General Discussion

General DiscussionPeople are too judgemental

People are too judgemental in General Discussion

    So I was browsing the forums and I found that normal skill players are treated badly.

    Just because you are technically bad at playing Dota doesn't mean you know nothing.

    Take ODpixel for example, some people trust his judgement and is only around 4k

    The most knowledgeable person I know in Dota is 2k MMR, but analyzes pro games better than most casters do

    TL;DR just because someone is normal skill doesn't mean they don't know more than you, they just play worse

      Этот комментарий удален модератором

        normal skill people (like me) are normally bad at everything and MIGHT shine at something but its unlikely

        maybe ur friend just got calibrated too low or something, or maybe he spends more time watching pro games rather than play

        there are a lot of factors that makes us normal skill people the normal skill people that we are


          they are cocky and trashtalk more we should start put them i gas chamber


            there is a certain reason that makes a 2k player stay at 2k, and a 6k - in 6k.

            saving private RTZ

              4ks and 6ks are pretty much all the same.
              the only difference is game sense.

              LUL Kappa

              I don't think anyone has any problems with NS players. It's just those who start theorycrafting and don't accept any other ideas

              Этот комментарий был изменён

                He watches a lot of pro games
                He actually works for Na'Vi and does analysis for them from time to time
                But my point is even though he's normal skill he understands the game better than I do

                saving private RTZ

                  He actually works for Na'Vi and does analysis for them from time to time

                  Ye, I doubt this.


                    fuck normal skill players, talking out of their asses thinking their (mostly shitty) opinion has any validation besides being a stupid comment on a forum.


                      ^ that, or they're asking how to get vhs on their 69th smurf

                      i understand all the hate given to us kek


                        Now it's obvious to us why navi are so bad




                            The most knowledgeable person I know in Dota is 2k MMR, but analyzes pro games better than most casters do

                            yeah casters are fucking stupid just like 2k mmr players

                            me, government hooker



                                synderen 1k nmr PLEB


                                  2k high wr player = 50% wr vhs player


                                    odpixels a garbage caster if ur looking for actual dota analysis lol. no1 with half a brain trusts the guy when he can barely understand half the spells that r being used in teamfights while missing a lot of important ones and not saying them correctly and stuff

                                    kinda funny. if ur bad at this game (low mmr) u dont know how to play dota and shouldnt be telling other ppl how to play it.

                                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                      Saying "2k is good" is like saying "Action Slacks gives good advice".

                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                        No one has problems with regular NS folks. But when they start talking how they deserve VHS or how Headdress PA is good they are bound to get LUL'd.


                                          to be honest, someone has to step in sometimes and say "no actually you're wrong" , because some people ASK FOR ADVICE, and when you give them WRONG ADVICE, one should be grateful for a person who steps in to correct the situation.


                                            Sometimes you just need ot call a person normal skil to remind them that they have no idea what ther fuck theyre saying cuz the shit they suggest only works against players who are terrrible, and doesn't work against players who know how to pla ydota.

                                            no matter how much u "think about it" or "Watch pro dota"

                                            being in high level matches is different, it makes your heart pound, games are close all game, both teams equally skilled.

                                            not like in normal skill where the team with the less brainless retards wins.

                                            although there r indeed many brianless retards in 5k


                                              4ks and 6ks are pretty much all the same.
                                              the only difference is game sense.
                                              2ks do nothing all the time.

                                              pretty sure that 4ks do nothing all the time as well
                                              i know it really good since i'm currently -700 mmr thanks to this

                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!