General Discussion

General DiscussionInvoker masters unite!

Invoker masters unite! in General Discussion

    Please help me, how can I improve my Carl skills.

    ^ this game destroyed me, could I have done anything better other than not suck at the game, and get some decent game sense? Was our draft terrible against enemies? If somebody is kind enough to analyze replay, I love you. Help me Invoker gods.

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      abysmal cs
      was there a reason for quas lvl 2 so you couldnt use alacrity til level 4




          @arin, TA psi blades lvl 2 felt like I needed spirit and orb regen for better laning

          Ye Qiu

            never pick invoker when there is TA. if u want to learn invo, use invo at the right time, invo is very fragile against lockdowns and DPS and clearly relies on early farm

            quas exort
            know the farming pattern
            dont control creeps at mid rush the creeps
            go to high lvl neut camp when u have forge/alac
            never rush midas do it after ring and boots to avoid lack of mana and escape ganks
            the farming pattern when u have high exort and quas for forge is
            mid creeps neuts mid creeps ancient vice versa
            always look at the minimap when 2 heroes are close just check if sunstrike is needed.

            quas wex
            unlike quas exort this build is somehow about rotation never forget midas on this build otherwise youll be outfarmed

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            Ye Qiu

              ow and dont copy miracle's tread type he is just a pro so he does that BOT is needed for a quas exort invoker (even quas wex)

              1-IceTea 🌟



                  Thanks Saiba, I insta pick invoker to learn him, I'll try and get good, I've been on a massive losing streak on and off lately. I play in China region, and nobody at all communicates, I get placed in 4 man teams and I'm left alone, it's awful...


                    Don't pick Eul's every game. There are other items that are just as important if not more important.
                    You want to get your Midas ASAP, and Agh's ASAP.
                    Eul's is great if you are playing against a silencer or something equally cancerous against Invoker, but even then I like to get a Lotus Orb.

                    Early game Invoker is all about quick XP, Sun strike Kills, and either pushing with your team (alacrity), or split pushing with BoT. Preferably using the space created by others.
                    Invoker is all about positioning in the late game.

                    Other smaller tips:
                    Get a point in W to get alacrity and the ability to ghost walk out of ganks.
                    Infused Raindrops are gold.
                    Clarities are worth it.
                    Get RoA if you plan on using the Forged Spirit to push your lane and farm the jungle.

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