General Discussion

General DiscussionIs early jungling buffed?

Is early jungling buffed? in General Discussion

    85% of my games theres a jungler who insists that 1 minute respawn buffs the jungle yet i would argue that reduced creep Bounty and the fact that most heros cant flash clear the jungle early anyways means that level 1 jungling is stupid. Im noticing a lot of Legions getting 10 min blinks.

    The jungle is basically the same as it was in 6.88 with less bounty. How can it be buffed?

    Will people stop jungling minute 1?

    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

      They are retarded. Mid-late jungle is buffed, but early jungle is nerfed to shit.

      How shitty is it?

      Well, I'm taking a shit as I type this, and it's worse than my poo' smell. That is how shit.

      Now excuse me, I need to wipe before I type more.


        Early game jungling is shit unless you're playing heroes like Chen/Enchantress/Doom who benifit from creep aura's and abilites and go out of their way to actively help the team out.

        Now, stacking up creeps in the midgame to let your carry farm them is pretty freaking tight.

        Savvy Cat

          Not unless you're stacking as well for a core.

          I say this from a jungling CM pov. 10 stacks of Ancients at 12 minutes into the game for Sven or TA helps a lot. They don't need to win their lanes if they can get 3-4 levels and 1k net worth in 2 minutes from the stacks I made for them.


            good- im glad im not dreaming this up...


              yeah level one afk jungling is pretty much dead except for maybe a few heroes such as enigma and beast master, and those should only be there if it is better than them going to lane, which is rare. Chen ench and doom are ganking junglers and the one minute respawns are a buff to them giving them more versatility with creeps early and letting them do mare on the map. The people in your games are dumb.


                it rlly hurts my axe cuz if I get zoned from lane or maybe as legion it feels bad to fall back on the jungle, I basically only do it so I don't waste time picking up the bounty rune aka ill shove the lane at them a bit then take the medium camp and the rune in time for next wave

                Riguma Borusu

                  10 stacks of ancients is about 2000 gold, if you can prepare that for your carry that's insane

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    Then you remember you don't have a sven with lifesteal and 999999999 dps at min 10

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                      Hatsune Miku

                        if you stack camps and take it after 15 mins, its ez game for your team


                          its all about stacks, u can still benefit from 1 min spawns with certain heroes like Axe, Lc ( if u are 3k and u go jungel) 6:45-7min dagger with lc in this patch as jungle

                          also stack 2 camps x3 at the early stage of the game for your carry and thats pretty much it.

                          and dont forget the ancients


                            jup, early jungling is nerfed as hell, i mostly played jungle heroes, and did it very well, ursa was 66% wr, legion 60% wr, lifestealer 60% wr.
                            Especially heroes like ursa/troll were nerfed in jungle, since they needed that 1 shrine, to stay in jungle and sustain themself, now they need either buy heal, or go back to base, which fucks up their jungling even more.

                            Legion on the other hand, doesnt need to go back to base, his lifesteal skill is enough to keep him full health, so for legion jungling is not so much nerfed as for others, but still when i go my build, i am usually behind for like 2 minutes icompered to previous versions.


                              Havent done the math but pretty sure it's nerfed in the early game on paper. I mean, what do you think 20% less xp and bounty means to you? The problem is (at least in my bracket), so long as people think they're safe in the jungle and can farm without having to be in lane, they wont stop early jungling because theyre ignorant enough to not know the changes made in the game. On the other hand, IMO, its also the other team's fault why jungling is such a popular go-to strat for many players- the other team doesnt bother ganking the jungling wk or LC in the early game (when theyre easy to kill). That's why there are bad players who are able to snowball out of control towards the mid game.


                                On a different note, remember Manila Masters? "I play LC jungle" lol

                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  Why gank the fucking jungler if you can shred all 3 lanes instead


                                    JUNGLE HERO = AUTOLOSE (because on fucking 5-6K average people cant pick another support, and this moron's pick lc or wk)

                                    Savvy Cat

                                      It is usually okay. I stack each set of Ancients 4-5 times with CM and then when he goes to farm it, I just use Nova on it and he is able to do it minute 12 or so if maxes cleave and armor. Unless I get those stupid armor breakers.

