General Discussion

General DiscussionHELP ON RAISING MMR

HELP ON RAISING MMR in General Discussion
Bobby P.

    Guys im stuck at 2.9k my highest is 2970 and it's like there is a curse here in SEA. I can play any role very well and I maintain my PMA in every ranked match. The thing is, I am not the problem in the team and most of the times that I play support (4/5) and we have an early gold lead, my carry will just go shit and not go straight for objectives like t2 or untouched t1 enemy tower and for a player like me, I know how they should and when they should fight and take objectives but they just wont listen and end up dying terribly. I play core but I decided to play support as I always pick last for my team becase there is a 90% chance that all 4 players will go core heroes. I can play core really well but from my past experience of spamming core hero, about 3 games, none of them have a support on my team. So I just watched a youtube video that one way to raise mmr is through RAT. Is there any comprehensive guide on certain heroes where I can play core hero jungle even with no fucking support and just dominate the 10minute mark of the game? Thanks

    chicken spook,,,,

      it's like there is a curse here in SEA.



        if you're playing support, try taking command of the team. im sure ur good at it if ur watching lots of pro games. come back and share your result

        try to be nice when commanding/asking, or they wont follow it. bring smokes, everyone love smokes, and last but not least, when theres someone feeding hard, dont blame them. tell them to farm safely, tell them where to farm, and ward the place.

        at least thats what i do. im on sea too and no game is unwinnable if you can take command

        chicken spook,,,,

          u dont have to be a support to be the guy in charge but okay


            try to be a postive guy thank me later xd


              or just delete dota 2


                u can have great impact on any rrole. but try to pick core first if u really want to. u dont need support.


                  why not just play mid and then RAT


                    @_@ Alice Nakiri my waifu :((

                    and yea, play disruptor. you got 71^% wr.

                    lou mai gai

                      Don't blame the server, there will be toxic players everywhere you go. Focus on a few positions and stick to it, 1/2 or 3/4/5. Different positions require different game and laning mechanics, focus on a few positions that you think you are good in and improve from there, I'm sure your mmr will go up along with it.


                        or play morph.

                        no incoming chat

                          Promo code BSJ. Not kiddin. Also keep in mind that in the current patch farming seems way more important than in the last one. It might hurt your team to fight constantly. As a carry, it's way better to focus on the economy right now. If you support, play with the enemy team an economy game - stack your jungle, block their ancients etc. Also, in every game ask yourself a question - which lane is the most important one? In lower brackets I've seen many times supports leaving their AM vs dual offlane, just to gank mid. That's a TERRIBLE PLAY. Or they just gank the heroes who don't give a fuck about it like Medusa, sacrificing their own safe lane, who can't flash farm like her. Even if she dies 5 times in the laning stage it will hurt your team way more than not securing early BF on AM because she can flash farm with minimal farm.

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                            There is no magic trick to raise your mmr other than getting better than the people in the bracket you're playing in and winning games because of that. The approach on focusing on only 2 or 3 positions is bad in my opinion. You need to be able to play every position at least decently. Pick 3-4 heroes you think you can play well in each position and keep practicing them. Dont extend your hero pool too far beyond that. The heroes you're playing should be determined by which heroes you're comfortable with and if they are good in the current patch then just go ahead and play them.

                            I was stuck in the depths of 4k for a very long time. I even quit dota for a year because of my university and i came back about a year ago. At that time i was ~4.6k mmr. I dropped to 3.9k as soon as i started playing because my skills obviously weren't as sharp after such a long break. I was stuck in that bracket for quite some time thinking that my teammates are the problem until i realized it was me playing like shit all along. So i decided to practice more to start improving and reached 5k around the end of the last patch (7.06). After that i kept practicing in unranked for the new patch and new ranked season. I calibrated divine 0 with 5058 solo mmr and since then i kept playing got to divine 3, 5569 mmr.

                            My point is that you should stop looking for the magical formula to improve your play and start focusing on your own game and playing for yourself so you can get better.


                              If anybody want to give their Dota2 3k account just please PM me at since I am a noob and always will be :((


                                Try picking shaman, even if ur carries are braindead and they dont push, do the job for them. U are also creating space for ur carry and choking ur opponents. And u can also secure a good lead early game with shaman if not countered properly.


                                  @umbranox what did u focus on ?


                                    You cant lead the team if you are playng core...


                                      What? You lead the team to victory in mid game once u have farm.


                                        Go roam and tilt their mid

                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                          You cant lead the team if you are playng core...


                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                            Pub dota =/= pro dota


                                              WOW. So gud win

                                              supp0rt picker
                                                Этот комментарий был удален

                                                  you could lead team by playing any position, but there's a reason why team captain is always pos 4-5 lmao.


