General Discussion

General DiscussionWAS Cookie guide removed from the forum ??

WAS Cookie guide removed from the forum ?? in General Discussion

    if yes why :( ??? i need to read it again but cant find it

    all role player

      well if u have good guide how about you copy it to your computer using notepad or word ?
      just wait 1 weeks cookie guide will available again


        He removed it on purpose.


          lelouch i was going to copie it but i didnt have any option to download the pics from the guide....


            so that u will pay him for coaching


              @jacked even if i had the money to pay him no way he gonna get paid from me cuz well i cant pay online were i live ._.

              white boy summer

                there are also better coaches if u wanna pay


                  == its pointless man i cant pay online its banned in my country cookie guide was my only hope and for real his guide helped me improve so far from what i see i never droped from 600GPM back before his guide 500GPM was like alot to me lmao


                    Why did you take the guide down cookie?

                    I enjoyed using it to improve.

                    The creep aggro tricks were especially helpful.

                    Giff me Wingman

                      He probably removed it because he realized it's full of holes and overall bad. If I remember correcly he said he would be making a new guide soon.


                        Well, his guide makes my GPM/XPM upgrade from 300~/400~ to 450~/550~

                        I'm below 1k and I need to read that guide again.

                        Ty, Cookie


                          cookie monster ate it

                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                            Because CM got ms and frost bit nerf, and cookie only has about 54% win rate with CM.


                              Cookie got eaten by cookie monster.... banned cookie monster this forum.... he make 4k people I'd 2k


                                Going to save that picture



                                    well in the real world for an erector to use his profesion he needs to be licensed and a real proffesion or he goes in jail cause of the damage he will do to peopple. same things goes for cookie here if there would exist laws about dota we should have ben ins jail for like 20 years already cause of his guides lol. not kidding tho


                                      i mean he, not we .


                                        What do u not like about his guides? Other than it actually helping many people? I'm not biased. I never really studied his guides. But from what I see it's effective, and you are just mad about the accompanying mindset because u can't accept the fact that u have to blame only yourself


                                          Btw op what awful country u live in that bans online transactions. Wtf


                                            jacked you have no idea how much i hate that stupid law every year i see Battle pass comes and go without being able to put my hand on one and about cookie guide i really hope he put it back really helped me improve so far


                                              How do u guys do anything ? Buy airline tickets for example


                                                jacked with go to the airport we buy it there lmao


                                                  I believe cookie guides are useful for 1.5k and below players. Other than that its basic knowledge any 1.5k+ player should have.
                                                  If those guides helped you and you aren't sub 1k then you belong in a lower mmr bracket.


                                                    Go to gameleaps YouTube channel where they have free vids.
                                                    You'll get a lot more out of those imo

                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                      Go to gameleaps YouTube channel where they have free vids.
                                                      You'll get a lot more out of those imo

                                                      Do those help if you're over 3k tho


                                                        pretty sure the guide is good only for people who lack farming efficiency below 3k
                                                        but its still nice for scrublords imo


                                                          gameleap is dogshit, check out brendota, gurupathik and professorfierce

                                                          if i have ever learned anything on youtube about dota, it was from those 3.

                                                          bsj considering that the guide made a 3k guy into 3.8k and a 3.4k guy into 4.4k, i'm pretty sure they work up to 5k as stated

                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                            BSJ the only thing i had problem with is farming now that i got it covered i need to learn how to be aggressive in lane kicking counter laner out and getting the farm while keeping up with the team fights and split pushing when ever there's oppurtunity


                                                              Brendota taught me nothing, haven't checked out the others though.
                                                              And when I was learning the mechanics of dota a long time ago, gameleaps videos cover those pretty well.
                                                              Remember. Promo code:BSJ for an extra 15% off your gameleap subscription

                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                check out brendota

                                                                +1 He does very good guides.


                                                                  I've been playing with a 1k friend a lot lately, honestly if you want to get out of 1k, learn to dominate your lane and take control of it.
                                                                  Just my opinion but you can shut out any 1k in lane if you know how to abuse the mechanics


                                                                    I won this game by having 2x the networth of the highest enemy and thats the only reason, maybe that and ratting. U dont rlly need to win lane, u can and win by 20 min, but u can also just walk out of the jungle with way more farm than them and then win, cuz they wont rlly pressure u or push lanes as a group.

                                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                      Cookies guide also didn't do a whole lot about game knowledge in general. If I remember right, part of his advice was to practice heroes you want to play so you know the attack animation, look up the general info yourself (bugs, tricks and whatnot). For general DotA knowledge, the best thing to do is mess with the game, learn from your mistakes and whatnot.

                                                                      After the release of 7.0, almost every single (good) DotA player on Twitch spent 30+ minutes to learn new pathing. After watching that, I decided, "Hey, Snu... you outta learn the pathing too!" And guess what? I spent time learning the pathing, learning where I could plant trees to disrupt opponents pathing + other great juking methods.

                                                                      All it takes to learn DotA... is the ability to learn, and time to do it.
                                                                      Biggest issues there are that people think they don't have to learn and that they are being held back (therefore they will never see their own mistakes), or they don't have time to improve. XD

                                                                      Cookie's guide was pretty great. After accomplishing his guides with AM, my winrate with the hero went from 44% to 55%, solo MMR raising 300 over the span of 2 weeks. Not because I magically knew more, but because I put the time into working with AM, I knew his animations, about how much damage I'd be dealing to heroes + creeps per hit. Zoning became easier because I got better at controlling aggro, etc. etc.
                                                                      Everything from 3k onward all depends on mistakes, and taking advantage of mistakes. Better players will make fewer mistakes and take advantage of other's mistakes, etc etc.