                                      I think TA does it better, however, with her kiting them and Nova and a Trap. Just my thought on it.

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                                        JUNGLE HERO = AUTOLOSE (because on fucking 5-6K average people cant pick another support, and this moron's pick lc or wk)

                                        people do this even in 5-6k averages?
                                        just end me famalam


                                          my new comment at the start of the game when i see someone marking jungle is "if you jungle im gonna play a hero i dont know how to play". im so sick of junglers, they are the worst people

                                          Erase Humanity

                                            This patch you're not getting anything out of lane. No to roaming and no to jungling.


                                              if i see jungle lc marked i pick tree, buy qb and he wont get lasthits until he moves his ass to offlane


                                                I tested out how fast Bloodseeker gets level 6 in the jungle in a bot match. Took around 9 minutes.

                                                Also tested how fast it takes to get level 6 in midlane. 4 minutes 30 seconds.

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                                                  only veno can jungle right now


                                                    funny to see noobs talking about a topic that they dont understand =D

                                                    Savvy Cat

                                                      Enchantress is actually pretty strong right now. So many creeps to grab and destroy the enemy off lane or mid if it gets pushed in by typical aoe burst. It isn't hard to get two Centaur creeps and kill even a Timber with like 3 points into passive at 4-5 minutes.

                                                      Fee Too Pee

                                                        I still hav jungle hard carry like juggernaut and sven , and quess what? "Noob x no items" but taking bounty runes , all camps and only farm in jungle

                                                        Those guys can burn in hell , seriously annoying

                                                        Only enigma that i happy on my side

                                                        GRANT MACDONALD

                                                          I play a lot of 4-5 position and occasional offlane and i used to counterpick LCs jungle with a riki, tree or mirana but its easier just to shit on all the other lanes because you get to play 5v4 for 9 mins.

                                                          For many, jungling is what people do when they suck at laning.


                                                            actually there are cases when level 1 jungling is ok. but you shouldnt do it because you think its better than laning. jungling level1 can be viable when your team can win or at least even all lanes without you.
                                                            i remember a game being my bristle asking for solo offlane, he was vs slark and some defensive melee support. mid viper didnt need help vs whoever it was and safelane wd+ursa... well, same story. in those cases i pick what my team needs, enigma for example, and go afk for a little while. tho, i buy a tp before 5min.


                                                              Jungle is nerfed early game, but it is still viable. If you have a strong offlane and a core that is not terrible at laning.
                                                              If you team are intent on picking a core like AM then jungle can really weaken his farm and ultimately is not worth it.
                                                              I tend to play offlane/support/jungle as main roles and I do admit that LC is my favourite hero and if I want an easy game where I can just have a nice slow easy start I will probably go jungle.
                                                              My WR on LC is 60% currently but is one of my lowest on my main screen compared to when I play offlane heros so realistically if you can play alternatives then I would recommend it.
                                                              I do check at the start of the game if people have objections prior to me picking LC as well.


                                                                lc is stronger when played as offlaner. can apply alot of pretture and has kill potential with sup.
                                                                if jungle, go for teamfight orientated initiators like enigma axe tide or support enchantress for ganks

                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                  Jungling blood seeker got so bad I actually started going offlane and mid with the hero.

                                                                  This comes from a guy who played 45% of his matches in the jungle, so go figure.

                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                  Story Time

                                                                    BS can still farm fast but now he is very situational...


                                                                      Even heroes like Chen and Ench are worse if they AFK jungle. The camp respawn time only makes their ability to gank stronger.

                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                        (en)Chen(tress) has more creeps to choose from, but as far as farming goes, it is discouraged, you will benefit more from ganking lanes.


                                                                          i still go lc jungle and mute everyone else. ez win

                                                                          GRANT MACDONALD

                                                                            Legion Commander
                                                                            3 days ago
                                                                            Core 100.00%
                                                                            Stop screwing over your team


                                                                              I go LC jungle a lot and don't screw my team over :P
                                                                              Bad players who AFK jungle and don't participate till blink give LC a bad name!

                                                                              Optimus Drip

                                                                                i like junglers, it means i get my solo offlane.