Haha I feel you man. Thats why I've re-rolled and am trying to take advantage of the hidden mmr to escape the clutches of hell. But feel free to add me im sure we could help each other. I lack some skill in the mid lane and you seem to lack the farming stats :(
IO first pick troll last pick both are good pick meat,uh, I mean mate
it takes brain to get into 3k MMR
edit : jk, it just need half brain
lol i fel from 4k coz i wanted to learn new heros and while i did improve my game i struggle to climb back up, 3kers are just so noob. basicallymost games are filled retards who can't play for shit. sometimes they get in the enemy team and you win easily, but like look my last sf game, my team literally fed weaver a rampage because he killed me once and they tp one by one and all die.
i can only enjoy dota when i play my almost-4k party mmr at least people are not full retarded 70% of the time.
Wanna get into 3k? Stop feeding. Also you're playing at 55% so you'll eventually climb there.
I reached 2999 before dropping 300 MMR and still trying to come back up again. What are you whining about.
X.9K is basically a fcking nightmare coz everyone try so fcking hard to get (X+1)K. ive been in 4005 two times then drop. first one from 4005 to 3600 then 4005 to 3905. just have fun and if youre good then youll get there eventually. haha
3k takes no effort to reach. I calibrated to 3k before I even started to learn using item actives.
That's because you played normal AP for 1 year before you started calibrating.
Even then this shows you are bullshitting: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/65195948/matches?date=all&lobby_type=ranked_matchmaking&page=37 You started Normal Skill.
Then didn't reach a VHS game until approximately a year and a half after you started Ranked MM. Here: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/65195948/matches?date=all&lobby_type=ranked_matchmaking&page=20&skill_bracket=very_high_skill
So put your epeen back inside your epants.
Getting to 5k is also much based, I'm just unlucky I retarded teammates or would've been 5k ezpzrtz
guys it's true. bws couldnt climb outof 2k because of shit teammates. but once he got better teammates (3ks) he climbed
i used to be shit lol yeah but you can check my last week win rate and you will see maybe
nvm i fucked it up, its 52%
I feel the exact same way! oh wait no I don't
see I'll get to 3700-3800 and run into the same string of "bad luck" which means it's not bad luck. It's just relative to where you are at. You start to hit the ceiling of your ability and you lose matches cus you've topped out. It's not that big of a deal, you either improve or you don't. It'll seem like yeah your team made dumbass picks but how many games have you won cus opposing team made dumbass picks? Those balance out.
@Dire. I used to think that. Sure, if I was a 4k Invoker player I could have carried that game. Problem is, I am NOT 4k, and I doubt you could win a 3k average game with the same drafts I had. Thing is, this is a consistent issue for me. Literally everytime I hit that barrier or get above it my team gets a terrible draft where someone wants a pick because they "want to" not because they want to win.
bad luck is still very much a factor, but it depends on what hero you play. if you play sand king (or any other very strong early hero) of course you can fix pretty much all the mistakes that your team makes in the lanes by in example just TP'ing in and using burrowstrike... but if you play spectre or something, good luck saving your team from losing completely if they are using feet to play the game and not hands.
I have won games where I got outdrafted badly. Problem isn't just draft. It is also monkeys who are in the mood to feed. This also doesn't mean just a "bad" game - an absolute garbage game where they are "supporting" without getting wards, feeding their carries, and contributing NOTHING. Most of the games that are bad for me, I am at least smart enough to hang back, stay with team, and ward (even if I am not the support).
this is any mmr
you have to be good enough to win even if people decide to feed, if you want to climb fast
players have a tendency to focus only on the retards on their team while completely ignoring the retards on the opposing side. Trust me it evens out.
I mean look dude, damn, this is a few of your latest wins:
Enemy team's only support abandons, two shadow blades, 4-13 monkey king, and you have a pudge and timber who go ham on them. That's the definition of a match where the opposing team is probably posting OMG can't win with these retards!!!
Or this one, another feeding monkey king. https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2892643768
Or this one, enemy team abadons, multiple mids on their side https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2888169275
Enemy team picks gyro. Nuff said. Actually surprised they led in kills with that lineup. https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2887708740
So it averages out. Probably half your wins are cus the opposing team was being morons with their picks/feeding.
Scharfschütze, it is good if everyone is working hard. That means the game quality will be higher.
