General Discussion

General DiscussionPlay dirty to win, or play fair to lose

Play dirty to win, or play fair to lose in General Discussion
D the Superior
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    D the Superior
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      Welt aus Eis

        what the fuck am i reading

        D the Superior
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            Welt aus Eis

              i like jesus

              D the Superior
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                plz do

                  ^salty? rituals usually are pointless from the "outside" point of view. and now all is lost? what exactly is lost?

                  Riguma Borusu

                    I still love how Relentless credits christianity for bringing law and order to our modern society. Holy fucking shit. Like there was no law an order before christianity, and like those teachings are originally, in any way, christian. After this and that "6k players do same things as 3k players just faster" thing I'm starting to assume he's just trolling.

                    Or is really a mindless fucking idiot.

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                    D the Superior
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                      D the Superior
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                        D the Superior
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                          Welt aus Eis

                            I had a theory about Relentless being a dedicated troll but I've decided there's no way someone would write so many huge walls of text just for the sake of trolling


                              I am my own consultant :D


                                This God Emperor's Furry guy is actually quite smart, for the difference of retarded monkeys like Relentless, etc.

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                                  D the Superior
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                                    D the Superior
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                                        i posted some good chinese poems and asked him if he was still here, he didn't reply


                                          do you even lift?


                                            i used to lift, but then i got some back injury from basketball so i stopped 4Head


                                              There is only one God and one religion only, and it has been this way since the first human, Adam (a.s) was created. "Jews" and "Christians" twisted God's words into the way they benefit and created their own religion. Indeed they sold God's words for such a small price.

                                              D the Superior
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                                                  Islam bro


                                                    Mohammad (sav) is the last prophet, Qu'ran is the final holy book, which was written down and never changed up until today

                                                    D the Superior
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                                                      saving private RTZ

                                                        Ok, so relentless said that we are naive( tho he is the guy who blindly bows to a human who lived 2000 ago).

                                                        How are muslims more aggresive with other religions than christians? Do i have to remember the Inquisition? Or the Middle Ages where Church was basically killing and stealing from people who didnt want to pray to a god?

                                                        I bet you are a baptist, one of those who think USA is god chosen nation because its pure freedom. I once made an account on one of their sites, searching for few answers few years ago. I told them i was an ortodoxist, and they instantly called me a communist although i live in a fully-democratic country, called me a possibly gypsy, and the mods tagged me as Communist and changed my picture to a caricature of Nicolae Ceausescu( i am romanian).

                                                        Yea, so these are the christians, who love their near just as they love them. ROFL.

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                                                          what if the extremists that think that allah demands sacrifice kill themselves and in the end there is nothing?


                                                            what if you die and there is only a box and thats it


                                                              my nigga

                                                              D the Superior
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                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                  "While eastern branch of christianity does have some questionable moments in it's history they've generally been quite peaceful."

                                                                  I really hope you don't know anything about Russian history, and especially how they spread byzantine form of christianity. Because it was a bloody hell, really no different (but way less famous) than The Inquisition.


                                                                    only.. box..?

                                                                    ONE WITH THE SPHERE
                                                                    ONE WITH THE BOX

                                                                    D the Superior
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                                                                      Mind Games

                                                                        I can actually learn from this thread though even if it has digressed to thepoint of kingdom come. LMFAOOO


                                                                          @god emperor's fury
                                                                          about gay marriages as "family without actual children" - there are a lot of children w/o actual family, and gay/lesbian pairs (if they are not very young) usually adopt children, or use help of someone else (its pretty common, afaik).

                                                                          also in general despite me personally disliking religion as a social institution, approximately half of what you say is just wrong.
                                                                          overall, you shouldnt consider other ppl beliefs and opinions about what is good/bad equal to yours ones. if you think rituals are senseless waste of time, thats true for you, but not for others. it depends on education, life conditions, personality, etc. etc. etc. religion makes sense for a lot of people, and it helps them.


                                                                            about eastern christianity - it has not that much of a difference to catholics, but orthodoxes didnt have to deal with other religions except some old ones (ploitheism, Perun and other guys, etc.) that existed on the territory of what we currently know as Russia. For a very long while christianity was the only existing religion in this region, and it didnt face any external enemies, unlike the catholics who faught with muslims (and thats the major reason inquisition existed).

