General Discussion

General DiscussionTiny.

Tiny. in General Discussion
Cheap Laugh Guy

    How ded is this hero? Could I possibly revive it by mastering Toss and buying Midas?

    Or a rush aghs and MoM split push build

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      He has been continually buffed since 6.75 but he's still not the best hero to pick at the moment.

      44 % winrate is low

      (<3 tiny)

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        He is only viable with io imo or the ganking mid echo sabre is damn good

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          You're right, I didn't even noticed that the hero is ded for such a long time, then Infused Raindrop and the Craggy exterior change fucks him up even more what a sad hero.


            can still stomp at low tier mmr tho


              You silly. Tiny cannot die. He lives continously in cycle of sedimentation caused by weather and erosion that brakes him in the small pieces. Those small pieces later form in sedimentary rock. That rock is again exposed to weather and erosion and just keeps on going and going...


                I don't think he's dead, but unless he snow balls off some early kills he seems to fall off. But even then once he has aghs he's always a threat to take a quick rax off a split push , so he has a fall back option atleast .


                  tiny is still tiny. tiny coming in!

                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                    he will grow don't worry


                      Once he has enough mana pool and regen and he can farm and gank effectively


                        What tiny + io combo is still "alive?"


                          Dagon shadowblade

                          Riguma Borusu

                            Every time you think about picking tiny, there are 15 heroes who can do whatever role you wanted to put him in better.

                            Dire Wolf

                              I think his problem is being stuck between a farming carry and a nuker/ganker. You need aghs really badly to farm well but rushing aghs sucks, but then if you go the mana talents to gank and tide you over til you can farm you have a sub optimal build.

                              all role player

                                underrated hero for sure, if someone spam tiny i think he have potential

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  I think the idea of tiny is to gank in the early game and then transition into a farming carry, but considering there are heroes who are farming carries from lvl 1, he's fucking dogshit compared to them.

                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!