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General DiscussionMy Personal Dota 2 Blog [2017 Edition]

My Personal Dota 2 Blog [2017 Edition] in General Discussion

    This was my previous blog and I thought that I did learn a lot during that 4.5K MMR to 3.2K MMR and back to 4.5K MMR swing.

    Writing indeed is very helpful as it prevents you from mindlessly playing 1 game to another.

    I also tried starting a more formal one @ blackxargon.blogspot.comb but I get very OC with how I write posts there that it defeats the purpose of being very spontaneous and natural.

    So, I go back to my roots and to how I did it before.

    Let's begin!

    Target MMR: 5000
    Current Solo MMR: 4075
    Current Party MMR: 4253

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    disgusting weebs

      its high time for mods to implement thread hiding


        ^yes so I can hide your bot account

        Giff me Wingman

          you are STILL 4.1k? thefuck dude


            @Danishblunt sad but yes. I'm nearing the point where I just need to accept that this is my peak.
            But, personally I still see a lot of mental and mechanical mistakes on my part.
            So, I'm giving it another go.

            WIN, MMR up to 4.1K

            Match Id: 3137267017
            Luna Safe Lane Carry
            K-D-A: 6-1-22
            GPM: 571
            XPM: 585
            Dmg: 29.5k

            EARLY GAME
            This game really felt serious from the start. No throwers nor bad attitude from either team.
            It was a Luna - Shadow Demon pick and he supported really good.
            Very seldom for you to see 4k supports who knows what they're doing.

            Specific Scenario:
            - Lion double stacked the level 1 camp and pulled it @ 1:30
            - Carries usually tend to go back to T1 tower resulting in "pushed" lane (that's why when someone supports me, I tell them not to pull but rather focus on zoning out the offlaner)
            - But, in this instance, Shadow Demon helped me tank 2 creep waves by Disrupting + Tanking
            - We ended up around 20% HP and the pulled creep wave never got back to the lane since Lion "milked" every single one of it.

            MID GAME
            It was a little "tensed" as we were going up against a Blink Slardar + Earth Spirit + Shadow Fiend Shadow Blade.
            But supports were good as we secured a perimeter around our jungle and we let Tinker push the side lanes.
            It was only Centaur who made the occassional mistakes of going too deep.

            There were a lot of clashes where Centaur blinks in and everyone in low HP but being too slippery, they got out safely.
            This was the only reason why I decided to go Aghs Scepter before my Manta, to add burst damage during those quick blinks.
            I made a lot of mistakes before that as I purchased Yasha before the Dragon Lance.
            And if I'm building Scepter, I usually do it before the Yasha for my Manta - since I usually get it before people get their BKBs.
            Luckily, we didn't get punished that much as that simple item mistake could have saved us in a particular mid game lcash.

            LATE GAME
            As a Luna, I personally felt inferior to a Shadow Fiend Butterfly + BKB and a Juggernaut Manta + Diffuse + MKB.
            After the Initial Treads --> HotD --> Scepter --> Manta, I went for BKB + Satanic then eventually MKB
            Looking back, the Satanic didn't really proved helpful as the clashes were happening in an instant.
            It was really just a matter of who will be able to initiate better as we have a softie in Lion and Shadow Demon.

            I think the better Item progression would have been to purchase Skadi instead of Satanic.
            This gives a good perspective that it's only good to buy Satanic when it's a mano-a-mano right click fest kind of battles.
            Skadi gives me more survivability for "burst damage" I guess?

            Anyhow, we won late game as they got pressured when we were inside Roshan.
            Jugg came in and wanted to contest it while we had the better vision and we were able to help our supports tank the Omnislash.
            The fight reset and they still came in as they wanted to snatch it with Jugg's blink dagger + Fury.
            However, Roshan was still about 20% HP and we were able to kill Jugg while Shadow Fiend and Lina were just at the outside of the Rosh Pit sieging.
            I secured the aegis and was able to push Top lane rax while forcing them to buyback.