Haffy, the average player calibrates at about 3.1k mmr.
anyway just chill. i calibrated at 2.9k (literally two game away from 3k bench) but yea here i am. im so pissed of losing, never played ranked anymore lul.
i used to have a similar issue back when i was 4k where i actually cared about what my team picks.
i learned to: LET IT GO
seriously, stop being a cuck and let your teammates pick their shit
you'll literally end up in worse scenarios when you force your teammates to pick roles/heroes that they can't play rather than the bad ones THAT THEY CAN ACTUALLY PLAY
but cookie do you agree that some heroes are in general better at winning games when your team totally sucks than others? or is it all personal skill? or a specific role (like jungle support?)?
i've always said, hero doesn't matter, it's the player who plays that hero
sure add me: 242852551
you're gonna have a higher chance with 2 junglers than forcing those 2 junglers who've never supported to do supporting
There are some heroes who are Strong in every point of the Match. Juggernaut is actually one of the best ;)
Cookie is 100% right. You need to have a mentality of idgaf, just play your game. Doesn't matter if they want to play mid, etc just let them be. Focus on getting farmed and avoid getting killed.
I could never get safelane or offlane core (and when I could, I'd pick sven, LC or slardar), and I hate playing mid, so I ended up jungling all the time, because I really didn't want to argue about positions. It is literally possible to go from 1.1k to 3.8k just by jungling, because jungling beats farming the same lane as a 1k jugg, so if somebody is giving me shit because i jungle, I just mute them and proceed to (in most cases) win the game. Forcing me to support after all core positions have been taken (usually by people who are both worse at laning, and at the game in general than me), I would just lose the game if I were doing something I am exceedingly bad at. Not to mention I am easily tilted when I am a position bellow somebody I am better at.
Therefore, I am pretty sure cooky's completely right on this one, just let people do whatever they want, even if they are bad at being a carry, they'd be fucking shit at supporting since they are already bad at dota, and forcing them to do something that they haven't practiced enough is even worse.
Even brain dead supports like ogre can be played in a bad way where you aren't very useful, so there's that.
If you are forced to play support, just tryhard and excel in team fights and laning phase lul.
Ogre magi's actually one of the best laning supports. How? He's got 8 armor and 60 something base damage. Buy orb of venom and wind lace/boots and your tryhard is successful. Ez katka
If forced to play support, there are a few ways to go about it:
1) Pick something that can completely dominate the lane (ogre, sky, warlock, lich)
2) Pick something that scales with the enemy farm (like WW)
3) Pick something disable heavy that lets you be useful even if you get blown up (stuff like lion)
4) Pick something that can transition into a carry with enough kills (like riki)
5) Pick something that can deal a fuckton of (preferably AoE) damage (like veno)
6) Pick something that can push really well (again, Veno, Warlock but also Jakiro)
7) Pick something that can keep your suboptimal teammates alive for longer than your suboptimal enemies (Dazzle, Omni, WW, Oracle)
There is a huge number of ways to have impact as a support and in sub 3k it is literally easier than anywhere. Low MMR people might think that supporting in higher MMR is easier because people have more understanding of the game and can teamplay better, but the reality is, being a good support when there is no good support on the enemy team can win you a fuckton of games. In 3k there isn't enough support and utility to begin with, so adding that to your team of 4 carries is still beneficial.
I mean, the point is - if you are truly better than everyone, then if you play a core hero you'll just win most games since it is mostly on you, if you play support, you should be able to achieve huge impact anyway, though it is much harder to win games on your own.
There's literally zero excuse not to get out of 3k if you're actually trying, and blaming teamates is fucking stupid since even if you are forced to support in 100% of games if you're truly better than everyone you should still rise, and if supporting is something that you cannot rise at all with, then just first pick a carry, select mid or safelane (or even offlane), go farm it, mute everyone who gives you shit, and win the game.
If you can't do that, then you belong where you are an no amount of complaining about teammates will make sense. I went from 1.1k to 3.8k by solely jungling and if I start playing solo ranked again I'd still probably rise with 60% ranked winrate in this bracket (but my winrate would eventually drop to much lower). That's because I can play that at a higher level than what people usually are at. It doesn't matter if it is inefficient or stupid - it is not ineffective, and I would have no excuse not to be able to win more than I lose.
So what excuse have you? Teammates? Yeah right. If you could know what to do when, no amount of bad teammates (which are also on the other team, mind you) would be able to bring you down.
If you believe that raising in MMR is about luck, then you literally have zero understanding of how statistics work, the only reason Elo system works is because it works with averages, and a single game doesn't mean anything, much like in a proper scientific study observing a single iteration of whatever you're researching means nothing unless it's a case study (which usually doesn't bring general conclusions), so you need a lot of subjects to be able to deduct anything general.
We can't tell how good/bad you are from a single game, and you can't say so about your teammates either. If you could, everyone who is better than you could as well, and we wouldn't need MMR at all. Your teammates are just as bad as you are, so I guess you'll just have to accept this and move on.
I'm sure I could climb out of 2k if I kept using my old account
The VAC kills my mood to do so
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Reached 2977 MMR. And this was the game that happened immediately
Happens almost every time I hit 3k mmr.
To translate: Terrible picks on my team - Io was first picked. Troll last picked.
Gem was fed at 10 minutes.
Toxic team mates.