General Discussion

General DiscussionThese guys have the biggest loss streaks

These guys have the biggest loss streaks in General Discussion

    Okay after spectating Sabo mcbev's last wk game I've learned a few things:

    How to troll players on dota to whole new levels:

    1. Get a party of 3 people who literally have no life and would rather give cancer to innocent dota community members.

    2. Pick gyro dk and wk

    3. Get really fat and dominate early mid game

    4. Every time you win a team fight, go back to farming and let the 2 other players who just want to win to push (one of them is usually dead, leaving 1 hero pushing) Whatever you do, do not push! The key is to keep the game going for as long as possible to mentally break and tire the other 7 players)

    5. Get DK to keep saying the same lame skeleton joke to drive everyone insane

    6. Get WK to keep talking literally the same thing over and over again to drive everyone insane

    7. Repeat steps 4, 5, 6 for as long as you can (preferably over 1 hour)

    8. ???

    9. Profit

    Potato Marshal

      How does anybody get annoyed by chat spamming when you can just mute them?


        Although the chat spam is arbitrary but winning every team fight and not pushing is cancer


          well if you looked at their stats it was pretty obvious they were throwing games on purpose

          theres no way you lose normal games with some of their items/gpm

          Cant Win

            These players are good they just want to lose


              The kids are still up and running. I pity on the server and anyone who gets matched with them :D


                1 more to go :D

                Potato PC

                  2.80% winrate?


                    U meed to move to malaysia or singapore or indonesia trust me those countries have good pings in SEA server. Just find a good broadband later there

                    muted all, it's just a ga...

                      omg, those unbreakable records xD


                        I would never move to Indonesia, fucking sharia law is a disease. Rather have these 2 players fuck me over every game.


                          But S H A R I A W I L L R U L E
                          T H E W O R L D

                          But hey pls read again im not asking u to go at indo only. There is also singapore which is not using sharia law lul


                            Is valve becoming ignorant and all they care about is money money money. That 99 lossing streak should have banned the account.




                              Also people:



                                ^^ excuse me? Youre out of context.

                                stupid fuck 2000

                                  46% wr LUL

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                                    Story Time

                             this is so crazy! :D the guys are geniuses


                                        not u but me yes


                                          to be honest, they are actually a goodplayer. i meant they finished BF in 14 minutes which is indicate how a good farmer/carry play. isnt it?


                                            You are just trash to be honest.

                                            Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                              46% WR Ancient 0 5k matches why are you shit talking anybody OP?
                                              Some people have streaks of bad luck get over it?

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                                                46% > 2%

                                                This isn't bad luck, they just suck/troll.

                                                Anyways I think I'm in the clear I haven't been matched with them in a while. Maybe its my behaviour score or something. Thank fuck. Valve don't ever give me this cancer again


                                                  And if you look at my top 2 most played they are well above 46% winrate. And that's all that matters


                                                    you have fucking 294 games with invoker with 45% winrate. shutdown lmaoooo


                                                      get urself a mirror first please before judging that people who did it for purpose , sad


                                                        Except they actually have games where they STILL tried and lost? Keep scrambling for more excuses for these terrorists


                                                          Maybe we should stop idolizing these griefers ( It's always funny when it's not you. I play with friends who do the same, don't make any effort to end the game, only go for kills. It's toxic behaviour and poisons those in vicinity.



                                                            muted all, it's just a ga...

                                                              mod should have banned this UNEDUCATIONAL crying trash from dotabuff


                                                                not u but me yes

                                                                And yet nobody noticed the legend himself has spoken


                                                                  sicke nfcuk omg IS THAT BROOD HIM?! WTF!!!

                                                                  Rachel what's mod?


                                                                    shut down? LMFAO your profile is legitimately disgusting. You had to have gone through my profile, seen that my win rate is 54% (yours is 46% ROFL), and that my mmr is 5.3k (while you're barely 4k). Then proceed to cherry pick a category that nobody gives a fuck about.

                                                                    Keep dreaming, but everyone in this thread knows you're fucking dogshit. Delusional retard.


                                                                      "cherry pick a category that nobody gives a fuck about"

                                                                      It's your most played hero...

                                                                      Maybe stick with support?


                                                                        With your amount of games i'd be concerned if you weren't 5k.

                                                                        Your last game was 5 months ago? What happened? Did you switch to lol? #roasted #shutdown

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                                                                          You also don't have a medal, meaning your mmr is obsolete lol.


                                                                            wait wait.... WHAT?!?
                                                                            This is the most bizarre thing I saw in dota. I just lurk this forum and never comment but this is just too rich.

                                                                            1. They are actually pretty good players. They farm solidly and get the right items, they have good positioning and map awarness.
                                                                            basiclly you should expect them to much higher in ranking.

                                                                            2. They spam some really weird stuff in chat. probably copy pasting some premade quotes or using some kind of bot.
                                                                            the "I got 24 kills...", "add me and report bev", "stop feeding is real bro" and "axe got 1 kill died 15 times" lines are said in all-chat in every single replay I watched. i think this is a scrips but the gameplay itself is from a real player (?) since the camera moves in kind of human way

                                                                            3. and yea, the 2% winrate is fucking amazing. When I saw the '6 mmr' my brain went blank for a moment since I didnt thought it is even possible. even the worst player will someday win a match because of pure luck while the other people in the team carrying him, even if he feeds like crazy. the thing is, they do not feed. in the matchs I looked at they just farm to insanity (special week attacks tower at random intervals, usually when there are no friendly creeps around) but also participate in fights when their base is attacked / they gonna lose.

                                                                            4. oh, and you - an acient[0] player that is much worst player then 'herelds' - complaining about it?


                                                                            basiclly what I gather from they try to meme game / break records at stuff like tower damage (attacking towers when no creeps around), LH, kills and also losing streak (this is why they lost for so long).

                                                                            As people already said, they just play their own game.

                                                                            I dont know what kind of person they are. but they sound so interesting. I kinda want a match with them. legends.

                                                                            sorry if my English is not understandable its just not my native language.

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                                                                              Ok one more thing I found:

                                                                              They are doing it for a some time now, and others already tried to analyze them - here is a post from reddit 2 years ago talking about sabo:


                                                                                Yes but the games they do well at are normal skill. There isn't a game where they pub stomp in 5k or 6k etc...


                                                                                  neither do you LOL


                                                                                    I could probably find one, if I play unranked its high skill but if I play ranked then its vhs. It's hard to find ranked games if you're ancient zero in australia

                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!