            Again, Centaur went back in when we wanted to retreat already.
            This gave them momentum to counter push Top Rax where I got my satanic by that time but still went down to 30% hp.
            The Blade Mail damage type was a big change as I usually just hit away against such enemies while my BKB is active.
            I guess the better play next time is to activate Satanic instead, or better yet DON'T HIT or could have purchased that SKADI.
            Juggernaut secured Aegis right after.

            Another Radiant error at bottom as they were trying to push T2 Tower and trying to catch our Tinker from the tree fog at the side.
            Lion caught SF with a hex and again we tanked the Omnislash we team-wiped them and won the game.

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            doc joferlyn simp

              Lmao go for it man.


                LOSE, MMR down to 4075


                Match Id: 3137418721
                Ogre Magi Support
                K-D-A: 2-9-6
                GPM: 228
                XPM: 295
                Dmg: 6.1k

                Well, It was a lop-sided game - we got rekt 55-19 because of these reasons:

                - Vengeful Spirit Offlane : although he got 222 creeps 460 GPM and Butterfly + Demon Edge, we didn't have tge needed team-fight presence as we succumbed to the Spectre Ult + Silencer Ult + Magnus RP
                Looking back, whenever those were up, we should not have fought them and just split farm.

                - Shadow Fiend got outlaned by Ember Spirit and finished 0-14-2. I decided to help him after securing Juggernaut's lane but I guess I arrived too late and I can't really save him from the nuke.
                - I told him to buy cheap tank items but no adjustment.

                Easy gg @ 43 minutes

                doc joferlyn simp

                  Didn't you have a website with your blog?

                  doc joferlyn simp


                    Man you have a lot of free time don't you.


                      ^ haha about to lose all free time.
                      I'm switching to a new job and requested for 2 months before joining them.
                      I'll be starting next week.. so just enjoying myself haha.
                      Besides, I injured my leg so I'm just in the room all day for over a week now.


                        WIN, MMR up to 4100

                        Spectre Carry
                        K-D-A: 12-2-17
                        GPM: 641
                        XPM: 793
                        Dmg: 21.5k

                        GG easy. Our Shadow Fiend 21-3-17 rekt their mid invoker 4-11-5.
                        I was hesitant at first since we got a last pick WK jungler inspite of the enemy's invoker pick.
                        I mean junglers are really retards AF who doesn't care what's happening in the map.

                        Good vibes as I also find myself looking very actively at the minimap.
                        One of those good habits you tend to forget when SEA cancer hits you.


                          Still don't understand how 4ks can drop to low 3ks. It doesn't make sense




                              I'm 3.6 and I shat my bed on low 2k
                              Really makes you think if I was 3.6 in the first place


                                ^^thats one reason, and some players become delusional, toxic and narrow-minded once they hit 4k thus they drop

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                                  He's implying verto


                                    verto is the perfect example


                                      guys add me on steam
                                      need a friend to play with

                                      also jdf8

                                        blunt want u to follow his example

                                        also jdf8


                                            didn't you play during the badman phase??


                                              WIN, MMR up to 4123


                                              Match Id: 3137615854
                                              Ancient Apparition, Support
                                              K-D-A: 3-0-8
                                              GPM: 418
                                              XPM: 347
                                              Dmg: 4.3k

                                              GG easy. Picked AA as a counter to enemy Alchemist but never really got that point where it mattered.

                                              Their lanes sucked big time:
                                              Top Lane: Our LC + Silencer vs AM + UD
                                              Mid Lane: Our OD vs Lina
                                              Bottom: AA (me) + Jugg vs Pudge
                                              Jungle: their Alch

                                              This account I only pick Carry but I guess I adjusted as my teammate picked Juggernaut and wanted to play it as offlane.
                                              The matured mind in me prevailed and told him to go safelane and I will support him as I will counter pick with Apparition.

                                              GG easy.


                                                @JDF8 lmao

                                                @.Quityminati contrary to popular belief, I spammed Spectre way before Badman phase.
                                                Check the old blog link posted at the top.

                                                My Spectre started to plateau during the Storm + Juggernaut + Leshrac phase

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                                                  Good luck man, I remember playing with you when you were close to 4.5k lol


                                                    @Pilot. Yeah we tried forming a team back then haha. I may never breach this bracket lmao.

