General Discussion

General DiscussionLost 600 mmr in 2 weeks

Lost 600 mmr in 2 weeks in General Discussion

    Good day to anyone who's reading!

    I recently dropped 6,4 to 5,8 in about 2 weeks
    I wanted to ask your opinions to what was going on those -600 mmr games.

    Because all I can see is 70-80% of those games are just someone,somehow fucked me up.

    Of course some losses are clearly on me too(guess Its my fault to keep playing when Im tilted).

    Im quite depressed and can actually see myself dropping to 4k sooner or later.

    And I'd hate to admit it, it's starting to affect me in real life, I feel so frustrated thinking about it

    Any thoughts or advice?


      how much did ur pay for acc?

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      Dire Wolf

        Stop giving a crap and don't play as much. You played 6 hours a day last week. Take days off, play only a couple games, go outside for crying out loud. Dota is only frustrating if you let it be.

        зачем я начал поиск

          Do you watch your own replays?
          Like, I am sure, if you be honest to yourself, you'll notice, that you probably fucked up in half of them in one way or another.

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Maybe you're picking heroes bad in the meta?


              Hey buddy, Ya you are dropping quite a bit.

              My best advice to give ya is stop playing after 2 losses in a row or 3 max. Esp if tilted.

              In order to improve mood, go start exercising. Go for a run, walk at least. It will help you deal with the tilt.

              Lastly, get lots of rest. All those studies that say sleep deprivation decreases, mood, reaction time, etc. are not lying. You may not notice it but you are playing worse in a sleep deprived state.

              On your game play, I cannot comment at this point. If you start to follow those 3 things above, 3 losses max, exercise and enough sleep I'm sure you will play better. IF you don't well you will feel better anyways.

              Good luck!


                @kormchiy I paid it with my 1 year of lifespan LMAO

                @direwolf well I wanted to raise my mmr for competitive reason, but I guess I'll take your advice too

                @one step ahead, I do and I did find mistakes on my play, but you can't be serious That all those losses are on me

                @into the window of soul, well isn't meta heroes and mmr heroes different? I mean in mmr you only need to play a proper way to win right, for example stomping mid with necro


                  @bunmangler i'll do that and if I keep losing, I'm gonna tax you lol, just kidding thx for the advice. I'm not sleep deprived tho :/

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                  dark knight rises

                    I lost maybe 800 in 2 weeks also ur not alone


                      stopped buying boosted accounts noob


                        I once had a 15 game losing streak.. It felt really awful. But after that, I just climbed back up again.. Since the MMR system, we lost the ability to enjoy the game. We only now care about the MMR so when we lose that number, we feel sooo bad. Maybe try to enjoy the game more, take a break after a loss (although I know it is hard when you want to get it back), focus more on yourself and not on other's gameplay. It's ok to think that the loss was on you, that will only make you better.


                          i got down from 4896 to 4034 maybe :( but this is mostly to change in jungle and creep respawn system, since i raised my mmr by playing jungle :( but this is still pay bro :(

                          now when i play, i really feel that i am so much better than players at current mmr, yet i dont pick heroes like antimage or something who can solo carry whole game, and carrieng solo with silencer is quite imposiimble no matter how good or bad you play :(

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                            play with party (with people you know). see if you still lose more. then you will know for sure whether it's your fault or the team's.


                              after 6k, its normal that u can drop few hundreds. i dropped from 6.3 to 5.7 in one of my smurf, losing all double downs.

                              it also happened only when i started to use reef map. 6.3 wnning streak into 5.8k, losing more than 15.

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                              Kim Jisoo

                                What is your behaviour score? Do you often write curse words in chat/flame/ping too much/feed cours in normals/get reported? I think if you do those things even once in a while you'll get matched with players who act the same. Just trying to understand if it's related, I don't assume that you lost because of someone else


                                  a 6k is not gonna drop to 4k

                                  dropping like 600 mmr means you just failed to adjust to a meta change, used to happen to me all the time, you just have to figure out what changed and what you need to learn.

                                  Mlada i Luda

                                    shit... cuki was here before me , i was about to blame the meta its quite obvious.




                                        half of my friendlist is dropping mmr
                                        i have a guy who was about to break into high 6k and suddenly ended up at low 5k with minus 1300 mmr


                                          @goku, guess we both got hit by the system

                                          @benao, dude I boosted the account myself man

                                          @c1v1c, it's hard to enjoy the game when you are losing almost 30 times lol, but thx I'll take your advice

                                          @kormoranas, so I'm doomed?

                                          @milad, I'll try but I don't have friends who want to play party tho FeelsBadMan

                                          @ging san, I guess it just shocked me because I never lost this much continuously

                                          @dhanatosss, the report commend thing? 0 in everything, I'm not exactly a talkative player, people don't report nor commend me usually

                                          @cookie, I don't remember the meta changing actually because I do follow DotA, but thanks I'll try it anyway

                                          @overriding drag coefficient, guess it happens times to times huh


                                            since you play in SEA

                                            sin 最高 dropped 6.9 to 5.7 now in just few weeks.

                                            in SEA anything can happen.


                                              @ging San, well to be fair I heard he was practicing heroes


                                                Welcome to the club matey


                                                  I once lost 1100mmr in 2 weeks, can't really care about your baby drop


                                                    Take a break i guess


                                                      If you get depressed because of a video game you may have an issue.


                                                        @aimstrong the gopnik , mercy sir

                                                        @JimmyWhiteLegs, yes sir you are correct, the issue is im depressed about failing at something that im passionate at.

                                                        @shocker, yeah thx im doing just that


                                                          Have u ever considered that u are in hidden pool?


