General Discussion

General Discussion@mods can we get an profile mmr update button

@mods can we get an profile mmr update button in General Discussion

    look the thingy sees our mmr in the settings, i have no idea why it wouldn't update to the profile isntantly

    there's no reason to have us play any new games if dotabuff already knows our current mmr.

    and besides, when you play a new game it shows your mmr for the game before that because the thingy doesn't update.

    but when it does, idk why wouldn't we have a feature to update mmr on our dotabuff profiles

    like what's the point of that ''check mmr'' thingy in the settings if it doesn't do jack shit after testing your mmr.

    p.s why on earth am i diamond 9 with 5.7k mmr while this kid has 4.7k and diamond 10

    he's 2# arc

    and i was diamond 8 like a week ago, how does this make any sense

    i get 5.5-6k avg games he gets 4.5-5k avg


    i have no idea what on earth would prevent the copying of that number onto the profile.

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      Mod here,



        Mod here,



          i get back then they didn't have the option to because of server being behind, but now in my settings it obviously states ''5704''

          while profile is not updating

          there is nothing in this world that would prevent someone to make a line of code to just transfer that ''5704'' to the profile


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                MMR is pretty annoying to troubleshoot, but we need to revisit this. It's constantly confusing for people trying to understand how it updates and why it doesn't update.


                  also about the other question, why am i in diamond 9 while hte guy with 1k mmr less than me is diamond 10?

                  is there any reason for this?

                  edit: i get that valve's mmr on profiles doesn't update, happens even in the real client where the game would stick the same number on your profile even for 2+ games.

                  but when it does update, and even your website detects the update(by the manual request) i see no reason for it not to change on the profile

                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                    I agree, this is a bug we need to look into!


                      thanks, what about the other question?

                      what decides our bracket, because i thought always it was avg mmr of the matches and back when i saw 3-4ks they'd have bronze/silver etc. or really low diamond

                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                        The bracket issue is difficult to diagnose without additional investigation. The player you linked was much higher mmr, comparable to yours and they recently tanked it. I can't give a conclusive answer today, it needs to be looked into.


                          okay thanks for the info <3



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