General Discussion

General Discussionisnt riki to OP??

isnt riki to OP?? in General Discussion


    look at this he only has 94 cs but have more item than me (i bb 2 times)
    holy shit.
    while Medusa farms all the game and only have 1 item difference with riki
    the new ult is fucking OP
    he buys cranium basher, and goes mad stunning all my supps with his new ult all over the map.

    i may not be a good player, but at least i understand this

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      if u were good player u wud just gem him and cast a stun on him
      holy shit


        riki doesnt have to farm like an am, medusa etc... if u let him snowball he gets his items by killing you. just buy detection and kill him.


          He is amazing with farm & nearly useless without it. Of course, if you let him get lvl 25 & 6 slots he will outcarry pretty much every other hero. In higher brackets, it's very hard to pick Riki & not get punished for it. You talk about last hits, but let's look at kills & deaths. You died 14 times as a carry. How do you expect to have a good farm when probably 30% of the game time you were dead? Easiest tip for you to climb is not dying on a carry/mid. You probably don't really know how much gold/xp you lose because of it. Even if your teammates will blame you for being a coward, you will notice mmr improvement.

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            link of the game in question btw


              57% winrate. Valve keeps fucking up this hero.


                mad cuz bad

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  Time to learn Naga support and fuck em Riki players

                  Cheap Laugh Guy
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                      Spectre also has 57% win-rate. Does it mean she is OP? No.


                        Riki still can't take a punch... So you just need to hit him... And that requires vision on him. If you have even a passable support, you should have no problems with Riki. Even as a core player, you can buy a sentry or two and kill Riki in the early game and swap his kills for deaths and see how great he is in the late game.

                        But yes, he is better with the new ult than the old one.

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                          Riki is fucking unreal! He should be deleted in dota


                            Riki broken


                              Riki is not OP mate.. its just depends how you see the map.
                              For example you already know riki is your enemy why not bring dust? or scatter sents?
                              Riki isnt OP coz he is is a fast farmer. like in your example 94 cs but as more items.
                              well farming isnt only creeps. there is also Bounty runes, or on riki's most cases, HERO FARM.
                              enemy farm less coz they die, riki gains gold..


                                At low skill heseems OP. I can't imagine any other hero that has such an easy support kills as riki can with this new ulti.


                                  Riki seems OP for you normal skill plebs. Any decent player would punish a Riki pick so hard with vision. Riki is so fucking easy to kill early on as long as you have vision of him.


                                    That's why I autoban Riki. I don't like him to be in my team. So fucking useless.


                                      aside from having detection ... even as a support if youre smart you get out of his ult pretty easily... get a force staff... get a glimmer cape (items that as a support are pretty useful anyway)... suddenly it takes longer for him to go after you therefor creating a window for your team to come in and punish him... come on folks... its not that hard...

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                                        I love all the high skill players writing “get gud” basically. Then I check stats and Riki has 54% wr in high skill. Just buy sentry lol


                                          how can gyro kills riki tho?? it seems impossible and i died a lot because pudge lost mid, and they trilane mid with none of my supp TP


                                            Of course he's broken when nobody builds force staff/euls 4Head what do you expect? A friendly riki who WON'T buy diffu and urn? XDDDD


                                              I can confirm riki is op at least at 4k bracket

                                              Last Hit

                                                Just face it, hes op in almost every bracket.

                                                That change in his ulti is just too much...0.4 seconds /hit for how much duration on 3rd level? Hes gonna get f nerved, that ulti cd will be longer and the duration would be shortened.

                                                Solo Leveling

                                                  Why does a legend 1 player confirm anything in 4k bracket


                                                    Riki has a 51% winrate in divine, and that's because the hero needs to snowball on kills and get items in order to be useful. Get sentries at mid, have secure lanes and Riki is pretty much useless.


                                                      i might just use riki myself then



                                                        ... last game. Yes Riki is annoying but hardly unbeatable. We restricted his farm in lane with constant Sentries ... had dust on us most of the time and eventually got gem. Yes he got some kills until we got our lothars and glimmer capes and force staffs up but Kunkka pretty much owned him every time when it came to fights after a little while. We just made sure to avoid his ulti and let rip. I do believe its likely that he will get some sort of nerf... but i dont think he is the most OP hero we've seen over the years...


                                                          To be honest he doesn't need ALOT of farm to be such a good fighting hero. I have had games where by level 25 all the riki had was a basher and diffusal in terms of high quality items. He is most OP during team fights and can pick off squishy supports by himself with ease.

                                                          It's all because of his ulti, once you team fight 5v5 inside of it it's basically gg unless you can somehow get out, and even if you do manage to kill a bunch of their team it usually results in the riki getting out because while you were busy bursting the enemy that you can actually attack, riki was in his ulti, so he just ends up escaping and getting the XPM every single team fight.

                                                          This ease of getting XPM by not dying during team fights lets him unlock his talent tree, which by the way gives him the capability of making his ulti even more over powered, especially if he builds an aghs, which he is more than capable of by late game.

                                                          Though i rarely see him build aghs as he usually can kill you with MKB and skull basher>abyysal mini stuns before you can even get out of the ulti anyways, so no point in increasing duration by buying aghs for a low cooldown ulti to begin with.

                                                          He is by all means the easiest hero to pick off imo, but once you start losing team fights and the enemy team gains even a bit of momentum mid game/late game it's kinda gg unless you can constantly group up to destroy the riki's day.

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                                                            To counter Riki

                                                            The obvious is detection. Everyone thinks sentries and gem, but too many forget about Necronomicon
                                                            Buy force staffs to get out of smoke and Tricks of the Trade
                                                            Lots of popular heros counter him, Bounty Hunter, Zeus, Slardar, Bristleback but also heroes that have a long root such as naga, cm, and underlord. Riki still struggles with evasion and most low level Riki players do not think of going medallion into solar crest to alleviate this.
                                                            Don't get heroes that are fragile and only have an ability for escape such as Storm spirit, or Antimage.
                                                            Be aware that if your hero randomly seems like he stopped running, you just ran into a riki since he still has collision when invis.

                                                            People forget just how good PA is vs Rikis. Pa can tell if Riki is nearby with her passive disappearing and Riki will miss most of his attacks with her.

                                                            If he was to get a nerf, I would say make his invis cooldown longer. It would punish newer players when they are careless. Or you can buff Dust to last longer or slow more, because no one likes invis heroes.


                                                              I remember the old times when riki had invis at level 6. So riki players would feed until they got level 6, after that they dominate. Because no one buys detection lmao. But then they made blink strike charges ultimate which people hated for some reason. And then valve said fuck it, fused perma invis with backstab called it cloak and dagger and gave him a bullshit ultimate.



                                                                no kappa



                                                                  don't ever pick this hero you sick bastards D:

                                                                  Forget me not

                                                                    Riki core is suck at early game, and riki supp is even more useless than that. So just punish the weak lane man.