                                                    I understand ur feeling and situation bcz im a sea server player too who ply support. Yup im a lower bracket player same as u so i lnw exactly hw u feel. Sea server has more toxic player actually for my thought as a lot of thm ply rank even though thy are almost a newbie to dota. Some of thm even said so wat its jst a game i didnt serious though after feeding so dmn much and cause the game lost. So bck to wat u asking i think u can spam some sup tht are great in this meta like shaman bcz he gt buff a lot. I knw is boring to spam hero same as i but i think is the way to get through lower bracket for us


                                                      Being captain says nothing about your pos or shot calling. Look at EE. And rtz would call shots late game usually. That's how it goes.


                                                        From the mid game... And you still have to last hit and stack and watch for solo kill etc...
                                                        I explained bad...
                                                        You cant lead WELL you team as a core.

                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                          Implying you need that much focus to play core in sub 5k decently xDDDDDDDD

                                                          chicken spook,,,,




                                                              Pick Bone Fletcher on mid, ez 5k


                                                                I don't know very much at all but i do know that you should 1st or 2nd pick support. Hope that helps.


                                                                  Was 2.9k 2 weeks ago now 3.3k play ranged carry then don't die. Enemy team throws so much at our mmr so I just play drow or sniper play backline and win. This is coming from a diehard support player btw I don't even play carry till recent.

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                                                                    @Jacked I mostly focused on my versatily. At the beggining of the game i would let my teammates take their preferred positons and i'd play whatever position is left. That also kinda reduces the amount of games that would end with someone from my team intentionally feeding or trolling if he didnt get to play his position. So most of the games I would play either support or offlane. In terms of supporting i would usually try to firstpick a hero which is relatively versatile and can fit into most lineups like Shadow shaman. I played that hero so many times during the last patch (80+ games) and with every game i would try to learn more about my early game timings and movements as a position 5 support. In this patch he feels even stronger without the PMS on so many offlaners. Your base dmg on level 1 without a single stat item is crazy (74). He's really good at contesting runes and securing first bloods. I would usually try to steal the first blood from my carry so i could get my boots and wind lace asap because he really needs them to have a big impact during the early game. If you think your safelane has little chance to kill the offlaner on level one then just skill ether shock because its one of the best lvl 1 single target nukes in the game (140 dmg for 95 mana). That paired with the autoattacks can completely zone out most of the offlaners. Around minute 4, when the night falls, try to smoke (preferably together with your pos 4) and gank mid. My skillbuild most of the games was 3-0-2 by lvl 5 because you usually don't have enough mana to support using Hex before you get Arcane Boots, and low levels of hex are pretty trash. After that skill ult and look for the opportunity to kill the midlaner or the offlaner and take their tower with the snakes. As the game goes later never underestimate how important farming is on this hero. With maxed out Ether shock you can kill the whole creepwave in a few seconds. You can also easily farm all the small and medium jungle camps quickly (except for mud golems and centaurs). After Arcane boots get a mobility item (force or blink) and keep shoving the creepwaves to create as much space as you can for the rest of your team to move around the map. Don't be afraid to die sometimes while you're splitpushing because the enemy team is most of the time committing more for killing you than what they gain from it, after all you're just a poor position 5.
                                                                    I could talk a lot about some other heroes that i played while i was climbing (Dark Seer, Nature's prophet, Doom, Tide, Sven) but i'm a bit too lazy to do it right now.

                                                                    CMNT ♥

                                                                      Play Earthshaker and make wonders!

                                                                      Eeeeeechoooo slaaam!

                                                                      pos5 with carry hero,ez g...
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                                                                        supp0rt picker

                                                                          cheat is here. find 5 hightest winrate support hero on dota buff and keep spamming them. right now is VS Shaman AA Lich Orge. way to go

                                                                          supp0rt picker

                                                                            and CM


                                                                              Hahaha can't raise mmr in legend because u r bad noob 1x1


                                                                                overfarm and play with the opponent's mind normally the best thing is to make you fear the whole game so you can farm better haha.

                                                                                Normally that is why many go midlane because you get more level and you can create a bigger impact, fuck lines etc.

                                                                                I feel writing bad English


                                                                                  Get support CM and your levels for the attack speed. Transition to core. EZ


                                                                                    My suggestion is that you should 3rd pick, and try to be more concerned on your team and enemy draft.(you can fill what role is available at the time)

                                                                                    Cause there would always be that guy who will pick am or invok no matter the draft.

                                                                                    But yeah don't be too pessimistic, at times there are some people who would pick support first.

                                                                                    Been working great for me so far

                                                                                    Good luck on your journey sir

                                                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                      git gud, i just got to 3k

                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!