure they are competitive and all, but when it comes to playing internationally it always felt like it really wouldn't matter to them whoever plays for the country, because the ultimate goal for them is that a Chinese team wins 1st place ultimately.

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                  steelseries giveaway. Simply follow the link

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    how many pages will it take people to stop feeding the fatso?

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                      6'1 160 lbs


                        ok, so what do you guys think about the 28 minute midas on the omni ??????


                          He wanted to have a golden hand.

                          Player 175043649

                            cna u guys stop posting here


                              Fuck you, Miracle-!

                              Mike Wazowski..!

                                Why are people responding to this stupid pretentious shithead??????


                                  NORMAL SKILL


                                    phantom riki gets banned
                                    this guy is still here


                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      How do I give you my money? I can also give you hats so you can look good while losing.



                                        Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                          つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Don't let it die, keep the thread alive つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

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                                            Professor Dog

                                              Could've earned enough to buy a pc in the time you spent typing in here. Also your complaining that pros get handouts and what is it your asking for?

                                              Eternal Meow

                                                "[...] at the end of the day why would I pay a school to test my knowledge rather than give me knowledge?"

                                                The purpose of college is to get a degree so you can show potential employers that you are smart enough to work for them. It claims to be about teaching people things but it's really about finding people who are teachable. Since companies retrain college graduates anyway, if you are capable of graduating college at all then you could probably just work for them now. But why would they pick you when there is a college grad that's already shown they will jump through hoops to get this job and already proven that they are teachable? If you don't like dota and you don't like this forum and you don't like low pay, then get a degree instead of wasting time doing things you don't like. At least you can make more money while looking down on the world.


                                                  I am telling you guys, the game is rigged. Look at this, I just want to prove a point to you guys.

                                                  This is the account I made for today. I was going to stop playing but, I need more concrete eveidence. This has happened to me hunndreds of times, yes I have made hundreds of smurfs and this happens on every single one.


                                                  I am the lycan, if you look at my teams profile you will see one of them is 2.7k, the one who is the jugger. I looked at the other teammates, and they didnt have a mmr posted, but i looked in their game history and found that they were playing against 1.7k players in their ranked games.

                                                  If you notice, my first 4 games I destroyed everyone. Then I got into "very high skill". This is where valve rigged them game. They saw that I am an exceptional player, and put me with a bunch of 2k's in a "very high skill game' knowing that I will lose 100% of the time because I cannot win every single lane. I had to jungle because my team all randomed and called all the lanes and im not supporting 2k players. Needless to say, they all lost their lanes and towers. I had no space to farm or do anything. GG valve.

                                                  How can it be a "very high skill" game, if my teammates are literally 2k mmr and below?

                                                  If you watch the replay, it will look like I am making mistakes by being caught out, but in reality there was almost no way to win the game. I had 2 options, sit in base and hope they push highground and fuck up micro, or go out and try to push/farm/get pickoffs alone. There was literally nothing I could do. I refuse to sit in the base and get 300 gpm like a shitstain waiting for the enemy team to hopefully fuck up.

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                                                      ^ why did you repost this?


                                                        Also don't give me that "its an unranked game what do you expect". We all know your starting mmr is calibrated off your unranked mmr. These games are acually more important for MMR than a ranked game. They rig most people into 3k/4k mmr. If they aloud players like me into 5k then I would destroy the game image because I would be dumpstering too many professional players and making videos about it.

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                                                            Этот комментарий удален модератором
                                                            Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                              wait, wut? i've just read most of it and... this guy was actually being serious the entire time. GG :facepalm:



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                                                                  Bad Intentions

                                                                    Yo OP im telling ya man!

                                                                    Just dont be too good! Just be avg so gaben will group u up with avg playas :]

                                                                    If youre too good, then gaben will give you the task of carrying 4 plebs to victory :D


                                                                      xd nice thread btw Kappa


                                                                        Yo OP im telling ya man!
                                                                        Just dont be too good! Just be avg so gaben will group u up with avg playas :]
                                                                        If youre too good, then gaben will give you the task of carrying 4 plebs to victory :D

                                                                        I honestly don't know if you are being serious. ROFL

                                                                        core or whore

                                                                          so you trashed normal skill games so what? you think that makes you special?
                                                                          have you even tried to calibrate that account? Ofcourse not! instead he went to d o t o b u f f . c o m and whine about the game is rigged because 2 loses he in highskill. we all lose accept it. you are not that good


                                                                            im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet

                                                                            ✪ BATSSS

                                                                              Well i know posting is pointless so....
                                                                              I am just gonna ask...
                                                                              Has someone donated?
                                                                              Are u sure someone will donate?
                                                                              Are u sure you are the very best?

                                                                              core or whore

                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet
                                                                                im actually the best dota 2 player in the world. you just don't realize it yet


                                                                                  celestial being walks water


                                                                                    "^ wtf is this shit?. First of all, lifififif you are retarded, second those are all normal skill games. And, how do you win that many normal skill games and still be placed in normal skill. This is the kind of shit I am talking about."

                                                                                    Normal skill is anywhere below 3.1k. He has a 68.73% winrate in 339 ranked games, which could be spread across both solo and party. (Judging by his friend's list, he parties a lot). So that's around 5800 mmr points spread across two game types. It's entirely possible for that to happen. He could also possibly we in the high skill border but be playing with extremely low mmr people. There are a lot of possibilities.


                                                                                      Wow this is a loserish thread I almost finished the first page but no way in hell I can read the other 3 GG. Not sure what's on the other three pages but op you gotta take some accountability for yourself or you'll never succeed in life .


                                                                                        "I honestly don't know if you are being serious. ROFL"

                                                                                        Same thought here OP


                                                                                          if chessie buys vanguard first on juggernaut, in ti6 games. how can he be anything other than 3k mmr. vanguard juggernaut. gg thread, you are all morons. i have seen 3k players better than pro gamers. MM is rigged trust me



                                                                                              Wow this is a loserish thread I almost finished the first page but no way in hell I can read the other 3 GG. Not sure what's on the other three pages but op you gotta take some accountability for yourself or you'll never succeed in life .

                                                                                              Suck my dick you know nothing.

                                                                                              no dota in dubai

                                                                                                A low EQ cancels out high IQ. You will forever stay a loser in life if you keep nurturing that counter productive attitude of yours. Just saying.