                                                    LOSE, MMR down to 4098

                                                    Match Id: 3137729388
                                                    Silencer Support
                                                    K-D-A: 3-5-8
                                                    GPM: 237
                                                    XPM: 255
                                                    Dmg: 7.2k

                                                    EARLY GAME
                                                    Our Rubick gave 1st blood too easy and we eventually lost bottom lane as it was a:
                                                    TerrorBlade + Rubick + Silencer
                                                    SandKing + Earthshaker + Wynter Wyvern

                                                    We tried giving it a go as it looked like it was just Wyvern and Sand King but Earthshaker came just in time for the Fissure that turned things around.

                                                    These are the times when playing proper - like warding early, would have been really benefecial - so my bad on that.

                                                    Since it was a lost lane already, I then suggested for Rubick to go top with Centaur to help him harass Spectre but CW didn't want to.

                                                    Selfishness perhaps but at times when lane is lost, instead of 3 heroes suffering - adjustment has to be made (i.e. dual offlane or jungle, etc)

                                                    I pinged our mid to prepare for TP help as it was only a matter of time for the trio to dive our T1 tower and kill us all.

                                                    Never happened.
                                                    I'm under the impression that you can be selfish @ mid lane and not rotate, etc if you are winning the lane convincingly.
                                                    But he wasn't and a timely rotation for enemies who are diving towers could have given him a lot of kills.


                                                    Rubick fed continuously and Spectre had uncontested farm. It was only a matter of time for the gg.

                                                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                      Whoa, we're in the same boat.
                                                      Hope to see you in games someday hehehe


                                                        LOSE, MMR down to 4073

                                                        Match Id: 3138085941

                                                        Kotol Support
                                                        K-D-A: 3-9-22
                                                        GPM: 305
                                                        XPM: 380
                                                        Dmg: 9.3k

                                                        It was a first pick random mid player who played Dragon Knight and it was also because of his selfishness we lost this game.
                                                        Again, no rotations from him when enemy is fighting us.
                                                        I think I gotta be used to this kind of games where - mid players really prioritize solo farming instead of timely rotations.
                                                        So what to do as a support?
                                                        1. I advise him couple of minutes before a potential clash to make sure he has full HP/MP and TP
                                                        2. Cut-loss and avoid such clashes if I know my mid player is not going to help

                                                        Early Game
                                                        I picked Kotol purely to counter Timbersaw; and so we did as we got a lot of kills at bottom.
                                                        I could have avoided couple of deaths to him though as I wasn't that aware of Kotol HP - case in point, he's 30% HP is different from Spectre's or Luna's 30% HP.

                                                        Late Game
                                                        We succumbed to the pushes of a Shadow Demon + Luna + Prophet.


                                                          LOSE, MMR down to 4049


                                                          Match Id: 3139362265
                                                          Luna Safe Lane Carry
                                                          K-D-A: 13-5-10
                                                          GPM: 441
                                                          XPM: 557
                                                          Dmg: 27.3k

                                                          Had a great early and mid game. Rotated, map-aware, playing with the team etc
                                                          But this is one of those games where we got rekt easily by a very fat Invoker

                                                          our mid Shadow Fiend finished 1-9-7 while enemy Invoker was 17-3-11

                                                          Personally though I found couple of big mistakes on my part:
                                                          1. More effective use of Aghs Scepter Luna - that one clash where they were on the retreat - it felt that I could have gotten more kills.
                                                          2. End game where they were sieging our base, i should have bought that force staff instead of waiting on my BKB; facing an Invoker, I felt dead mead with 0 mobility inspite of a Shadow Demon and Earth Spirit behind
                                                          3. I also had a mistake while trying to push Mid tower after getting an ULTRA KILL; we overextended as I felt cocky and wasn't focused enough. That kind of turned things around for them.

                                                          If there's anyone there with free time. Help to analyze this game please.

                                                          EDIT: This makes it 3 straight losses

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                                                            LOSE, MMR down to 4024


                                                            Match Id: 313603741
                                                            Viper Safe Lane Carry
                                                            K-D-A: 4-6-4
                                                            GPM: 462
                                                            XPM: 388
                                                            Dmg: 11.1k

                                                            Our Offlane Slardar abandoned half-way through the game. nuff said.

