General Discussion

General DiscussionSmoke of deceit op

Smoke of deceit op in General Discussion
👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

    My vision hacks (wards) aren't working against them

    And they allows you to out wards aggressive unpredictably because you cant be seen

    Icefrog pls nerf

    And fellow low mmr, I advise you to use them while they are broken, they are extremely useful
    Also wards


      They aren't broken. That's the whole point of them, to be able to make aggressive plays without having to worry of being spotted by wards. Without them a lot of pro games would last for double the time they usually do.

      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

        I just say that they're severely underused in my bracket


          go buy them
          use when close to your carry
          watch him going straight to the closest creep and hitting it to make good use of the smoke

          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

            Not always with the carry, I gank alot as 3 actually

            And it is great to get wards also, not only for gank, so that's not a waste

            You are underestimating the game understanding of other players and/ or of communication


              pick bara
              charge somebody from an angle where you cross tower vision
              solo smoke beofre you do it
              have it popped randomly because somebody was farming close to you
              get bashed by roshan


                wasn't smoke nerfed? I mean it was like 50 gold and now its 80 I think

                People don't notice this if they never play support

                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                  Yes it was nerfed
                  Still one of the strongest items in the game

                  Also it was buffed in its restocking duration, overall I think it is now stronger

                  Also why would i charge across the map to gank? That sounds horrible, you charge across the map to get to a lane, if you want to gank get close, charge takes time you know

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                    I honestly feel wards are just an inconvenient Mechanic honestly and doesn't add much to the gameplay. The game would be just as playable and fun without the hassle of having to ward.


                      i charge to get bashed by roshan
                      or when my tp is on cooldown

                      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D


                        Have you ever heard about vision? It's like, one of the most dominant factors in the game


                          perservance provides consistant regen, thats much better bro. Kappa.

                          movement speed totally overrated. who needs to move. never buy boots.

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                          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                            I just going to keep a supply of clarities early that's fine

                            And if I am a brown boots bane at 40 minutes even then they are useful


                              can you... ah forget about it, i wont even bother


                                I play weaver why would I buy boots, my skills make me move faster already.

                                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                  I agree that with good lane he can get away without boots for a while, but after certain point it is really hard to play him without boots (and again, you need really good laning phase if you skip boots)
                                  I thin that if I would play weaver and get really nice start, I'll build diffusal first item then buy boots, than maybe dragon lance or linken depends on the game


                                    Don't buy smoke if you don't even knownhow to use it . WASTE OF GOLD!

                                    unbreakable spirit

                                      Playing a lot of pudge will make you learn the proper use of smoke xD

                                      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                        I use smokes to wrap around heroes i want to gank without getting spotted by wards and using the movement speed to be able to get behind and not chase forward, while ganking its a great opportunity to put aggressive wards. It os also useful to scout where the enemies have map control in hope that you can catch someone and get objectives and achieve more map control with it

                                        And I wouldn't say it's a waste of gold, it's 80 gold. I would say more that it's a waste of stock cd

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                                          pretty much the only time i get boots is late game BoT's. Lance and the lvl 15 str talent is usually enough survivability with weavers skills to get to linkens adn at that point you can just spam shukutchi and have no mobility problems.


                                            They already nerfed it hard with the addition of scan. Now develop your gamesense and learn when to back off when too many are missing from the map.

                                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                              I don't actually hate smoke and think it should be nerfed, I think that low mmr severely underutilizing this item
                                              That what I wanted to say


                                                One slot for a 400 gold item that just provides movement speed? If it were that important everyone should build core items involving movement speed like sny manta eul every game. I'm not saying don't get boots. Get it when you're ready. Early game you rarely need it and it just delays your items.

                                                I already know what some of you are going to say. you need it to keep up simply because everyone gets it. If that isn't the worst logic perpetuated as common wisdom, I don't know what is. Not every hero needs boots for movement speed. First movement speed differs across every hero. You're never going to keep up just because of innate movement speed differences. And if you already have a faster hero or are going other movement speed items, tell me again why you need to waste gold on an item unless for an important active ?

                                                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                  wow this guy does everything to convince himself he has logic about his thughts about game mechanics without idea of basic game mechanics

                                                  Story Time

                                                    he is trolling like 24/7, dont listen

                                                    low prio master

                                                      You not need wards if you not watch map

                                                      ♏mikeeCS ツ

                                                        low MMR doesnt need smoke because they dont have wards


                                                          The only time ppl in my bracket use SoD is when they camp enemies' fountain.

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