                                                            @diox have u seen my new nickname? xD
                                                            but cmon its just a theory right?...right?


                                                              the fact is that if you are bad you will lose. if you are good you will win.


                                                                You can't lose mmr if you don't play mmr
                                                                You can't play mmr if you don't even have dota opened in the first place


                                                                  @ging San, pretty sure that's invalid because DotA is a team game, it doesn't depend on a single individual

                                                                  @dota in 2017, *mind blown*


                                                                    So it's about how lucky u get with teammates?


                                                                      this "sea server is the most difficult and cancer server in the world" meme is getting pretty obnoxious
                                                                      please quit

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                                                                        @diox , I wanted to say no, but I have seen and tasted enough games where one player's skills alone isn't enough to win a game, sometimes teammates just slip up and the game Is lost


                                                                          @overriding drag coeeficient, sea server brought that upon itself, and to be honest most of the times they aren't wrong


                                                                            So It's possible to climb to 5k if I just get good teammates all the time. I hope I can be lucky like you to get to 6k

                                                                            Potato Marshal

                                                                              Feels bad, lost like 150 MMR today. Every 5k player I gets matched up with want to do joke builds like Luna with lucent beams last, or a midas, dagon rush BS, or shadow blade on TA.


                                                                                Yes I haven't had bad teammates for Long time. Mostly getting carried. Pray for more good luck


                                                                                  @diox, carried FeelsGoodMan
                                                                                  yeah but we have to pull our own weights too though, like I said can't expect one person to do it all AND also don't be that person that fucked up everything for your team.

                                                                                  @potato marshal, sometimes people do stuffs, don't worry my profile is here for you Everytime you feel bad for your losses lol

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                                                                                    the point is, most of the time when you lose games, its mostly you not contributing the 20% of required participation in your match.

                                                                                    if you do less than 20% , you have higher chance of losing the game.

                                                                                    there are also many games that are won or lost due to some individual plays/decisions/calls.


                                                                                      i browsed through some of the games that you lost despite hving highest kda and points, and its obvious you made the bad itemization choice.



                                                                                        @ging san, that was international ranked, and...i admit i was fucking around too much in that game, i always fuck around in international ranked to let loose some of the tilt i have in previous games (sorry international ranked players!)

                                                                                        look, i guess im just ranting about the fact that im losing most of my games where i did more than 20%, but don't worry i understand what you're saying, appreciate it bro.

                                                                                        Mlada i Luda

                                                                                          i knew you will never take in consideration my argument cause of obvious reasons, but im like almost 100 % that is cause of the meta. meta changed already long time ago since patch 7. and it keep cahnged after every small patch . you would be wondering why did inot lost my mmr imediately after meta cahnged but why now, why exactly now. well when meta changed in the begining is like nothing happened cause everyone is trying to adapt with those cahnged, its a term called 'after effect'. you suffer the consecuenses after a period of time, since some players will adapt eventually with the meta and some not , than they start making the difference . i can go in details but im not willing to cause im lazy and cause yo uwill probably not lsiten at all my argument. but i see that cuki have same idea as me if he is willing to explain it better based on his experience maybe you have higher respect for him , and if you listen him im prety sure he have some good thoughs about this one.


                                                                                            @Mafioso, and like i said before i do pay attention to the meta, but again, ranked games are not exactly 100% dependable on the meta right, but thx for the opinion anyway.

                                                                                            Mlada i Luda

                                                                                              first of all , if theories about hiden pool exist it affects only low mmr players, not effects at all rly high mmr players, 6k and above less than 1% of players are there there is no hidden pool at that point . almost every high mmr player pay attention to the meta but some addapt faster some slower. im saying this cause its not only you , i saw 3 days ago bsj coaching a guy who was 5.2 k for almost 2 years and recentry he droped 4.6. yeah theey are not ecatly 100% dependaple on the meta but sitll influence a lot. whatever ... cuki comme help with this one you lazy son of the bitch , i know you ahve prety much my opinon about this one, i can already read through your thoughts :p


                                                                                                it's not the mistakes that you know you make that are losing you games, it's the mistakes that you don't know you make.

                                                                                                for example:
                                                                                                to a 1k player who goes jungle LC it seems to him that he is doing the right thing and he'd flame you for not going there if you were taking LC offlane.

                                                                                                same thing will apply to a meta change, you won't notice it so you start making mistakes that will drop you, while others who noticed those changes started banking on them. it's not the meta changes themselves, it's your neglectance to those changes.

                                                                                                to you it'll seem like you were doing the right thing.

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                                                                                                  btw, the guy who he was coaching is that mexican idiot dbowie, he analyses high mmr players and then makes guides for low mmr players using what he saw, but he makes the stupidest and most backwards conclusions about everything.

                                                                                                  no wonder he dropped to 4k

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                                                                                                    Isn't it normal to fluctuate?


                                                                                                      short term fluctuations are normal for any player about 200-400 mmr around their level

                                                                                                      but OP on the other hand, such a drop only happens when you fail to adapt

                                                                                                      example fadiflashi was 7k back when IO was a thing, but then when IO stopped being a thing he kept on playing it

                                                                                                      so he dropped to low 5k.

                                                                                                      meta doesn't just mean the hero picks themselves, it means the playstyle of the heroes and the flow of the game, there's lots of 7k io players right now.

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                                                                                                        You will get it back later. Just calm your mind and maybe play in smurf acc for liks 5-10 matches so you can feel the joy of winning easy again.

                                                                                                        Dont forget to joking around low mmr player. Go flame everyone (enemies and ally)

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!