General Discussion

General Discussionhow do i get to 2k

how do i get to 2k in General Discussion

    hi I'm stuck in 1.9k can anyone give me tips to help me reach 2k, thanks


      you win 4 games


        Make new account stomp first game you will calibrate arount 3k


          @cookie is 100 cs in 15 minutes good or need to do better?


            laahitting is not all about winning u must know when to stay in lane or push and when to tp midd and fight with ur team and when to rosh

            number of lasthits come with itself im not even looking how much creeps i have at that minute i just hit creeps when i see and fight when i need


              just practice ur last hitting with heroes u play and gg u got 3.5k mmr lul that simple


                It depends on the hero and how much impact that you did
                An ursa with 100 LH at 20 min but has gotten 2 aegis and helped the team to kill all 6 outer towers while raping enemies is better than an ursa with 150 that did nothing in the first 20 minutes


                  100 cs in 15 min, depends on what hero subzero:

                  antimage= not good enough

                  ancient apparition= miracle-

                  Этот комментарий был изменён
                  very good csgo player

                    Hello, I'm new to dotabuff and I'm generally not that good at dota (4k) but I can offer you a few tips to climb high in mmr. 1) BE A FLEXIBLE PLAYER in ranked,every 3k or 4k players thinks he is gonna single handedly win his team the game. Although you may be the best mid in Eu, having 2 mid heroes fighting over the lane will definitely lose you the game. Learn a wide hero pool from roamers to safelane carries. 2) NEVER FLAME YOUR TEAM no matter what you do, always report the teammate who is feeding or griefing but NEVER insult or provoke this individual. 99% of the time they are very toxic people who will proceed to throw the game. 3) Never give in to shittalking if somebody says something that is not useful or helpful on the other team, mute them. If the support dewards your ''hidden'' ward blocking the pull camp and proceeds to trashtalk you. Mute him. You really don't want to waste your chrono in the lategame just to rip that cocky support a new one.
                    4) When learning to play core, learn farming patterns as well as post-fight efficiency. I'm guilty of this one as I'm not the most efficient farmer due to my unranked games being more of a joke than anything but seriously, learn proper farming patterns. I saw you had 270 creeps in 35 mins on your previous sven game. Well majority of 5k carry player have an average of 10 cs/min
                    5) As a Midlaner be as efficient as possible. This is a really good tip for boosting Midlane Farm. You can get up to 1k gpm on sf if you farm efficiently enough. Ok, I'm assuming you guys know that the midlaner pushes out his lane at 35 to 40 seconds. I'll give you an example. I was shadowfiend and I pushed out my wave at 5:40 I ran to the large camp. (radiant) at 54 I hit the camp. Razed medium camp and ran to get the rune. My venge was securing it. For 90 mana and the loss of 2 cs I got myself 180 extra gold. So you have no reason to flame supports for not stacking for you as you are also capable of stacking and midlaning. Efficency is key so you can hit those item timings faster.
                    Sorry about the essay but I hope you learnt something from here. Just sharing what little knowledge I have.


                      Don't listen t cookie. 100 at 15 is good for am at 2k. If u maintain that kinda farm every game u r bound to win all ur games. XD


                        100 in 15 is not good on AM
                        Doing it in 2k MMR makes it worse
                        15 min is about 150ish or more


                          must i even?

                          150 is good at 15 min in 2k, or even more

                          it's 2k, not 6k

                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                            try at least 80 lasthit in mid by min 10


                              I barely get 30 last hit in 10 min when playing invoker mid
                              @cookie, it was anti mage

                              Giff me Wingman

                                add me, give me login, let me stomp to 2k Keepo


                                  Yo subzero. Don't listen to these blue star noobs. They like to gloat about how they farm so well in 2k. But remember. If u get 100 in 15 ur probably doing pretty well. Having said that, take note that if u can do 150 that's ideal.

                                  What's not ok is not buying battlefury on am. And what's not ok is not getting more than 10cs a min after u get bf. So at 30min u should have Around 300 and not less. That's will lose u ur 2k games. U must keep up the farm throughout.

                                  Johnny Rico

                                    play sups that give your team the advantage, like omni, oracle (pretty hard for scrubs-because no one reads the skills), bounty, riki etc.


                                      Setting high targets will make him more disciplined which helps him improvement faster
                                      If he keeps telling himself "ya 100 in 15 min is good on am i guess" he won't push his farming efficiency to the limit, and if he loses he'd be like "oh damn but i did well so it has to be my teammates" and the Dunning-Kruger begins
                                      Worst case scenario he'll become a dota junkie a.k.a those smurfing retards that asks for MMR prediction

                                      Этот комментарий был изменён
                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        pradik rmm bws ples


                                          predikt memer pl0xx


                                            on topic, i calibrated at 1800 and im telling you, it doesnt take a genius to get out of 1k

                                            i just played then eventually i got out of it


                                              Well cookie you need to know something at 2k mmr. Its almost godlike if you have 150 cs at 15 min because noob at 2k pick lane dominant hero like viper huskar pa. Its ok to get a 16 min bf for 2k if you learn to farm efficiently you can catch up and in no time you are in the top networth. I played alchemist at 2k game and i got triple the networth of the 2nd highest hero. The problem i see about 2k player is they dont know their power and their enemy power so they just dive in and die a lot of time. With am you need to predict the outcome of the teamfight and when its time just go in and cast your ult. Tbh, if your am just practice your farming pattern then its just fine.

