General Discussion

General DiscussionTilting from your own mistakes

Tilting from your own mistakes in General Discussion

    Heyas all.

    I've recently found a new group to play dota with .
    However, I've recently tilted a lot in my games and have made them angry with me and upset.

    So I went to read up how to best avoid tilting.

    However nothing i found helped. Cause everyone talks about tilting cause of bad teammates or becaues of people saying stuff.

    I tilt for a different reason entirely though.
    Which is when I am helpless.

    Basicly, whenever I come in a situation and i find that I can't do anything but stand there and watch or die, i get tilted. Mostly that is in the laning phase as a support. Ehen i play core or carry and tilt in the laning phase it usually goes away once the laning phase ends.
    Doesnt matter if it's because I play bad, if my teammate plays bad, if we got outpicked or if the enemy simply is better.
    If I feel helpless I take responsability for my incapability to help, no matter why I am helpless. I see it as my fault. (Especially seeing that when I play support I'm supposed to be helping my laning partner especially in the laning phase or later in teh game)

    From there on out it just gets worse. Cause I make myself responsible for the bad mood I put my team in, cause I am salty or tilted.
    So I get even more tilted at myself for being tilted and upsetting my team.
    Ending in a devil's spirel up to a point where a friend mutes me for both my own good and the other friends, or I mute myself. But at that point it's generally to late. I'm already playing bad, I upset my team a lot already, and the enemy propably has an advantage too cause of my bad play and my bad mojo towards my team.

    It's not that I blame them, it's more that I whine about me not doing better or good enough to help. Not cause I belive it will help, but because I'm fucking sad that I can't help. Or at least not enough.


    It mostly happens when I'm on voice chat with a group of friends or companions and play dota with them. And I dont want to break friendships or trusts. I want to play with them and give my best, and not get upset enough to upset my entire team when I feel helpless.

    Any ideas how I can make sure that doesnt happen?


      masturbate more and remember its just a game.

      And seriously, get a good nights rest.

      Me on 8 hours sleep = untiltable, you wont care
      me on 5 hours sleep = whiny little weiner



        I do all those things already.
        I even say I wount play another game when i loose two in a row, or feel upset about the game before. Just to prevent I will tilt next game. But it still happens to me loads


          U play party games to release stress from solo rank right? Why would you even tilt . Go meme with your friends , enjoy the game

          Lester, Moe

            Put your whiny emotions aside and play the fucking game and focus on the objective.


              Well at least you tilt from your OWN mistakes not tilting from OTHERS' mistakes


                Yeah, that's what I do. So I'm both confused and upset that I get upset. It's not like every time, but when it happens I just... I can't stop myself. And I want to know how to do so.

                @Samurai Jack Off
                Dang, way to state the obvious Einstein. What do you think I both try to do and get angry at myself for failing to do.
                I asked how I can do what you jsut said I should do. Cause obviously I have troubles with that.
                And a 'just do what you shuld do' answer doesnt help. Cause if I coudl 'just do what I should do' I wouldnt have that problem.
                Thanks for trying though.

                @abyss watcher
                I admit, other's mistakes get me angry too. But I've accepted the mindset that everyone sucks in dota.
                Both the others as well as myself.
                However, it's so much easyer for me to just go 'let them do the best tehy can and help if I can, they do their best so I can't expect more of them'
                than it is to go 'I messed up/can't help, oh well, I'm doing my best so can't expect more of myself'

                At least... that's what it feels like.
                How can I do that? I'm sure there must be some ways. I mean others manage that too. And it's not like im an ignorant whiny little 12 year old.
                Im' open and accepting that i make mistakes and that I have to improve, that I'm no better than anyone else. But how can I stop whining when feel like I'm compleatly stuck?
                Or how can I prevent myself from getting the feeling of being compleatly stuck?

                Any tips, wisdoms, or such from people with experiance?


                  Stop thinking about how you are doing and start thinking about the team. U can still think about the team and the objectives even if u r doing poorly


                    Stop taking it seriously. If your friend got tilted go talk to them if they retarded leave them(just like bws lul). I never tilt even though my party member(hi anal boi) play really badly


                      Stop thinking about how you are doing and start thinking about the team. U can still think about the team and the objectives even if u r doing poorly

                      :thinking: :thinking:
                      i thought we're supposed to focus only on ourselves during the games?
                      :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


                        Blame ur team for ur mistake to make urself feelsgud ggez


                          Im sorry ken u nub tonker haHAA


                            Mi nub tonker ? AnGERY!


                              He is talking about party games. Even in solo u can do this. And by that I mean if they are doing better than u in game and actually are winning it for u, so how do u not be a drag to your team with your tilt and whiny attitude


                                What were u trying to corner me or something? I'm confused.


                                  I am pretty confident you're just a kid.


                                    Give leas fucks


                                      Well before we started battle cup, i got a 5 solo mmr ranked losing streak and, i tilted because of the players' high toxic levels that are actually contagious, so i started to become toxic too, so an hour before we started the battle cup, i just watched anime and my mind was ok, GIVE yourself a break when you start to tilt from others' stupidity or your own mistakes even if you are having a losing streak.


                                        time to stop taking games seriously boi


                                          I see you at least get what I mean.
                                          the thing is it's less that I think about how I do, it's that I realize I'm that I can't do anything (or at least at that moment so I think)

                                          @abyss Watcher
                                          Oh, I do that already when I notice I'm on edge.
                                          What I'm worried about is when I dont think I'm on edge

                                          And to all...
                                          you say not to take the game to serious.
                                          I....dont realy udnerstand either what that means or how to do it. It's not like I see it as something life or death situation.
                                          But I do want to get better at the game. I enjoy it quite a lot, and not being good at it makes me sad. Simple as that.
                                          I just end up sometimes taking out that sadness on my team, which I want to not have happen ><

                                          very good csgo player

                                            Res🅱️ect Woman


                                              Whenever i play party, I'm gonna random since i need a rest from my solo ranked that tilts me a lot
                                              So i usually random, use whatever the fuck hero i got, killing my friends and disable their help