                                                            But personally, I was also kinda tilted this game with how the comments are going about my previous Luna game that I farm too slow and my item timings are bad. Lost patience and dive T1 towers trying to kill a naga twice.

                                                            5 game losing streak and counting




                                                                i wish we get queued together mAN

                                                                Fox McCloud

                                                                  Man this thread is giving me Dota PTSD.

                                                                  Potato Marshal

                                                                    You were in low 4k before I even started playing Dota over 3 years ago. How do you make no progress, and even manage to drop down in MMR during that time?

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                                                                      ^ Maybe this is my peak already.


                                                                        LOSE, MMR down to 3998

                                                                        Match Id: 3141087885
                                                                        Spectre, Safe Lane Cary
                                                                        K-D-A: 10-3-21
                                                                        GPM: 509
                                                                        XPM: 669
                                                                        Dmg: 38.2k

                                                                        I feel really bad right now. That's -150 MMR in 3 days since I started this shit. LMAO.
                                                                        Our Doom was really terrible, he ended up with KDA 0-12-13.
                                                                        But I guess, what's worse is actually seeing how he plays - map awareness, stupidity, etc
                                                                        He got disconnected as well so I don't know if he was playing lag or what.
                                                                        But yeah, I am where I am and then again, for my own improvement - I just have to think that I'm the sole reason why we lost.

                                                                        EARLY GAME
                                                                        It was a strong early game for me but I might be STUPID FUCK NAIVE for saying this again so I'm waiting for Dotabuff stats to check on my item progression.
                                                                        Meepo also got out of control but yeah, that's what Meepos do.

                                                                        MID GAME
                                                                        We got stuck in our own side of the map but my supports were great as we were able to punish their aggressiveness and carelesness as we were able to extend the game beyond 30 minutes.
                                                                        I also got ULTRA KILL and we secured Roshan.
                                                                        But then TA threw all the advantage as they fought in Radiant side of the map uphill against their shrine while my TP and Haunt are on cooldown (I was pinging them about it)
                                                                        I also found myself overextending couple of times as Anti-Mage was waiting for me while we were chasing WindRanger.

                                                                        LATE GAME
                                                                        Got confused with the Rosh attempt of Slardar + Meepo while AM was raxing us.
                                                                        Meepo killed TA. I killed Meepo but AM killed our base.

                                                                        Should have dropped the Poor Man's shield and replaced it with TP as I already have Heart.

                                                                        Ok, I cost us the game not the doom. nuff said.


                                                                        Item Progression (updated now)
                                                                        05:03: Urn
                                                                        07:01: Phase Boots
                                                                        20:17: Sacred Relic
                                                                        24:06: Radiance
                                                                        31:32: Manta
                                                                        39:54: Heart

                                                                        LH/Deny (me vs Anti-Mage)
                                                                        @10 - 45/9 vs 62/11
                                                                        @20 - 82/11 vs 173/11
                                                                        @30 - 138/12 vs 301/11
                                                                        Total - 226/12 vs 443/12

                                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                          WIN, MMR UP to 4022 (broke the 6 game losing streak)


                                                                          Match Id: 3141325158
                                                                          Axe Offlane
                                                                          K-D-A: 3-8-7
                                                                          GPM: 466
                                                                          XPM: 564
                                                                          Dmg: 9.8k

                                                                          I don't even know what to say. This is how bad we are in this tier.
                                                                          I fed and tilted like crazy during the laning stage - I started 0-7 while Juggernaut kept talking smack to me.
                                                                          In the peripherals, our riki roamer was telling me to report our carry Terrorblade.
                                                                          He roamed but never did went to the lowest HP hero in the map - Crystal Maiden.

                                                                          I was hard headed and kept on running to Jugg each and every time dying.
                                                                          But I was tunnel visioned into getting my items - decided to progress with Vanguard + Blademail before dagger as I was way behind in levels hence a blink initiation will not do me any good.

                                                                          We got tower pushers in an afk jungler Nature's Prophet and Terror Blade so we eventually got the map control we need.

