General Discussion

General DiscussionShould i stop playing support?

Should i stop playing support? in General Discussion

    Well, i dont hate playing support
    I just SUCK, REALLY REALLY SUCK with it.
    I feel like i am just cour and ward bitch machine who feeding enemy
    I am not the kind of ppl who said "I cant support" when the reality is they dont want to support
    in this acc, you see i just playing carry. But it's when i play with my 1k-2k friend ofc i pick carry
    but when i play solo mmr sometime i just go last pick and pick whatever the team needs regardless i ever play that hero or not (i think all support heroes is simple)
    i DO all support things like buy cour, ward, smoke gank, TP rotating, pull, harras, creating space
    but i always ended up feed and lost most of my games with the team blaming me
    i am so bad at solo support, always fail my early rotating gank and sometimes just have boots at 20 min mark so fragile to kill
    i dont want to be a dick who think i must playing carry or what
    but i just freaking bad at support
    so, should i just stop playing support and go the role i can play ALWAYS?


      if u can last hit, always pick carry
      if u can't last hit, always pick support

      im a ns scrub


        Try support Sniper. It's nearly impossible to feed with this hero.


          Have u tried support Riki?


            Maybe u should just delete dota for the statement that support is easy to play. It one of the hardest role if u wanna do it right :D


              Step 1: pick Timbersaw
              Step 2: Profit

              advice from 26 mmr player


                It's easy to play support.


                  Support is easy to play but hard to master
                  Everyone can buy wards and place them,then buy utilities and use them
                  But not everyone can find the perfect position in teamfight, turn fight around with his skillset, win the battle of vision against a good support,all while making their carry fat while having little to no item

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                  doc joferlyn simp

                    ^basically this lmao


                      Solo support lineup is a stupid thing that NS players think works
                      A 4 not so fat carries and an uberly poor support is a bad thing no matter what
                      The 12345 farm priority list is around for a reason

                      inst:  MissMissclick

                        but 4 cores own in normal skill since ppl dont kow how to end


                          You are totally wrong. Solo support works and "12345 farm priority list" doesn't oppose that in any way.

                          4 cores own in any skill.

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                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                            every time i play support i realize about 20 mins in that i'm a retard and should've been doing other stuff early game


                              Play Abbaddon


                                You're not really playing support. You're feeding. Support = Help the team in whatever they need. It doesn't mean ward bitch, it doesn't mean gank bitch and it definitely doesn't mean feeding bitch. You play your hero normal and get last hits whenever you can without disrupting or stealing from someone else. Being support means playing your hero flawlessly around the map, focusing more on the map and game development over farming habits and rape the other team by enhancing your teams performance through your own hero performance which at times can mean bait, suicide, ward, buy a gem of the cost of a good item for you, positioning yourself strategically to deal with what's the incoming enemy move, etc.

                                So I hope you learned what support means now and won't use that word leisurely around like you've been doing until now YOU FUCKING SCRUB STUPID PIECE OF SHIT ASSHOLE GAME RUINING BITCH!! L2P OR DON'T PLAY RANKED FUCKTARD

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                                  ^Well played. Errr... Well said!

                                  casual gamer

                                    if you play support well, and i mean actually play it well not just tick the checkboxes of what u think a support does, you will win an astronomical number of games


                                      ^Delusional kid...

                                      I saw enough supports who always had an itch to do something. They all lose. Sad reality is that harder you try as a support - more you lose. So my advice is: stay cool, do what must be done and don't bother your cores to win this match for you.

                                      P.S. This reminds me old Soviet Russia proverb: "initiative is punishable".

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                                      Teamwork is the key

                                        Try offlane Underlord.Tanky,support with items,need just GG boots(not even that) and experience to be good all game long,counter most line up. Just need to not fuck up with ulti.
                                        You can even semi-carry if your line up isn't too greedy or just support being a ward-bitch

                                        Teamwork is the key

                                          Or try necro pos 3, half support-half carry. Killing always help your team,need items though and wap awareness to not fully feed and be usefull

                                          casual gamer

                                            ok soultrap keep playing 200 games of dazzle with flat 50% winrate, literally 0 impact. so sad

                                            meanwhile i've gained at least 400 mmr with my support winrate this month

                                            Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                              Follow what Benao said. Although you can watch gameleap and dotadbowie to have it printed into your brain on what has to be done.


                                                try ursa support m8. ez jungling ez ward

                                                casual gamer

                                                  i never said i could play all heroes. I'm not jesus, I'm just also not delusional. If i had 200 earthshaker games and the same 25% winrate, that would be truly sad

                                                  it's extra exciting that you still are taking from lifetime stats, as if you don't understand i played kunkka mid when i was 3700 mmr 10 patches ago

                                                  I also find it interesting that you adhere to the idea mmr is meaningless, glhf winning 30 games in a row to catch up

                                                  but hey im sure when gaben matches you with the right carries u will finally win mmr


                                                    Support Ursa may work as a way to zone offlane Timber and kind of "aegis-provider" for your cores.

