General Discussion

General Discussion@ good AM players

@ good AM players in General Discussion
casual gamer

    how often do u save stout vs pms if going vguard - lane dependant? almost always pms unless going VG before manta?

    ditto with basi - if u aren't going vlads do u always buy the basi? or 50/50 or never. I think the basi is too good to give up but if it isn't that good id like to know

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    casual gamer

      also if u absolutely have to end early would you get vlads to push faster or skip it for a faster power spike manta/abyssal? dependant on how much phys. damage they have?

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        Just buy pms, it's not worth having your lane fucked up because you have don't pms vs saving a small amount of gold later on. I don't get basi if I'm skipping vlads usually I just go straight vanguard or headdress/ring of regen. Basi is probably a thing I've seen miracle do it, don't think it makes a huge difference overall.

        Idk why you ever would have to end early as AM, I have 450 games and I've never thought that I needed to end before 30 minutes desperately. Even against stuff like Spec or Naga if you are ahead you farm a lot faster so it is better to just farm up a bit to widen the networth gap before breaking high ground with aegis and shit.

        casual gamer

          im pretty sure if this game lasted another 10 minutes and alch got real items we were done for, id rather end at bf manta vg than have to play essentially solo vs a tricore with void and alch in it, even if i riced bfly bkb in those 10 minutes


            Poor voids are food for AM, I'm sure if you get 30 minute butter after your abyssal you can't die even if you blink into 5. Don't forget with AM if you are ahead you exert massive map presence because you can solo kill anything with your abyssal combo so just by farming their jungle you will basically create a gigantic networth lead out of nothing as they can't solo counterpush lanes and can only leave base as 5. It looks like you guys shit stomped so you may as well end but I wouldn't feel any particular pressure to do so. If you are behind against a lineup like that you are going to have issues but in that case you aren't going to be able to end fast anyway.

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              Tbh how much would such a minor difference make unless u r 7k man. U could start boots as Am and it may not even matter in the long run




                  Are u for real man


                    Don't make me
                    Spam am boots first to prove a point bro


                      Why cant we make vanguard before bf and forget vlads altogether. Sure it delays bf timing, but the early game vang + treads + magic resistance makes him unkillable for some time and u can farm, split push and even dive in team fights with peace of mind


                        Prove what? Win a 5k game before you talk


                          LOL^ Fake blue star abuser trying to use rank to talk shit?




                              Yea man I need to abuse to get 5k))))))))


                              Also not sure why I'm even bothering to argue with you considering that no one in this forum takes you seriously but seeing you talk as if you even have an inkling of what you are talking about just triggers me. no difference between pms and boots XDDDDDDD fucking 1k logic.

                              Btw that wasn't even using ranked to talk shit, you aren't even close to 5k let alone 7k yet you dare to spew shit like "makes a minor difference unless you are 7k", please just stop posting thanks

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                              M U R D E R

                                Lmao bootz first on any hero is bad unless you are jukemaster in an easy lane against a melee xD


                                  Shows how intelligent you are. The point wasn't boots is better than pms. Learn to read and comprehend before u want to shit post. Lul maybe I should post a 5k profile to make myself more credible since you think it makes arguments logical?

                                  Dumb fuck. That wasn't the point at all. The point is it wouldn't make much of a difference in games unless u are already playing at a very high level and there isn't much room for outplay. Learn to read idiot :)


                                    I'm sure if you go boots first on AM you are gonna have a hard game against players with brains.

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                                      You don't even need to outplay u just need two people to click on each other and whether you go pms or leave it as stout would make a huge difference. Whatever though continue believing in all the theories you have I'm sure it's working very well for you


                                        Me posting my smurf account was to disprove your retarded claim that I abused to get my solo mmr, nothing to do with making my arguments more credible


                                          LOL^ Fake blue star abuser trying to use rank to talk shit?

                                          you're a fucking idiot


                                            ^ unfortunately u were using yours and my mmr to make a point hence it being apparently relevant, abuser.

                                            U did abuse to get your mmr. Why would I care about what smurf account u posted? U lost all credibility by being an abuser bruh. U r an idiot

                                            Again let me reiterate my point for those idiots who think i think boots are better than pms. I would never go boots first if I played am. But the point is the difference between going pms first or stout shield first is so trivial that it would only matter in very high skill level games. U can dispute the fact that I said 7k as a proxy for very high skill games, sure. But I don't care that ur 5k feelings got hurt.

                                            But pls stop trying to detract from the point by arguing completely irrelevant points like boots is worse than stout or I'm 1k to destroy my credibility. Rofl u have absolutely none.


                                              @endless LUL




                                                  dotabuff convinced me that everyone who's not in vhs is mentally impaired

                                                  the realm's delight

                                                    le reddit


                                                      @endless. ur post convinced me that being in vhs does not make what you say intelligent in any way. Kek

                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                        get on my level retards...

                                                        my smurf:

                                                        fucking 5k trashes...

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                                                        M U R D E R

                                                          Wind lace into Boots first sf is fun though. Start with pretty much 400MS seems legit

                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                          Corona FRIES

                                                            ^ So does getting outcsed seems legit too

                                                            casual gamer

                                                              more than getting outcsed the problem would be not being able to trade aggressively with void/timber and then losing the lane or kills because of that lol

                                                              and obviously mega tilt teammates


                                                                If you don't upgrade your stout and you lane vs void/timber/anything that ever hits you in lane you're gonna have an awful time in lane. Even if it ends up setting your BF back 1 minute because you had to back off or buy extra regen that has quite a large snowball effect on the rest of your game due to the exponential growth in your farm after BF. This applies to any mmr level especially in lower ones where you are going to be contested by dual offlanes with moron supports.

                                                                2k indog monkey

                                                                  I like how jacked's argument ended in a peaceful way


                                                                    Lower mmr have support? Lul i saw a 5 carry team and i just fucking go for weaver support. In the end i got 5000 ping so i cant play worth it lululululul

                                                                    2k indog monkey

                                                                      D00d w33ver 1z supp0rt w0t r u t0lking ab0ut

                                                                      M U R D E R

                                                                        Well if you are picking SF i assume you can cs even with 30ish attack damage on lvl 1. Ofc you can just skill razes and easily farm too

                                                                        < blank >



                                                                            Always pms. Never basi until after bf


                                                                              this is why ihate vhs player


                                                                                people that dont go pms on antimage are dumb

                                                                                u should buy pms on antimage void terrorblade pa regardless of matchup in the safelane


                                                                                  always buy pms 1st item unless your last hits are off and you need a quelling blade

                                                                                  2k indog monkey

                                                                                    Not instantly going for PMS for more regen is ok I think


                                                                                      u buy it in lane and ya its by far the best laning stage item on antimage, lets u trade freely with any offlaner and lets ur supports pull andstuff. u should buy in on heroes like naix or sven too if it means the lane goes a lot better.

                                                                                      2k indog monkey

                                                                                        I buy PMS alot of times on melee heroes that want to trade hits
                                                                                        Even on alche,sven,and other melee str carries
                                                                                        But hey I'm just an NS scrub so my opinions are irrelevant xd

                                                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                          dusk weeb of amneshit pls continue i wanna be entertained

                                                                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!