                                                                          It only took couple of greediness from Juggernaut to dive and kill me - and he got killed by my team in return.
                                                                          I mean who does sacrifice like that? It's players who have their emotions > brain.

                                                                          A simple "WORTH" reply + a blink dagger call blademail while Jugg + LC were Rosh'ing and it got him tilted like fuck #onlyinSEA

                                                                          We ended up winning the game with them not getting any T2 tower.

                                                                          LETS GO WIN!

                                                                            How you are 4k after 4000 games ? Delete dota dude please this is so sad no offense :(.


                                                                              u should consider lycan carry or ta mid man


                                                                                good that youre sharing youre progress



                                                                                  At least he's not smurfing like you do.


                                                                                    @Opic<mirotic I like the Lycan idea. Will start practicing it in Party MMR games..


                                                                                      you're not going to experience a significant gain in MMR anytime soon if you keep playing different heroes every game


                                                                                        ^ wow great insight. I hardly noticed that since I started this blog.

                                                                                        So this was my hero pool in Solo Queue for the past 4 days:
                                                                                        Axe - 1x
                                                                                        Spectre - 2x
                                                                                        Viper -1x
                                                                                        Luna - 2x
                                                                                        Kotl -1x
                                                                                        Silencer -1x
                                                                                        AA -1x

                                                                                        I won 2 of 5 games as Safe Lane Carry
                                                                                        I won 1 of 4 games as Support
                                                                                        I won 1 of 1 game as Offlane



                                                                                          yes, you lost 6 and won 4, I'd say that's quite terrible, honestly
                                                                                          I thought the aim of your blog was to improve which is why I suggested keeping a smaller heropool


                                                                                            Meanwhile I already narrowed down my hero pool and is still dropping


                                                                                              ^ Yes. That was my strategy ever since. I was first pick Spamming Luna, Spectre, Viper.

                                                                                              I thought I wanted to be more proper and not first pick carries - but that list above is where I ended up.


                                                                                                WIN, MMR up to 4047


                                                                                                Match Id: 3144269328
                                                                                                Spectre Safe Lane Carry
                                                                                                K-D-A: 6-4-22
                                                                                                Dmg: 18.5k

                                                                                                Played with a good team who were willing to play support.
                                                                                                I returned the favor by playing actively in the map and joining them in the skirmishes while giving space for our Lina to farm.

                                                                                                Lina carried us through mid game and actually had a good bloostone save on me which kind of turned around the fight when Slark, Pudge and UD were face rushing us.

                                                                                                Lina was supposed to play TA, good thing he listened to my suggestion that Lina is a superior pick based on the hero lineup for both sides.

                                                                                                Item Progression:
                                                                                                04:45: Phase Boots
                                                                                                07:41: Urn
                                                                                                08:03: Aquila
                                                                                                13:26: Wand
                                                                                                19:55: Sacred Relic
                                                                                                22:57: Radiance
                                                                                                30:10: Manta


                                                                                                  LOSE, MMR down to 4022

                                                                                                  Match Id: 3144373560
                                                                                                  Luna Safe Lane Carry
                                                                                                  K-D-A: 5-8-20
                                                                                                  GPM: 510
                                                                                                  XPM: 616
                                                                                                  Dmg: 34k

                                                                                                  I had a difficult laning stage facing against a Nyx and a roaming Ogre with a solo support Shadow Demon.

                                                                                                  Thinking back. Maybe I could have done better facing a Nyx. I was very passively farming scared against him.
                                                                                                  Maybe I could have traded a few hits instead of just moving around - trying to last hit creeps, but I don't know.

                                                                                                  We had a good push and we were able to secure a Tier 3 by capitalizing on their failed Rosh attempt as we team wiped them.
                                                                                                  I gave LC Aegis, and maybe I should have taken it instead as I fought scared that fight.

                                                                                                  Against Tinker, we badly needed Lotus Orb, but no one was equipped to build it.
                                                                                                  Looking back, maybe I should have bought that item before building Skadi.

