General Discussion

General Discussionwhy am i losing?

why am i losing? in General Discussion

    i got a few questions :
    1.How to avoid a bad teammates?
    2.What can i do to improve myself?
    3.What should i do?
    4.Could someone give me some tips?
    5.How to go 1v5 even in low brackets mmr?

    pls help i've been stuck in like 2 months going thru up and down and i dont know the mistake im making
    with all respect i hope everyone could provide a solution that actually works for me.
    If u answer with "git gud" pls tell me how to "git gud"


      I lost it one the first question


        uh sorry dont mind the first one, i guess no one has figured out the answer


          1. No way
          2. Analyze high mmr player replay , it would be more fun to compare your top hero to a high mmr player playing that hero
          3. ^
          4. Dont tilt
          5. You dont go to a game expecting 1v5, just focus on what you can do the best with the hero you picked


            Because you are bad


              1. buy more cosmetics
              2. lmao

              зачем я начал поиск

                1. They have nothing to do with your winrate in the long run. No way to avoid.
                2. Idk, I am just a 4k trashlord, but watching replays and thinking through various scenarios, narrowing hero pool does help.
                3. Read 2. And don't pick trash heroes like Antimage in low brackets, you ain't going to win that way, IMO. Pick something that dumpsters and stomps shit, not passive "wipe my ass, please or I will cry and break my items" crap.
                4. Read 2.
                5. EVEN? Like wtf, the lower the MMR, the easier it is to dumpster solo. Like, I even checked and I have around 70% winrate in NS ranked on this acc and these were just party games, which I play just for fun, mostly in 2-3 stacks, rarely in 5.


                  thanks for all the answer i found it a bit "helpful"

                  idk how would i do if not 1v5. my OD fucked up midlane by losing to first pick meepo...
                  not trying to blame, im just telling u the condition of the game

                  i like to play anti-mage is it worth to spam on my bracket?

                  or should i do like pick situational heroes to counter em????


                    or should i do like pick situational heroes to counter em????

                    right, u gotta be versatile to learn what can all heroes do and what are their limits and weaknesses unless u hit at least 4k

                    зачем я начал поиск

                      This is just my arrogant opinion, but... Passive heroes don't win games.

                      Pick an aggressive, fast-farming and efficient at pushing/killing heroes hero and master it = super easy way to 4k.

                      Gonna get negged for this hard, but Antimage is a big lane creep with mana burn. Don't play the Anticreep.


                        dont jungle


                          Like i said dont go to everygame expecting 1v5 , you just make everything hard for yourself. Your am has horrendous winrate , either avoid playing it or do what i said on 2


                            This is just my arrogant opinion, but... Passive heroes don't win games.

                            man there are people who hit 6k by spamming treant/abaddon
                            what is passive?


                              thanks for all the answer really appreciate it.

                              i dont like palying supp shud i try??

                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                1. Welp
                                2. Analyze ur own game try go bot at least with stupid bot against op bot, and watch other game
                                3. Go do something useful IRL than this game
                                4. Le someone may give u tips and some will troll
                                5. Make the hero that you use impactful, unless you have 25 fingers as meepo player or legit voker not joker.

                                Этот комментарий был изменён
                                зачем я начал поиск

                                  No. Never be versatile. This is literally what I think.

                                  Stick to MASTERING a narrow pool of heroes. Like, actually mastering. Watching replays, highlighting top players on that hero in both pubs and pro scene, watching what and why they do, what builds exists, how you can change this builds to fit for yourself, etc.

                                  Preferably that hero should be very self-sustainable and independent, lane doesn't matter. Everything else is your preference.

                                  I can instantly think of Brood, Meepo, Arc, TA, Storm, Ember, Bloodseeker, Slark, etc.

                                  You got it. Something that farms fast, kills heroes fast, pushes, moves fast, aggressively dominates the game.

                                  AM/TB/Naga/etc. don't fit that very well. Grab the game by the balls, ffs.


                                    Actually AM is extremely good if you can play him properly

                                    зачем я начал поиск

                                      >man there are people who hit 6k by spamming treant/abaddon

                                      But they ain't passive heroes. Treant is a very active support hero.

                                      Abaddon is also very active, once you farm up just your basic items and carry TPs to come for teamfights. Used to spam him on my last acc with a very high KDA/winrate.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        your win rate this month is 51%, how is that significent losing?


                                          @One Step Ahead

                                          now there is many opinion i gotta choose what im able to do.
                                          The thing you're talking about, is that doable for me? out of 1500 games i played only 600 that are ranked. i think its about 300 party 300 solo.

                                          so im saying that, i have a very few experience in solo MM.
                                          And i hope that this playstyle fits mine.

                                          thanks for ur answer tho


                                            @Abyss Watcher
                                            Sometime i get troubled if i dont have a proper laning phase..
                                            like dual offlaners,
                                            or "Farming auto atttack-Supports"


                                              @Dire Wolf
                                              yes that's overall with party included not only solo MM i think

                                              зачем я начал поиск

                                                >Actually AM is extremely good if you can play him properly

                                                More like "if his team wipes his asshole very well and carries his ass, while he farms and pushes lanes, being totally incapable of fighting anyone" or "the team in high bracket is initially preset for defending 4v5 or split-pushing other lanes".

                                                Don't project 6k+ games or 5x5 CM matches on typical shitpubs.
                                                In typical you just shitstomp the Anticreep.

                                                Good luck splitpushing that T2 with your BF/Yasha, while your raxes fall @22 mins (Manta coming very late, cause you're raped and something like 1-3-0) and your team pings you, just for you to acknowledge, that you were supposed to be their carry.

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                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!