                                              Giff me Wingman


                                                you so deserved that loss for building radiance xD


                                                  just spam kunkka learn combo(1-4-1-1 at lv 7) kill every 1 you see in mid game. ez mmr +25

                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                    1 4 1 1????????

                                                    What the fuck.

                                                    N O R M A L S K I L L can you stop posting?

                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                      what about you?


                                                        What about him?


                                                          whats up with @666 with kunkka... you ever seen min 12 linkens?? no more xmark oops you're dead

                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                            Play slark to get out of 2k. Take your time to learn this hero. Learn to farm properly by spamming 1st skill. Once you got your item go hunt the enemy. Its very simple, watch the pro play slark also help you to get better. Since you have god win rate with slark just spam him. Ez 2k

                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                              1411 is torrent ship and 2 torrent?


                                                                Omg these horibble edgy suggestions "just play this hero.... follow my build.... you get 2k easy...."


                                                                  Before the nerfs, I would say spam Omniknight.


                                                                    @waifu nori my average time for bfury is around 14 mins and my best record was 11 mins, is it good enough?


                                                                      bfury treads pms 14 mins = good
                                                                      bfury boots of speed = what the fuck this is so bad


                                                                        @alice 23 mins bfury threads manta


                                                                          wtf is pms

                                                                          edit : I never build poor man's shield

                                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                                            stop having 51% winrate if you want to climb

                                                                            seriously, you actually have to play better than your opponents, else you are just as bad as them

                                                                            also stop abandoning games you have half my games but more abandons holy shit

                                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                              you should consider it

                                                                              getting a 500 gold item is worth it if it significantly reduces lane harass (pms has 100% block against heroes which does A LOT). AM is a hero that farms quickly anyway, so an extra 500 gold isnt a problem. in case it becomes a problem should that it "slows your timings", thats a player fault, not the hero

                                                                              23 mins (pms) bfury treads manta isnt really that good if you got a 14 min (pms) treads bfury, you should be aiming for 18-21 min manta at the least

                                                                              if you got a 14 min fury but your next core item comes 9 mins later its either you dont know your farm rotations, youre not taking towers, or youre feeding

                                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                                it is also pretty stupid to give advice to people on general timings if you do not consider what their lane was like, the issue is really what you can do with freefarm vs what you can do when pressured, with freefarm you can expect a really quick battlefury and basically, a won game, when pressured, you can just hope that the enemy is much worse at farming than you are and still win


                                                                                  also rarely buy vlads on the hero

                                                                                  get vanguard instead, it got buffed and now its a buildup for abyssal, might as well get it since vlads doesnt build into anything. you can go EITHER headress OR basillus but you dont really need to complete it

                                                                                  usually i go manta-vg but you can do yasha-vg-manta if you want; yasha alone is a great farming item and sooner or later you'll run out of sustain. vg is also really good for surviving the typical lc but manta gives you a huge spike


                                                                                    how to deal with pressure as AM (or any carry, really):
                                                                                    -try to get rid of your support
                                                                                    -learn creep equilibrium and know when to pull (dont miss any jungle creeps to improve farm) and especially how to creep aggro
                                                                                    -learn how to last hit under tower
                                                                                    -get headress, pms, and more tangoes against necro/huskar/viper/sky then eventually ring of health, if not against those you can go for basi instead, just remember to turn it off
                                                                                    -do it for 10 mins

                                                                                    voila, easy 50cs while being pressured. im too lazy so if you wanna know what i mean go watch/read about creep equilibrium somewhere (d2bowie has a vid of notail dealing with a huskar lane as AM posted on youtube)

                                                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                      isn't vlads a core on anti mage?

                                                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                        Yes VG > vlad on AM right now, especially with the 1-1-1-1 build you don't exactly need the lifesteal or extra mana regen


                                                                                          Vlad isn't core on AM
                                                                                          Situational pushing steroid


                                                                                            if you went for basi and youre really getting pressured to the point that your tower is getting smacked just convert basi to talon so you can get medium/large creeps pre-10 mins


                                                                                              no it isnt core

                                                                                              you need slots for your REAL core items (manta bfury abyssal boots) + 2 more which is usually butterfly-linken/bkb/mkb

                                                                                              you should refrain from getting small items on AM since he can farm huge ass items in 2-5 mins if done right

                                                                                              also since vg got buffed it became better than vlads overall + it saves slots since it builds up into one of your real core items


                                                                                                The only good "small item" on AM is PMS anyway


                                                                                                  okay ill try your advice, thanks


                                                                                                    also, an extension to the pressure thingy

                                                                                                    if youre getting pressured and the only thing you think you can do is to pray that they farm slower then youre dealing with pressure the wrong way

                                                                                                    pressuring is a viable play on your enemy's part but at this time and age almost every play has a counter play to them providing you know what to do, how to do, when to do your counter play


                                                                                                      I usually just buy quell tango stout then boots then bfury

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