General Discussion

General Discussionwhy is mirana safelane so popular now?

why is mirana safelane so popular now? in General Discussion

    Her right click doesn't scale as well as others, doesn't have enough mana to flash farm, amazing ult that have nothing to do with carrying. Is it just invis abuse to damage enemy economy?


      Being acitve early on, no long cooldowns, comes online with only a few cheep items. Ppl Play pugna safelane...


        mirana right click doesnt scale well OKAY

        не говори по РУ

          mirana right click doesnt scale well OKAY

          Dire Wolf

            -Her agility growth is 3.6, second highest in the game next to morphling.
            -She has AMAZING right click talents- 8 agility at 10, 30 attack speed at 15, 50 dmg at 20, 100 attack speed leap buff at 25.
            -Her ult buff is long 27% uptime, it's a pretty good attack speed buff.
            -She flash farms incredibly well with just aghs. You can just rush aghs and then farm every single big item you need as well as doing a ton of dmg in fights so she comes online early.
            -Doesn't need baby sitting in lane with her escape, better than average attack range and a stun.

            Honestly surprised she's not mainly ran as a carry. She is more like a mid though with her playmaking ability and wanting to fight early than a traditional safe lane.

            Riguma Borusu

              Mirana with:


              Does 2600 physical DPS (ranged at that).

              Juggernaut with:


              Does 2400 physical DPS.

              Both heroes have one defensive item (linkens/manta) and both heroes have a typical lategame build + all preferred damage/AS talents.

              Now let's see ultimates:

              Mirana - a teamfight winning ultimate
              Juggernaut - one of the worst and most unreliable carry ultimates in the game

              Mirana can farm just as fast as juggernaut, there's no reason to spam spells for farming since your rightclicks do so much damage. Again, I repeat, with a typical item and talent build that miranas go for, she has really good right click damage. Don't forget this. It's very important.

              If Mirana's right clicks don't scale, then neither do juggernaut's, stop playing juggernaut as a carry, jeez guys.

              Also there's basically no reason to go aghs on mirana most games, just don't buy it, buy a fucking maelstrom instead, she hits really hard anyways.

              Этот комментарий был изменён

                I experience mirana as "i can Play this Hero position 5 and still be highest net worth at 30 min, setting up ganks and pushing non Stop"


                  She's a situational carry though, I like her more as offlane


                    I mean, she doesn't have tools like bonus damage(drow, tiny) glaives, natural crit, move speed or attack speed slow, like traditional carries, her right click does way less damage than luna, drow or sniper with the same items.


                      try testing with the same items

                      Riguma Borusu

                        Yeah because different heroes totally build the same items, that's how dota works, guys.

                        Mirana's lvl 10, 15, 20 and 25 talents have choices to increase her attack damage.

                        Mirana has more damage steroids than slark does, yet he's somehow a carry. Better stat gain than most heroes, yet they are carries and she's not? With a proper setup, her arrow can carry the game, too. Five seconds of disable on the enemy carry is a plenty of damage, even if mirana didn't have a lot of it.

                        Luna is an AoE carry and she can deal a plenty of damage in an AoE, but Mirana still has stronger single target damage then a luna with a typical luna build. Luna has to max glaives early to be able to flash farm as soon as possible, where mirana just goes around killing people and farming camps in the meantime.

                        I mean, it's stupid to compare heroes just based on their lategame potential right clicks, when one hero doesn't let the other one get to the lategame at all. Mirana might have a hard time going high ground against sniper (like most heroes), but if that sniper is anywhere except in his base, he is likely to be jumped by a mirana ult and killed off. She has ways to close distance on a sniper or just make it hard for him to take a fight in general.

                        There are all sorts of things that qualify a hero to be a carry, but if you think mirana has none, that's just fucking dumb.

                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                          Wtf mirana has everything a carry would want. Sick stat growth, wave clear, ranged, talenta that empower her right click, mobility, high solo kill potential, teamfight ability


                            mirana doesnt have traditional carry tools in the dmg boosting skill, besides maybe leap
                            what she does have is gr8 stat gain, and incredible talents
                            also i think u take triple arrow even as a carry, cuz the leap attack speed duration got nerfed and just the potential of landing 2 arrows is enough to pick it imo


                              "traditional carry" this Patch Kappa


                                Mirana is good as a carry, especially this patch when u want something self-sufficient and coming online early on your safe lane

                                Pale Mannie

                                  braindead attack range WAOW good luck not getting kited by her + ez lane harass. potm players think they're good BabyRage


                                    You still get more out of her offlane. She destroys offlane, especially with a support.

                                    Farm+core+destroy enemy main core


                                      She can solo, can farm even when under pressure. Her ult is like a free smoke of deceit, can be used to gank/escape, 5 secOnds stun if you have proper setup(e.g axe, void, bane, shaman).
                                      I dont really like her as a support, i prefer her as core

                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                        why does the biggest wall of text always have to be the most worthless reply


                                          Tldr: mirana so op she should be green


                                            I remember being surprised at how hard Mirana right clicks. Then I was like yea that's a carry right there. Not your shitty juggernauts


                                              Dude, juggernaut is good if you know how to play jugg, you can dodge berserker call with manta, dodge echo

                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                You can be a retard and still be a 5k player guys


                                                  maybe aquilla
                                                  gg wp

                                                  ps. min 25-30 max

                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                    ^blight is meh imo
                                                    her early game is mostly magical dmg, how much does blight rlly benefit her
                                                    otherwise id consider lance
                                                    rest of ur suggestions r good imo

                                                    Cheap Laugh Guy



                                                        If you want to get better at the game and learn, S$TFU if you don't know shit and just think. Only talk after you've tried things out or are completely certain -> Like me


                                                          ^i just dont pretend to be completely certain about something i dont understand unlike u
                                                          u dont know shit either, but u think u do


                                                            You guys are nuts

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              That jug build is really shitty. Jug with his super insane bat has to go abyssal and stun lock people, otherwise why even play him? Also mkb on jug is bad unless you need true strike. I probably wouldn't want skadi jug either. Give me phase, abyssal, manta, diffusal (you have to consider melee illusions burning mana here, ups his dps a lot), butter, mjollnir.


                                                                Jug and mirana are both good.

                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                  His illusions were included in the calculations. Even if you take abyssal you have to remember that it will not help his DPS much, abyssal is no longer a damage item. You want MKB most games because evasion and miss chance are so commonplace now, and MKB is really good with his low bat since it has a pretty high proc chance and allows him to deal magical damage to high armor targets too.

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