General Discussion

General DiscussionHeropool wide/deep enough?

Heropool wide/deep enough? in General Discussion

    I only play these heros, are these too few or am i missing heros with a soecific trait that is sometimes needed?

    1: CK
    2: DK
    3: Brew, beast, uberlord, weaver, dark seer
    4:sb,sk,undying,sky, riki , slardar
    5: AA, treant, bane, ogre

    Feels like even in the roles i play 3/4 i have not enough heros

    do i need to start to play a "slippery" hero in the offlane, for example puck? sometimes i dont really know what to pick as offlaner


      You could maybe add Axe and Doom to your Pos 3 pool. They are very strong right now.


        I say improve your pos1,2 by like 1 hero. Both dk and ck is not always the best pick


          i picked only axe as pos 3, climbed from 4.2 to 4.9 in about 15 days xD


            CK is a risky position 1 hero, though I can see he has one of the best win rate in the game. DK as position 2 is also rather risky since at least 30% of the games you will see Shadow Fiend on the other side of the bank. If you want to expand the hero pool, focus on position 1 and 2 as sometimes you will be forced into this role and you don't want to either play a hero you are not comfortable with or get countered by the enemy.

            Other positions are perfectly fine and I can say Ogre is almost never a bad pick.


              Ure carrys are quite limited but it's ok since u won't have to play it a lot 1 more carry is ok cause u only know 1
              i suggest PL or spectre PL is like CK in early game except that it won't scale as good but can snowball unlike CK who needs to go late
              Spectre is the opposite of CK u sacrifice the early and mid for great late game pick only vs weak offlaners
              Dk can also be played offlane DK mid is kinda weak unless u know who ure going against
              Also add BB to ure 3 doom isn't bad either
              And add lion to ure 5
              Btw puck is not only bad in general winrate wise it's one of the hardest heroes and kinda shit solo offlane not even that good due off

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                I agree with most of the other posts however what is your favourite position? If there is such a thing as a “standard way” to improve, you usually specialise in 2/3 heroes (you have 17 you can "play")

                You definitely need another carry in there if you like the Pos.1 role – Specs, AM, PL or even some ranged like Terror, Wind (although offlane). Again, as an Axe spammer, I would advise him as he is strong right now and it should satisfy your melee hero addiction (based on your current heroes)


                  i played doom quite a bit but im bad. Axe seems really good, i will try to play him a bit.


                    I would suggest some range hero. Wind is good 3 in dual, silencer good 4 in dual/tri.


                      I only play tb, and lycan and im fine with that


                        You forgot lich in that list

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                          id have to fall pretty low to play a hero like lich

                          Potato PC

                            I strongly suggest IO and Visage.


                              Man I had friend who played 1200 games on Puck and he was ancient II. I'm pretty sure your hero pool size doesn't matter that much especially on lower ranks.

                              You have more then enough heroes for support and offlane.


                                i dont like your pos 5 pool


                                  1. Spec
                                  2. Visage
                                  3. I suck at offlane
                                  4. All support heroes or roamers
                                  5. All support heroes or roamers.

                                  Story Time

                                    call the thread: " I want attention"


                                      since you already play weaver offlane that's a decent one to add to your carry pool. viper is a fairly simple mid and somewhat similar to dk in lane.


                                        Too big. Have 1 for each and reduce your roles to like 3 roles.


                                          Pretty much only need one mid hero cuz most games someone will have it selected anyways .