General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy doesnt nobody want to support in 4k?

Why doesnt nobody want to support in 4k? in General Discussion
Forget me not

    @Chinese Santa sometime i got matched with 5 supp player at the same team at sea.


      well, not solo win a game, but as a core you cancertainly win with very minimal teammate contribution. as a support you need at least 1 fully-functional core.

      Gyattysburg Addrizz

        Alright, can I offer a theory as to why there’s so many retarded carries and why nobody wants to support?

        I think that most people start off at low mmr where they can carry their games very easily by doing some rinse lather repeat strat, and eventually this stops working. They keep playing their carries (rather shittily) only thinking back to their lower mmr games where they stomped and that’s why they are unable to understand they’re not playing well, because since they crushed at 2k they think they’re the shit in 4K.


          The above post is entirely correct. This is why so many of my 3k and 4k friends play more on their 1-2k smurfs or turbo/overthrow than their main accounts. They can no longer progress as a mid/carry player and simply want to regain that feeling of "ez farm, ez win" because their current MMR level no longer allows farm=win since they hit their physical limits that Jugg/PA/Invoker/Tinker/SF/Sven/Luna/Medusa/AM/Sniper can carry them, and most don't take the game seriously enough to learn either new heroes, new roles, or how to be a better teammate.

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            After i climbed from 2-3k hell i expected much better teamplay....

            Better teamplay but you can't adjust to what your team needs?


              OP is low prio. Wonder why :thinking:


                If you do your role (slot 5) well, even a bad core can have a good game... Most of this is drafting though. And in-game itemization...

                Trust me, you enable your core to snowball as the slot 5 support... I play in the ditch of Dota and I usually see my cores get quite good games unless we are seriously out-drafted.

                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!