                                                    casual gamer

                                                      of course, you only picked heroes that i only play in LPQ or months and months ago

                                                      flawless argument you have there

                                                      this conversation is pointless. nothing i can say is will ever convince you that you have control over winning ur games. why are you even playing dota


                                                        I just don't like how you operate statistics... You ignored my >60% winrates on Omni, CM, Lich and Silencer, but focused on Dazzle. So I showed you exactly the same bias.


                                                          nothing i can say is will ever convince you that you have control over winning ur games. why are you even playing dota

                                                          Actually, thats an interesting question...

                                                          Maybe it's because I'm a big fan of Total Annihilation and I can't understand fans of Starcraft.

                                                          casual gamer

                                                            ur very successful on many support heroes, which is partially why i dont understand how u feel so unable to win games urself when ur clearly doing it

                                                            i focused on dazzle because ppl are saying dazzle > oracle lol

                                                            u have 200 dazzle games and still 50% even knowing the hero, i have maybe 50 oracle games and high winrate

                                                            Niko, TI9.ChrisLuck

                                                              Dont mean to be cocky. I can carry 4 carry with my earth spirit. And i can just have an arcane and wand in 20 minutes idc. I just buy wards and some shit. I feed too. But it doesnt matter when uve done something right like warding stacking etc. Es is good hero even it is to hard to be controlled.


                                                                just because you don't know something doesn't mean you should give up

                                                                it means you should LEARN IT


                                                                  i dont understand how u feel so unable to win games urself when ur clearly doing it

                                                                  I don't understand too. I do nothing. You can watch my games, if you don't believe me. I always get reports (last update was 8 reports and 1 commend), but somehow I rarely find myself in "low priority". It makes me think that reporting system is broken...


                                                                    supporting is a garbage waste of time in public matchmaking do not do it


                                                                      i want to shoot myself every time i play it so i only play it if i know i have multiple competent cores

                                                                      Fee Too Pee

                                                                        play silencer :
                                                                        Ez zone with glaive 1 point
                                                                        spam skill 1 , oh free gold from hero that i cursed 1 thousand ages ago
                                                                        after utility item : (force , eul)
                                                                        buy bkb , moonshard
                                                                        replace ur carry lul

                                                                        Fee Too Pee

                                                                          i watched singsing stream , i like how he always play aggresively early game and fuck up every lane with still being funny. i just cannot play passively. with jakiro , silencer , i just always disturbing their life making them triggered, or just simply zone completly the offlaner.

                                                                          btw for you support players that confused how to zone. just pick silencer and 1 point glaive and max curse. the damage is crazy and u still actually can farm for wards and utility with curse.
                                                                          oh and free int

                                                                          Full Давай

                                                                            idk it's all fun and satisfying mind games until someone tilts and starts blame game.

                                                                            And if your team does not speak whatever language you speak it becomes more challenging.

                                                                            Just few more chat wheel options would be nice like :

                                                                            1. ward expiration timer

                                                                            2. tower health (or enemy tower is low etc)

                                                                            3. enemy has vision here! (not just deward plz)

                                                                            4. ENEMY SMOKED (more specific than all missing)

                                                                            5. MIRANA ULTED

                                                                            6. time left till I regenerate enough mana for certain skills (not using any items)

                                                                            7. pinging I don't have enough mana for full combo

                                                                            8. or just let me do the math and give option to ping "wait x seconds"

                                                                            9. NO (not just get back, pure denial)

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                                                                            Vic Romano

                                                                              1: if you're dying, pick hard to kill supports until you learn positioning. If you're dying a lot early, your positioning sucks. Pick ogre if you want to be aggressive, most lanes can't kill him early. None of these opportunities there? Stack camps for your cores, pull and get XP and gold through them if your carry can cs under tower, smoke up and ward then reassess what you can do.

                                                                              2: go gank a lane if there's an actual chance it'll do something. The odds of you ganking mid for your storm after he got destroyed by a tinker will do any good is damn near none, you either need to roam earlier before that happens, or just Accept you missed your chance and look for others. Now, if you're safe lane is fine for you to roam to the offline and gank and you force their carry out, it isn't a kill but it's still damn effective. But DO NOT die ganking unless you'll get even more out of a death, dying stupidly can swing a gank around and blow up in your face.

                                                                              3: make sure your wards are doing something. Placing a ward and saying youre supporting doesn't count if the ward does nothing. Think about where the enemy is and what they'll do. Have they been roaming on top? See where they've entered from and ward it so you see them early enough. Are they starting to get on a roll and pushing t1s? Ward around the next likely objective. A vision advantage can allow you to initiate and catch them off guard.

                                                                              Really it sounds like your problem is doing all these things at the wrong time or not efficiently enough. See how other supports do these things and when, try to see what they see and it should get better


                                                                                If you want insta report do as @Free Too Pee says