General Discussion

General DiscussionThere is no such thing as an unwinnable game....

There is no such thing as an unwinnable game.... in General Discussion
Chao Vritra something I believed strongly in...until this game

    Outside of picking a different hero I am not sure this game was winnable in any way. I don't even know what happened. This guy went crazy that he didnt get hard carry. Went offlane weaver...I got stuck supporting AM top. Some other guy went roaming riki even though I said I was roaming...The other team even had a jungler and we lost lol. Omni was being dumb with his Q and we found some easy kills on him.

    I did die twice (after bloodseeker had a significant gold and level advantage), but even if I had not I do not think this game was winnable in any way. Weaver started feeding intentionally after his lane went sour. He started spamming stuff in voice chat, was not sure what, I muted him at that point.

    But that is half the problem. Not the trolls themselves but the people that will waste time responding to these people rather than playing.

    Oh well just a rant topic. Not out to convince anybody otherwise but up until this game I pretty much believed in 'every game is winnable' I even tried hard until the very end.

    maybe this game is a lesson not to spam pudge and not to pick him too early. Idk.

    but yeah every game is not winnable there are broken souls playing this game that have given up completely and exist only to torture other players who have not given up. That is what I have concluded.

    edit: the good news is ever since turning on strict solo matchmaking this stuff has been more rare. Just dumb, I won the last 4 ranked games in a row. Valve could not end the streak with a fair balanced game just has to give us a psycho kid screaming on mic with 300 hours in dota the last 2 weeks intentionally feeding. oh well i still love this game but y

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      Please. Stop. You're 3k after 6,000 games. You have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to winning or determining a game's outcome. Few 6k+ players have figured that shit out, let alone you, or me.

      Chao Vritra

        Please stop what? right, i do not understand what I am talking about. that is why I make topics on dotabuff, to learn. I already recognize my pick as being a bad choice but I am just trying to establish if this game was winnable in any way with that specific composition in that specific circumstance. This isn't an 'I am amazing and my team is newb feeders why i lose' topic. I am looking for insight as to what I could have done differently this game.

        And yes I am 3k after 6000 games. But that does not discourage me I know someone who climbed from 3k to 5k in 3 months after being 3k for 5 years of playing dota. Also I have been a pretty casual player most of my career and played with a consistent 5 stack for years and we played for fun.


          There are a lot of Games that are unwinnable in fair match mAking. You wouldn't know how to win it but a 6k would.

          wake up :)

            @stentorian teach me dotska pls

            Chao Vritra

              Yeah, that is mostly why I made this thread (Though I did make it right after the game so I was venting and a bit angry when I made it lol...) But I assumed a high MMR player would have known how to win the game, despite some intentional feeding from weaver. Just trying to figure out what I could have done differently.

              At the very least like I said it has definitely made me want to spam my main less and start picking later and trying to pick stronger.

              Player 281121816

                Well, im single supporting 1st pick am luna sf and single supporting 4 carry last game,and they trashtalking with alien language too

                I feel your pain brother


                  Apparently you need to be 5k+ with under 1000 hours on dota to give your opinion on any topic in this forum. Even more cancerous than dota itself


                    I would have focused mid because invoker is the easiest target for you and to help sf snowball while invoker plays catch up = ez win. Instead Somehow sf had a really bad game and invoker was farmed Af. This does not make sense to me at all. Unless it was like a 3v1 with omni and silencer or something?

                    I would focus on this aspect and say this is where you coulda really stepped it up. Who cares what weaver was doing.

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                    chicken spook,,,,

                      Just move on


                        u are just a noob m8

                        Chao Vritra

                          I would have focused mid because invoker is the easiest target for you and to help sf snowball while invoker plays catch up = ez win. Instead Somehow sf had a really bad game and invoker was farmed Af. This does not make sense to me at all. Unless it was like a 3v1 with omni and silencer or something?

                          I would focus on this aspect and say this is where you coulda really stepped it up. Who cares what weaver was doing.

                          Well this is the problem with games like this. It was not even the feeding weaver that ruined the game. It was the fact that shadow fiend was stopping his game to type to the weaver. That was more harmful to us than the bad weaver himself.

                          And yeah I should not have made this topic directly after the game it came off as a venty complaining about dota topic. I did not really intend for that, I am over it now obviously but I am still curious as to what I could have done differently in case I run into this situation again.

                          Like I said I realize a high MMR player would know a way to win with the same hero in the same circumstance. I just want to try to learn a little bit of that even if it means I only understand 1 percent of it and 99 percent of it is foreign to me. That is all the more I have learned about dota.

                          dont be thrilled by this ...

                            bad draft = ez lose. end of story ... u can only win with bad draft if enemy players act very poor. otherwise if all players are sane and have good supps on both teams, bad draft leads to lose no matter how hard u try

                            Mlada i Luda

                              @Chao_Vritra . 5k+ games and you realised it now ?!!!!!! i mean even someone who dont play the game at all is able to know that much jsut by using basic logic. i mean every 6-7 + years old , healthy mentally.

                              overthway c.ronaldo would have won every game in the last 3 years which he is know as the best football player in world.


                                It's just hilarious when normal skill people make claims like "every game is winnable".

                                It's like a fat guy giving advice on how to lose weight.

                                If you knew jack about winning, you wouldn't be below 3k.

                                So I hope someone else gives you the validation you badly need.


                                  My Guess is u stayed in safelane and did nothing all game. If so u have no right to complain about sf not playing the game but typing.


                                    There are a lot of Games that are unwinnable in fair match mAking. You wouldn't know how to win it but a 6k would.

                                    this is a fair point

                                    but u should be trying to play like 10k jesus descended to grant your pleb teammates mmr, not aspiring to play like the "average" player at your mmr


                                      We have no say in what others want to aspire to. I'm sure u feel like Jesus in herald bracket tho


                                        I mean in normal ranked games. 9 people trying to grief and me clicking spells on people isnt even dota and shouldnt count as such

                                        I mean if u lose a game u shouldnt think “only a 7k player could win this, how sad.” instead u should ask urslef what a 7k would do that u didn’t. it doesnt always boil down to “lane better”,

                                        u can save a game by cutting one crucial wave at 36 minutes as support ww, or buy euls on disruptor and save your pa from that 14/3/7 axe’s call by being in the right position


                                          That's a good mindset to have. Some people would rather focus on the negative though

                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!