General Discussion

General DiscussionBloodseeker... safe lane carry?

Bloodseeker... safe lane carry? in General Discussion
All Muted, Stupid Griefers

    Hello guys, I was wondering why people are playing safe lane carry Blood. I had seen some appearing a lot in 3k - 4.5k games and I kind of find it odd. So I would like someone to explain me how is it viable or why did it started to be I guess in some sense "common". Thanks beforehand.

    Example of a match of a friend where he faced a Bloodseeker as the carry safelane. (Sure there was a Slark, but there had been other matches where I had seen it happen without invis heroes.)

    Riguma Borusu

      BS starts peaking very early and can join any fights right away, if your teammates are getting dived it's worth TPing out of the safelane to collect your well deserved triple kill. He can sustain his own lane pretty easily with a few levels so his supports are mostly free to do whatever in most scenarios.

      Overall, if played as a carry he forces a very fast paced game on the enemy since he's very strong from lvl 2, to about 25 minutes into the game.

      Past that the enemy team can easily itemize against him, and unless they are all melee, the whole BS team falls off. If you pair BS with a ranged carry placed mid he can still be useful in the lategame but not nearly as much as in the early and mid game.


        if u ran bs safe and say tinker mid, I cud see some rlly bullshit things happening with bloodraged tinker with aghs or dagon


          just don't, it's retarded.


            situationally very good

            Этот комментарий был изменён

              situationally carry crystal maiden is good


                Melee, Carry, Disabler, Initiator, Jungler, Nuker
                WIN RATE

                Item Matches Played Win Rate

                Aegis of the Immortal 52,477

                Recipe: Refresher Orb 14

                Divine Rapier 45,452

                Gem of True Sight 99,672


                  i don't think of any situation when carry cm was even viable , BS was picked few times in pro scenes (very situational but it is a thing)

                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                    bs always sound to me like an offlane in the style of beastmaster- falling behind and farming the off jungle


                      Nah i JUNGLE HIM :) AND FUCK EVERY LANE

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