General Discussion

General DiscussionTB talent lvl 25

TB talent lvl 25 in General Discussion

    WTF!!!!every 5 seconds sunder?????
    just watched the game of liquied and fnatic,!whtat a show by Miracle using TB at his full potential!

    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      That lvl25 talent is broken. With 0 mana, you can cast it with no hesitation.


        also at lvl 20 you can have the enemy perma-hitting themselves with 6s cd reflection, way too strong tb!


          with 0.5s downtime


            You had 6 months to complain about this, where were you all this time? Oh, Liquid won 6 games with the hero, must make a thread about it. Get this reddit shit out of here.


              ^5 second sunder isn't even broken, the reflection talent is though


                At lvl 25,heroes should have enough burst/disablesto lock him down


                  it all depends on situation really, but in most situation that talent is pretty broken. you either have to nuke down tb first in teamfight, or leave him last. Just heaven halbread the fuck out of him. But terrorblade is just one hero, focusing so much just for 1 is realy not that great, which makes him very annoying late game

                  casual gamer

                    typical idiot redditor behavior

                    the talents only op if people fuck up badly or he has certain support