General Discussion

General DiscussionAeon Disk? More like Aegis

Aeon Disk? More like Aegis in General Discussion
Cheap Laugh Guy

    It's just +1 life every time it's off cooldown
    And even worse it reduces the duration of debuffs including stun by 25%
    2.5 seconds no damage will be taken if the user's below 80% of max HP
    To bring a carry to below 80% you would need to initiate and use disables or else he just walks away
    So after that you need to hold this guy for another 2.5 seconds and more but you've used your stun to initiate
    And so he TPs or Blinks away
    One would need to commit a Shadow Shaman's disable or a painful Legion's Duel to actually kill that guy

    Sure it cost 4k gold and give shitty bonuses but it ensures you will never get solo killed
    It's great for split pushing
    Imagine heroes like Puck or Ember just can't fucking die with it and keep split pushing, making you commit heroes to defend

    Riguma Borusu

      every hero is abaddon now

      not impossible to kill but you have to tackle him in a specific way if he builds this

      btw you still die while split pushing if someone can cancel your TP

      btw your blink will be on cooldown since this lasts 2.5 seconds and blink needs 3 since the last damage instance to come off cooldown

      Story Time

        indeed perfect versus legion, but then again the stats it gives it does not fit any hard carry at all

        playinginursockdrawer mm soc

          Eul's effectively nullifies the item tho

          Riguma Borusu

            Well, no shit.

            Eul's effectively nullifies the item tho

            every hero is abaddon now

            playinginursockdrawer mm soc

              ik but the OP was glorifying the item like a free life. Although it'll be painful af to gank people with this item as he said

              Riguma Borusu

                I am pretty sure that you have way better choices for an anti gank item as far as the gold is concerned.

                Like, get a bkb for 200 more gold, euls+blink maybe?

                playinginursockdrawer mm soc

                  Yeah but that requires skill and I can guarantee that this item's going to be in my tanky offlaner's builds

                  Riguma Borusu

                    I guess this is kind of a replacement for lotus orb in some sense since its a dumpster tier item now

                    meteor hammer

                      does le nullifier counter it?

                      Dire Wolf

                        It should since it's a mute and mutes items.


                          Imagine Aeon disk plus linkens plus bkb and 3 dmg items on the carry in ultra late game, sounds pretty OP on paper.

                          Riguma Borusu

                            ^and then your carry dies anyway because he can't kill anyone because he has no damage

                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              pretty sure mute preserves item passives similarly to how silence preserves hero passives

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                anyway the item is garbage

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Don't think it's worth the slot but will be super annoying on heroes like axe and centaur who just want to spam blade mail and keep living.

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    it brings the damage u deal town to 0% so getting it on bm carriers defeats the whole purpose of the item

                                    no incoming chat

                                      It's garbage. If it was active then nice, but passive it's pretty shit. There are many situations when I'm lower than 80% & have minor chance to die, support hits me once & 4000 gold item goes on cd for 100s. Or I initiate on their really important hero, get him to 30% hp & then he survives because my item triggers & I deal no dmg to him anymore. How is that good? Stats are aweful. It's the most garbage item that was ever created.

                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                        Can't you simply put it in your backpack when you're about to fight? This doesn't strike me as a fighting item. More like a pure split-pusher item.


                                          as a note it triggers when your health is at 80% not when your health is at 20%, it seemed like some of you may have been confused, dont hate me if this is not the case.


                                            i just do not understand how tf this item wud be used


                                              supports that dont deal a lot of damage and want to ensure they get their spells off. Mostly heroes who want to avoid getting bursted down and dont care that they cant do damage. Pucks probably the only core who will get it.


                                                This is like zhonya's hourglass but with shorter cd + mobility. LoL item lol


                                                  I see it being decent on Warlock or something who keeps getting blown up at the start of fights before he can throw his spells. Not sure how a warlock is meant to farm this though but his skillset kinda fits the idea of the item.

                                                  no incoming chat

                                                    ^Or u can just get Aghs/Refresher for the similar amount of gold. It's not like Warlock dies in 1s every fight. Item is just garbage.


                                                      how do u play lc against this item

                                                      no incoming chat

                                                        ^You just don't duel target with this item & if u really want, you just go for Aghs. I don't think it's a good counter vs LC (u most likely go for Aghs at some point). Linken is still better.

                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                          this is a situational defensive item on someone like oracle, dazzle, wyvern, io (those who function around saves, not damage) and batrider, darkseer, magnus, axe (teamfight disable, where they dont need to be a dmg dealer)
                                                          basically it prevents the enemy from trying to pick off that one hero cuz theyll get aeon disked after blowing their shit on someone, so they wud now get turned on with said teamfight/save
                                                          maybe even on silencer or smth
                                                          this kinda makes sense now

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