General Discussion

General Discussionone of the things holding u back

one of the things holding u back in General Discussion

    U dont pick smart, u pick heroes in ranked for 'fun', e.g. rubick,am, slark, first pick invoker, offlane pudge

    start picking smart, picking meta, counterpick enemy and u will gain at least 500 mmr


      The worst thing about ranked mmr is when carry or mid player wait for the last pick and counter himself.

      Eg. Am pick into Sven and bloodseeker. Or last pick Tinker into Storm Spirit and Spirit Breaker. I can give examples till tommorow. Wk into Invoker and PL.

      Funny is that you play such a game and see that enemies make tons of mistakes, but if you make one - your team instantly lose. Your draft is so shitty that no matter how much you gank them, there is no way to win the game, because your core is instantly dead every tf, you cannot push, def all the time etc. I have no idea how to win such games, but I guess if you can, you hit your mileston and gain 500 mmr instantly.

      Another problem that I have to deal with (besides playing drunk and very tired what makes my positioning and decision making shitty) is when I happen to help dominate all lanes with pos 4 support or roamer. After that our core feels so confident that he skip basic item such as BKB. I dont know how many games I recently lost due to our core not having bkb. Why bkb - we are dominating - I dont need it against invoker as a Wraith King. Whole team ask WK to buy bkb, but its like talking to a wall. Thats another problem I cant seem to deal with.

      Этот комментарий был изменён

        well i play International ranked for fun. i pick heroes i just feel like playing that i know im not good with and as a result my int ranked mmr is 1000 lower.

        i use it when im bored of going try hard. you get reported a lot but who cares.

        i found having a low behavour score can be a good thing cos you can take a p4 like bara. gank mid twice and he is tilted for the rest of the game.


          Im talking about usual ranked
          Another bane of pubs is randoming no matter if it's a 1st pick or last pick
          For 200 gold u get a chance to random io and rerandom meepo or some easy-to-counter-super-situational-hero and thus lose the game from the start if no one can play a randomed hero properly in your team

          I dont understand why dont they prohibit random in ranked, it's a competitive mode

          Only 2k morons think that 200 gold worth getting an awful pick with a huge chance


            wk vs voker and pl is good


              The randoming in ranked topic has gone on for years. answer would be two seperate queues. one with randoming option one without. or each player is allowed to random only once per week.

              however randoming is very popular. most people do not want the option removed and so it never will be


                u think u can troll a 3k+ player like that or what?

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Don't pick heroes just because they are "meta". "Meta" is just a human-made thing. If you pick a hero without understanding its purpose, just because they are "meta", you are better off picking something else you are more comfortable with.


                    is that why you're 3k, because you think playing meta heroes or counter picking every game will give you mmr?

                    at best it'll give you an inflation of 100-200 mmr

                    Story Time

                      in 2017 people still think that bloodseeker is a counter of AM, so sad :(


                        Don't pick heroes just because they are "meta". "Meta" is just a human-made thing. If you pick a hero without understanding its purpose, just because they are "meta", you are better off picking something else you are more comfortable with.

                        hell no, of course you dont first pick meta mid hero e.g. its bad idea to first pick necrophos, you will get AA in the enemy team if u r not in potato bracket

                        however, meta includes heroes which are either broken or most effective right now, so it's optimal to pick meta heroes when u can

                        is that why you're 3k, because you think playing meta heroes or counter picking every game will give you mmr?
                        at best it'll give you an inflation of 100-200 mmr

                        Ive seen people who were spamming spirit breaker in this patch/treant in previous patch and gained 1k+ cos heroes are broken


                          @Story Time

                          There is always that one guy that will completely not contribute in the topic, just comment someone's mistake in your opinion. Pls gtfo.

                          Go ahead pick AM vs Sven and bloodseeker in 1 team. We will see how you play around it.

                          Back to the topic. Everyone talk about necrophos. What about Centaur or Winter Wywern - they both have very high win rate (52% for support is very high, cent has even more)

                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                            I think concentrating on what you can control and improve on (i.e. Yourself) and accept what you can't control (Lord Gaben granting you idiots as teammates) is the key to raising MMR.
                            I am certainly enlightened about this point with Saint Cuki's guide. I would recommend you take a read.



                              i've seen hundreds more people who spammed highly picked meta heroes and moved nothing.

                              you're talking about the 1/100 who are an exception, in which case i'll respond with the 1/100 who do the same with ltierally any other hero


                                The thing that was holding me back was my behaviour, I would flame people if they would flame me etc.

                                Now if someone flames me I just instant mute and play the game, there have been games where I've muted 3/4 people in my team.

                                But it seems like it's working because I'm climbing again, I do think that my behaviour is the reason why I've never reached 5k.


                                  i get tilted way too easy

                                  i expect people to understand as much as i do, then i think i have retarded teammates when in reality theyre just average


                                    Lack of motivation
                                    I just queue games and not think much about anything


                                      Draft matters on equal skill level


                                        how are people actually arguing against this?

                                        counterpicking and picking meta heroes is absolutely the right thing to do, how's the op's mmr relevant?


                                          I think people trying to make a point that picking meta hero doesn't translate to auto rising mmr.
                                          Picking a meta hero AND being GOOD at the hero is the key here.



                                            what gecko said^

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              Actually, just being good at a select pool of heroes and spamming them is a translate to auto rising MMR.
                                              Basically be GOOD and you're set.


                                              Mlada i Luda

                                                draft is shitty 99% of the times in 4k below. thats why by spaming your best hero/role( doesnt matter meta or not). will decrease the 'bad variances', if you try to counter pick , or 'synergise' with your team your wasting time.


                                                  That arc warden phase madness spammer guy built madness against slardar + lifestealer deso ac still won. Being good at certain heroes mechanical skills + being good at game sense transitions into mmr increase. Now if the hero u have is in meta it means u can win easier and more. If not, instead of 80% u get 60% winrate. Gonna grind anyway


                                                    i dont believe in this crap ideias of spamming a hero. Its one of the reasons for 5 carrier teams still exists.

                                                    Counterpick, meta and the right positions create a completely different game and increase your chances of winning.

                                                    And i agree with you a lot H^


                                                      Why the fuck i win every game is this izrael ?

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        It's not about picking meta or op heroes or anything like that. It's about having a pub friendly draft, one that you can make mistakes and still win, that isn't totally countered by enemy team and doesn't have a very specific timing window to win. Pubs can go overboard in both directions, picking 4 protect 1 games and don't have enough carry to finish, or picking 5 carries and get slaughtered early game and lose in 25 mins. Best pub drafts are easy ones to execute with 2-3 right clickers, 3-4 heroes who stun, some team fight but not 100% cooldown dependent so you can't win shit outside a wombo combo.


                                                          its about picking sf mid and win al lgames cause its 3k mmr shitfest


                                                            Maia u dont need to literally spam 1 hero all games. U have a hero pool of 1 hero for each role and 1 main rolr with 3 heroes u really good at.

                                                            Like mine would be:

                                                            Main role carry : am - arc - slark
                                                            Mid : arc - lina
                                                            Offlane : lc
                                                            Roamer : slardar
                                                            Supp : ogre magi


                                                              wrong dewd. it's always the team dat hold u bek


                                                                Whatever dire wolf said.

                                                                Soggy Bottom Boy

                                                                  I lost a game recently because my teammate last picked Anti Mage jungle. WTF was he thinking? Even worse our Juggernaut went for Battle fury = we played with 2 afk useless farmers against a roaming Pudge and a Sniper. We got destroyed. AM reported.

                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!