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General DiscussionCommon Dota question

Common Dota question in General Discussion

    I'm sure this comes up a lot but couldn't find any useful information. I truthfully feel I'm consistently doing better then my team mates a majority of the games yet still losing almost every match. I'm getting really frustrated on dota and feel like I don't know what to do.
    Can support players really raise their mmr when they can only offer so much damage ?
    for example i'm top net worth with enigma when i have a pa and necro on my team.
    Or I'm highest level in the match with AM but my team is all 8 levels below me and the entire enemy team is only two levels below me.
    What can I do to work better with my team in order to win more games? I feel like I'm constantly having worse team mates.
    I calibrate around 3.5k and after a year i'm at like 2k even when I truly feel like I'm doing really well in many of my matches, I've tried supporting and stacking, ganking, i've tried carrying, I just can't kill all 4-5 players to win it for us.
    What can I do? I feel like I need to pick a hard carry every game if I want to win. and even then I still lose.
    For example my last match with AM I'm level 23 higher then anyone else but my mid player is level 19 and the rest under level 17 at 40 minutes meanwhile the entire enemy team is above level 21. WTF? this is every damn game for me.


      i suggest:
      1- take a break ( 2days or more).
      2- play support and roam early, try to destroy everylane.
      3- dont flame ppl even when u are loosing.
      4- mute your teamates when they start flaming you or eachother and enemy if they use All chat, and play your game ( reading usless chat is distracting and it wasts your time).
      5- encourage your teamates, make your chat wheel like - Well Played -Nice -Don't give up -That just happend -relax, you're doing fine.
      wish you luck, have fun sir.


        Know how to use your gold advantage, basically the same case as fx.
        Play agressively and learn if you get punished from it.


          Lvl 23 at min 40 as AM is already a sign of a lost/very hard to win game, honestly.

          Potato Marshal

            You're clearly not much better than your teammates. Going 3/3/3 as an AM and having no manta and the second lowest hero damage does not mean you're doing better than everybody else just because you have more levels.


              Dota is a team game, much like basketball, you cannot win without your teammates


                Why you say support players if in enigma example you havent bought a single ward, its not supporting its playing core, you also done the least hero damage to enemy in team, so i assumed you afk jungled all the time, when your cores were wrecked in lane, and such hero like enigma who can deny creep per each wave and criple enemy core farm wasted it potential in jungle. After jungle you couldnt take advantage in having free farm, when your team received disadvantage in that time, so its basically your fault, dont blame it on others.


                  why everyone think they good at supp when they have better farm than their carry.
                  good support is when your 4 carry is fat as fuck when you NOT feed and still contribute in very late game


                    I understand it's a complicated issue and none of it boils down to any one single thing i mentioned, however, when I have the 5 deaths and my entire team has like 12 deaths or more what can really be done? I get it jungle afk enigma isn't the best idea, but when I get all support items and heal a lot it should balance itself out for lack of damage? I dunno, as I said I know it can't be boiled down to one thing, I appreciate the first poster and that's some solid advice. Obviously we were losing some games very bad, so although i'm much further ahead then my team I am unable to pickup some key items. (nor did they, even close)
                    The majority of my games I feed far less then everyone else, ofcourse is it worth it to do damage when you end up not killing anyone and dying anyways? That explains why I have some games with less damage, just because you dive in and do damage, kill nobody and feed , doesn't mean you are being more effective, infact, the opposite.
                    I understand everything has it's impact in games and it's hard to focus out one thing. If you take note of everything I'm confident I do better overall in a majority of my games then my team mates. once again it's really not worth it to do more damage if you end up dying and feeding not even getting a kill to begin with. The Enigma game I had low damage but I bought all support items and was constantly protecting and warding, so not much to say about that. My carries had no items the entire time and that's how it always turns out for me.

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                      First of all you have to make more "my Team is Holding me back" Posts. After this you gotta buy more cosmetic items. Now You should be able to win much more games.

                      fifi nono

                        I've gained about 500 mmr in the last 3 days playing mostly support (4.2-4.7). Admittedly I have left ranked for a long time and only just come back to it, but it is possible easily. Being an above average support gives you an above average winrate and you gain mmr, simplez.


                          so your team is holding you back.




                            GRANT MACDONALD

                              The meta favors position 4 heroes who can be active early to win lanes and make space. When you afk jungle in this patch you basically guarantee your team's lanes are going to get completely shit on