General Discussion

General DiscussionBacktrack is reintroduced...Void fans where you at?

Backtrack is reintroduced...Void fans where you at? in General Discussion

    I am surprised that there isnt a single video or thread about the reintroduction of backtrack to faceless void.

    this ability is so fuckin op.

    cant truestike with mkb or anything, only break mechanics can disable it, and those arent very effective.

    imo, this hero just got the best buff in this patch, a hero with 5 abilities basically

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    Riguma Borusu

      it is not whether it is op or not it is just retarded by design


        ^ur goddamn right it is

        Story Time

          so much random chance in dota, that i might become pro by chance

          no incoming chat

            Radiance Void is back. HP Talents, Range Talent, Backtrack, unkillable.


              Waga build is ok, but i am looking at the glass canon builds pre 6.85
              Cause u also get 300 hp at lvl 15 not 20.


                ... It's still lvl 25. Lots of other stupid-good talents were introduced to lvl 25. I don't share your optimism, allthough I would loathe to see Void reign supreme like old dota.

                white boy summer

                  i'm expecting game lenghts to be like 30 mins this patch. laning stage seems straight forward, higher base dmg heroes win cause denies dont give dogshit to the enemy, maybe we could see 1v1 mids back since it's too narrow to gank? idk. and carries can easily reach those retarded 25 talents to close the game. also no shrines


                    I started playing post 6.86, so i dont know how its like.
                    As for talent tree...i agree it is 25 after all amongst a galore of other good lvl25 talent.

                    Games will probably last longer due to the higher tower hp/armor...and the comeback mechanics improved from 0.75_1.25 to .70_1.3.

                    so there is mistake and bamm, 7k gold swing

                    Riguma Borusu

                      mids with lower base damage will need more help than ever since they are going to be completely rekt by heroes who can deny more easily


                        ^^bloodseeker will demolish some mid matchups.
                        I guess midlaners will skip bottle and just buy double null talisman or queling blade