                                                                      RiP, Cuki Guide. Lasted until Cookie's pride broke.

                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                        you can get out of 1k by jungling every game

                                                                        Giff me Wingman

                                                                          Cookie's guide was pretty great. After accomplishing his guides with AM, my winrate with the hero went from 44% to 55%, solo MMR raising 300 over the span of 2 weeks.

                                                                          Your match history says what you wrote is bullshit.



                                                                            With two recent losses I'm back down to around +215, but thats because I lost 1 doubledown, and won 1 earlier this month.
                                                                            Also because I played AM when I was tired AF and should have been sleeping over DotA.

                                                                            So no, what I wrote is not shit. But I am glad you cared enough to check!

                                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                              You gotta remember those double down bets. Means a helluva lot when you beat a team 150~ mmr higher then you. Plus 49-55 mmr or something.

                                                                              very good csgo player

                                                                                Danish🅱️lunt the forum nazi ready to correct any minor errors


                                                                                  there exist no real difference in 1k to 3k, from what iknow cookies guides are the same for all bracktes below 4k, after all he is right at this point, 1k to 4k is everything yolo buti think than more than guides they are tips and tricks how to escape that bracket , they probably work sometimes, im sure they work sometimes to be honest but that doesn make you better in dota in general, dont take completely serious my comments below im a little bit sarcastic its in my nature.

                                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                                    there are huge differences between 1k and 3k, just like number 1 is infinitely bigger than zero, but still a small number compared to 1200


                                                                                      "there exist no real difference in 1k to 3k," yes there is... a huge fucking difference. I dont claim 3k players are good players, but they are certainly better than the 2k players. 2k players are ALOT better than 1k.. And it goes like that.

                                                                                      That statement is just stupid.


                                                                                        i 've seen 1k player much better than 3.5k players, below 4k mmr is unreal as long as you can calibrate (3.5) recently mostly o players will make smurf repeatedly everytime they drop mmr so you can play with 3k players which actualy might 100 mmr, btw have you seen any 1 mmr player , idont cause all will create another acc after they drop at some point that they see unreasonable to play. i have many other arguments but no time to talk about all of them right jsut trust. 1 last thing i have 20 friends in real life that plays dota 2 almost of them have many acc with various mmr from 1k to 4k, i dont know whats thery real mmr the also dont know lol , 1 of them calibrated at 3.2 droped at 2.4 and smurfed again calibrated at 3.4 droped again at 2.5 and after he got tired of this bought and 4.3k acc played some games on started droped again now he never plays solo raked anymore lol. tell me whats his ream mmr, he never droped down 2.4 cause of smurs and plays dota for years but if he keeps playig on 1acc he maybe drops in 1 mmr, yo uhae no idea how many players like him there are actually every smurfer is, so there is no difference at all betwen 1k and 3k in 90% of the cases


                                                                                          The difference between 1k, 2k, and 3k is quite noticeable
                                                                                          Still a bunch of clownfest tho


                                                                                            i 've seen 1k player much better than 3.5k players, below 4k mmr is unreal as long as you can calibrate (3.5) recently mostly o players will make smurf repeatedly everytime they drop mmr so you can play with 3k players which actualy might 100 mmr, btw have you seen any 1 mmr player , idont cause all will create another acc after they drop at some point that they see unreasonable to play. i have many other arguments but no time to talk about all of them right jsut trust. 1 last thing i have 20 friends in real life that plays dota 2 almost of them have many acc with various mmr from 1k to 4k, i dont know whats thery real mmr the also dont know lol , 1 of them calibrated at 3.2 droped at 2.4 and smurfed again calibrated at 3.4 droped again at 2.5 and after he got tired of this bought and 4.3k acc played some games on started droped again now he never plays solo raked anymore lol. tell me whats his ream mmr, he never droped down 2.4 cause of smurs and plays dota for years but if he keeps playig on 1acc he maybe drops in 1 mmr, yo uhae no idea how many players like him there are actually every smurfer is, so there is no difference at all betwen 1k and 3k in 90% of the cases

                                                                                            that guy is you ? overcalibrated sub 50% ranked winrate who ruin people's game? h4h4h4h4h4h4h4



                                                                                              So the fact that you saw a guy that is 1.5k mmr playing as 3.5k mmr means those brackets are the same?

                                                                                              3k bracket viewed from perspective of a 5k player seems like a joke. 3k bracket viewed from a 3k player doesnt look like joke. thats the actual fact. There is as much difference from 1k player to a 3k player as it is difference of 5k player from 3k.

                                                                                              Statement that 1k=2k=3k is same shit is extremly superficial and kinda hilarious.

                                                                                              All of those I have friends who are blablabla are nothing but extremes of some variable. I am talking here general sense. And general sense says 3k>2k>1k not 3k=2k=1k.


                                                                                                My 3k games look like jokes to me. Actually, all of my games look like jokes to me. Even when I'm playing, I know I should be doing something different but the autism has set in already...

                                                                                                -DI- TheDrengr

                                                                                                  the snowball method seems to be the top method right now, as Kill GPM is easier right now then farm gpm due to reduced jungle.

                                                                                                  The best way to win right now is to snowball really hard push down mid and take over their jungle.

                                                                                                  -DI- TheDrengr

                                                                                                    also the dark reef map kinda fucks up your play lol,

                                                                                                    mr. rabbit

                                                                                                      due to reduced jungle

                                                                                                      ???????????????????????????? lmao

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!