General Discussion

General DiscussionI Realized some ppl still don't know how strong Underlord is

I Realized some ppl still don't know how strong Underlord is in General Discussion

    Now that obviously doesn't include you - who follows the meta and checks the win rates.

    UL has one of the highest win rates in all brackets.

    I play him a lot and (it's one of my highest win rate heroes).

    But every now and then I have teammates saying:

    1. Wow can't believe we won with an underlord.
    2. Wow they're (enemy) not doing much damage. Wtf happened?
    3. Wow how did the underlord not die once to that trilane?

    UL hasn't really picked up in comp games that much yet because UL takes a little farm and level up to fully come online (whereas a level 6 earthshaker can turn a whole game around). But in solo MMR games (any bracket), UL is insanely strong.

    a. With a PMS and atrophy at level 1, it'd take a CM/SS/Jugg combo to kill him (or something very specific like a good shaker block).
    b. UL can fall to jungle if he gets zoned out
    c. UL beats most heroes 1v1 due to atrophy aura (exceptions are MK, huskar, etc).
    d. UL is a natural counter to Spirit Breaker
    e. level 4 Atrophy aura reduces all incoming damage from base attacks by ~40%. So a drow with 100 base damage first deals 60 damage, which then gets further reduced by your armor and physical resistance.
    f. UL is a natural Pipe and Greaves builder, and does wonders with Lotus Orb too.
    g. He is a life saver with his ult. Losing a fight? Ult and take your teammates to safety.
    i. UL scales great into late game. Firestorm deals a ton of damage late game too since it's based on %s and not fixed numbers.

    So let's give this hero some respect.

    주 롄양

      no kappa

      Story Time

        also easy to play (relatively), so why no pitlord in my team for so long, so sad,


          Underlord is counter to carries who's rightclick dmg rely on stats eg. morphling, tiny (exception) etc.

          He is mostly utility, so you still rely on your team.

          He is not that strong, he is fine. But he used to be OP when pit of malice pierced magic immunity and gave truesight so you could root fleeing invisivble invoker who poped his bkb. That was op. Now it works different way, but helps much with going on hg.

          He does not deal ton of dmg, he just farms fast so you get your utility items fast like on seer.

          Этот комментарий был изменён

            He's my highest winrate hero that I play a lot too. I generally pick up pipe/greaves/solar crest/halberd/AC depending on the amount of magic vs physical damage on the enemy team. However, you can counter underlord pretty hard with heroes that do a lot of pure damage like enchantress and Outworld Devourer.


              True he still relies on good cores.

              He does do a lot of dmg. 6 waves of 70 dmg each = 420 dmg, followed by 4% of max hp burned per second for two seconds. A 3k hp centaur would take burn 120 damage/sec for two seconds (so 240 damage). A 2k hp hero would take 160 damage as burn damage in total.

              Adjusted for magic reduction, you're dealing around 400-600 damage in firestorm in a large AOE with 12 sec cd. That's pretty big considering it's a ranged spell.

              Fee Too Pee

                and then after casting ur skill 1 and skill 2 , you become a big creep , and its hard to get full effect of ur spells. am i right?


                  @Lex second skill still gives truesight


                    one other thing if you wanna get a aggressive around the map you can always rush atos. it has a nice build up, gives u stats u want, and if you time it right after a proc of pit you get another free proc of pit of malice which is like 5 and a half sec of disable

                    that being said I'd still prefer ES or LS as offlane if your team is bad at least you can carry

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                      when ever iplayedf 4k and more games and watch high mmr its fucking shit hero
                      only in low pub works or if u go midd and rekt tinker or sf and take all creeps


                        Or he can just run in with greave and pipe 25min in and nobody can kill him ever


                          I have near 70% winrate with that hero, all games were played in 4.4k+, he definetely works in 4k bracket as do most heroes cause honestly we arent that good

                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                            i hate playing against underlord. you do no dmg.

                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                              I do fear when Enchantress, Underlord or Visage is picked by enemy team.
                              I can still handle UL though, he's a straightforward hero. An Earthshaker might be more useful in most situations.
                              UL doesn't have stuns, he can't control too much besides not dying.

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                              one syllable anglo-saxon

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