General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy Invoker not a safe lane hero?

Why Invoker not a safe lane hero? in General Discussion

    it's either lose badly in mid lane or 50/50
    also pretty much 100% dead when gank


      Because like every mid hero he needs lvl advantage to be effective, not gonna happen when your support is leeching your exp, also you can rotate to mid and turn those ganks into your advantage thats what TPs are for anyway.


        It's a carry-over from when Invokers were primarily Quas-Wex. Exort Invoker can actually lane anywhere but still gravitates towards mid.
        Also, yes Invo is a good late-game hero, so you could farm him up safelane, but wouldn't you prefer a Sven, or an AM, getting that safelane farm?


          voker only needs 2 items depending on the enemy lineup and those are 2 items out of aghanim, euls, blink and bkb... all his strength comes from lvls, not gold.