                                                                            probably the early part of christianity's history on the east was just as bloody, but it was so long ago that given the low popularity of keeping info about historical events in old Russia, we just dk what was happening here.

                                                                            the realm's delight

                                                                              im not sure wahts going on

                                                                              the realm's delight

                                                                                is op that guy building headress pa

                                                                                saving private RTZ


                                                                                  yes but those kids grow up with unusual understanding of what is normal. They see their dads/moms kissing and etc and they think is allright. And it would be if society wasnt so rude to gay people. And it has been proven many times that gay people get less jobs, less connections and relationships, they have less succes overall.

                                                                                  I personally dont mind seeing gays in public or whatever but its a difference showing this things to a grown up adult or even a teenager that can think for himself or a little baby who has no idea whatever he is doing on this world and why, so i bet kids in gay families havd a much more risk to become gay aswell


                                                                                    as far as i see things are getting better lately for gays, and children grown up in non-traditional families are more likely to be open-minded and able to tolerate something that deviates from their way of thinking, too.

                                                                                    also i think its better to have a family than not to have it anyways.


                                                                                      i don't think you become gay its not something you choose to do

                                                                                      waku waku

                                                                                        i play mostly for fun, but also for validation, so there's at least one thing i'm better at than most other people and i know it. if i did not know that i'd probably have committed suicide by now. wait no, i'm too much of a wimp to do it. i'd just be depressed and suffer for years until someone put me out of my misery or i snapped and murdered someone.


                                                                                          HEY GUYS PORN ON TWITCH NICE

                                                                                          D the Superior
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                                                                                            ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...












                                                                                              SCAPEGOATING+HIVEMIND MENTALITY+SHEEPLE+TYRANNY OF THE REALISTIC DEMOCRACY

                                                                                              real democracy is respecting the minority's opinion, because everyone's a minority, when they really get to express what they think and feel and want, and when they do and get heard and respected, that's fucking real democracy.

                                                                                              A hiveminded democracy that always follows wherever the majority goes, that's nothing but an orchestrated shitshow, like a meta. You all damn well know, that only a few guys contributed to inventing the meta, as an example, but the actual number of people participating is that much higher. Does it validate itself just for the merit of the number? Just cus it appears to be "the majority"? NO.

                                                                                              Does 4 people reporting one guy justify the one guy being wrong? NO.

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                                                                                              ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                                                                you are in a gaming cafe, you see 99 people playing LOL, you start up dota. People ignore you, give you the looks, laugh at you cus you are some stupid ass loner who won't join their LOL sensation. Why is that? Are they justified to do so? Is LOL a better game just cus it's more popular? Will they be justified to do so if they claim so? Have they not already claimed so to you by what they do? Do they not already know about dota and chose not to play?

                                                                                                Livin' Real Good

                                                                                                  I hate hivemind mentality, that's one of the weakest forms of thinking.

                                                                                                  The worst example of this is when you're in an argument with someone in a public place (a store)
                                                                                                  I was arguing with someone (I was 100% sure I was right) and this guy goes " Look man, are you going to waste me and all of these GOOD people around me's time? Or are you going to stop arguing with me. " (he literally brings the people watching into it for no reason, but I knew why, cause I can see the bigger picture)

                                                                                                  Then everyone proceeded to look at me as if I was the one at fault, just because he gave those sheep a compliment, literally morally bribing them into siding with him. You could tell he got this false sense of merit by doing this, reassurance that he was INDEED the correct one in this argument, and I was wrong.

                                                                                                  Apparently " the more people that agree with you " means you're right, by his weak logic, so pathetic.

                                                                                                  But anyways, SILENCE LYRILL! O_O

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                                                                                                  ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                                                                    No matter how much any dota player might wanna claim to the mass of LOL crowd that they are wrong, nobody would care. Groupthinking ,Group Conformity ,, compliance, Deindividuation, Herd Behavior, Dehumanization, scapegoating, bystander, everywhere in the world you see stuff like these happen, and world war 3 is when it will peak again. For thousands of years, our civilizations and culture hasn't solved a thing about human weakness and human evil. We haven't stepped far if at all on the road to reason and enlightenment, and a better humanity for all.