General Discussion

General Discussionwhen do you want to build a blink on jugg?

when do you want to build a blink on jugg? in General Discussion
Chao Vritra

    I know it is a good item because players in higher skill brackets than me build it. To me it is not a good item (I know I am wrong, and I just do not understand why it is good because I am lower MMR) because of the cost of it and the fast that as a hard carry one of your slots is taken up by a no stat item.

    So why exactly is it purchased? Is it specifically for moving around in ult? Or are there other uses? Is it for the sake of blinking and using abysall on an enemy?


      Buy it when you're getting engaged on and you die before using omnislash
      Blink+ult get you to survive the fight and win it eventually

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        this will be a "no shit" answer, but: when you want to initiate/follow up to an initiation from your team or when you want to chase people. its good with abyssal blade.

        Chao Vritra

          Do you still want to keep it as one of your 6 slots in a late game situation as a hard carry? is it that good?

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            depends, but generally no in my opinion.


              If u have someone u need to follow up like mag and slardar, or if you need to get on top of some hero like tinker and sniper

              no incoming chat

                Pretty much never. There are rare cases when I would buy it (can't get on top crucial enemy over and over again).


                  Offensively, it's for fast-as-possible follow up after your initiator starts the fight and/or to get on top of highly mobile/far away targets immediately.

                  Defensively, Omnislash, assuming your targets don't disappear/die too quickly, guarantees you a 3 second window for blink to be up. Blinking away from Omnislash's completion will give you breathing room to either escape to safety or to rejoin the fight after key enemy spells have been burned.


                    I ussually get it if my ult and positioning is more necessary than manfighting them with big itmems. Like against a PA who cant really escape, but also can die to my ult. I can catch her out of position. Jacked plays a lot of jugg wait for him to reply


                      to kill sth like sniper or tinker


                        I get it almost every game.


                          Side note.. i ussually lean towards silver edge in most games. Its just more stats and a break for that PA thats in every game it seems. And it serves almost the same purpose, though less reliably. Unless enemy supports are amazing, sentries are few and far between


                            positioning man

                            chicken spook,,,,

                              If u have someone u need to follow up like mag and slardar, or if you need to get on top of some hero like tinker and sniper


                                good mobility item for killing 1 key hero in before or in team fight


                                  imagine Sniper on the other team.


                                    When you want to afk farm faster


                                      when you need to burst someone down/need extra mobility.
                                      good item on jugg, you can use it to jump on someone/run away by using omnislash then blink.


                                        + solo kill potential


                                          for outfarming am ofc


                                            u buy bf-blink and guarantee 5 slot in 30 min
                                            jk. blink is always have purpose in any hero im suprise if u still think blink is useless on specific hero
                                            edit : even fvcking force staff is good for jugg

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                                            Uuun TAnkA

                                              Catch a split pushing tinker... It's great with spin and like mentioned above it works amazingly well after initiation from the likes of magnus etc.

                                              69 god

                                                I don't exactly know it, but maybe it helps in pushing high ground. Maybe to kill a sniper or some hero. Sometimes you gotta catch up on few heroes like anti mage. The basher isn't always enough. Blink helps me against anti mage on troll warlord a lot. Basically it is made to get enough mobility depending on the opposition team.


                                                  used to almost never get it, and now i almost always get it... so good to close the gaps, if u time it right u can jump mid omnislash


                                                    Good answers all around. I too struggle to know when to build it. Mobility is Super good on a hero like jug. Positioning Super important for jug so he likes to get blink sometimes. Used to get it almost all the time but being a scrub I also don't like that it takes up a slot. experimenting with getting it less.

                                                    Mobility is important because ur squishy and u have a short time to follow up on an initiation usually. So as u can tell it's more important in fast pace games (high mmr)


                                                      U usually hit a point on jugg with a couple items where u can kill anyone, and have a get-out-of-jail-free card in spin, but u lack the ability to jump on people, which is where blink comes in. Speeds ur farm a bit, helps u split push safer, and catch out key targets u want to kill.


                                                        You don’t.


                                                          almost everytime

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