                                                                                                  Also felt like a good Agh's Scepter game just to catch Tinker.
                                                                                                  I remember building it before against such hero and it worked


                                                                                                    WIN, MMR up to 4047


                                                                                                    Match Id: 3144468824
                                                                                                    Luna Safe Lane Carry
                                                                                                    K-D-A: 14-3-19
                                                                                                    GPM: 643
                                                                                                    XPM: 630
                                                                                                    Dmg: 41.3k

                                                                                                    It was a 2v2 lane, myself and Tree vs UD and Pudge. I know it's all around Kiev Major that Tree is the most picked hero.
                                                                                                    But I just experienced it 1st hand, he helped me win the lane against 2 STR tanky heroes.

                                                                                                    Having a riki and a weaver in our team as well.
                                                                                                    We just snowballed from there as we ended the game 32:25 by just pushing straight mid.


                                                                                                      LOSE, MMR down to 4023


                                                                                                      Match Id: 3144558641
                                                                                                      Luna Safe Lane Carry
                                                                                                      K-D-A: 14-4-10
                                                                                                      GPM: 522
                                                                                                      XPM: 611
                                                                                                      Dmg: 32.2k

                                                                                                      My teammates just took too many stupid fights (i.e. uphill many times, in enemy shrine, through the DS wall, etc) ; I kept avoiding to join such clashes and was spamming in mic to avoid those kind of battles but I eventually found myself joining them and resulted in my death for couple of times.

                                                                                                      Lesson learned: Never join stupidity

                                                                                                      Item Progression:
                                                                                                      03:03: Wand
                                                                                                      06:29: Aquila
                                                                                                      10:30: Treads
                                                                                                      12:48: HotD
                                                                                                      17:08: Dragon Lance
                                                                                                      23:47: Agh's Scepter
                                                                                                      33:57: Manta
                                                                                                      40:06: BKB

                                                                                                      I again failed on this kind of item progression, I needed BKB a bit earlier but then again.
                                                                                                      My read on the game was we were ahead. So I was confident I can farm up easily those items.
                                                                                                      My teammates clashed stupidly hence the quick turnaround.
                                                                                                      It seems that the safer bet next time is to itemize BKB after Scepter - just to be on the safer side.

                                                                                                      Also realizing that it is a good item combination since most of the times that I build Scepter is when I'm against Soft/Int-based enemies which would typically have strong magic damage.


                                                                                                        WIN, MMR up to 4048


                                                                                                        Match Id: 3145090288
                                                                                                        Spectre Safe Lane Carry
                                                                                                        K-D-A: 19-3-22
                                                                                                        GPM: 643
                                                                                                        XPM: 793
                                                                                                        Dmg: 58.1k

                                                                                                        This is a very much needed WIN for me. I literally CARRIED my team to victory in-spite of a very very ugly laning stage.
                                                                                                        The secret ingredient? Phase Boots --> Urn --> Blademail

                                                                                                        EARLY GAME
                                                                                                        Got rekt so hard by an unstoppable semi Timbersaw + Silencer.
                                                                                                        He bullied me in the lane through the first 10 minutes and I couldn't do anything.
                                                                                                        I was KDA 0-2-0 and only had PMS + Brown Boots + Gauntlets of Strength x2 by minute 10 - with Tier 1 tower down and no support.

                                                                                                        MID GAME

                                                                                                        By this time, I already gave up my hopes of getting a radiance in time
                                                                                                        A simple Blademail item pick-up and good entry to fights was all that is needed.
                                                                                                        I went from 0-2-0 KDA to 8-2-7 KDA and top networth in a span of 10 minutes.

                                                                                                        And skipping Radiance was already an afterthought as I suddenly can buy Sacred Relic just couple of minutes after buying Blade Mail.

                                                                                                        LATE GAME

                                                                                                        Their lineup has very little team fight but had a lot of DPS. We just simply won every clash.

                                                                                                        Item Progression:
                                                                                                        02:07: Brown Boots + PMS
                                                                                                        11:38: Urn
                                                                                                        14:49: Phase Boots
                                                                                                        17:55: Blade Mail
                                                                                                        20:59: Sacred Relic
                                                                                                        24:51: Radiance
                                                                                                        30:47: Diffusal
                                                                                                        39:46: Manta
                                                                                                        44:54: Heart

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