General Discussion

General DiscussionVisage

Visage in General Discussion

    Why dont pros pick him nowadays? I mean Drow is popular now


      I'll just wait for some N O R M A L insights.


        I can't wait!


          normal skill insights? or what


            the irony of a non-bluey flaming people worse than him :D


              This was posed as a huge question and the reasoning is fairly simple. While massively strong there are/were better heroes at the time that worked with drow as supports.

              Shadow demon, kunkka, and ET gained massive popularity along with Keepo of the luz so picking a visage (while so strong) would be less than ideal if you're going into fights with a team that already lacks lockout.

              Don't get me wrong I still think there were times he could have been safely played, but there were better options available and birds dealing tons of damage is probably less effective then ET or SD.

              Dune, the Desert Planet

                His birds die too easily. Especially when focused by multiple heroes, and in the meta where five men Dota is a go-to tactic that's gonna happen every time. Combine that with the very long CD of Visage's ultimate and the large bounty birds give and you can see why he's dog shit.

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                  And aside from the birds visage adds very little to an actual teamfight. And these days drow can hold her own so she doesnt need to be coupled with the visage birds anymore,


                    Yes but pros picked him alot back then when it was shit, now every single update visage gets serious buffs but pick rate goes even lower in tournaments. And he didnt get picked or banned even once in ti 6. I serously dont get why.

                    Dire Wolf

                      I think it's cus he's so slow, only really works well in trilane setups, poor roaming. If you watch ti and other tournaments the supports do a lot of roaming, trying to pick off mid a lot, roam into other lanes to gank, secure runes etc. Visage is not very good for that. Grave chill is ok but duration is so slow. And soul assumption requires another person there doing dmg. Another thing is the drow visage combo and drow enigma combos were popular before her aura got an active on it. So it only affects the familars when she uses it, not passively all the time.

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