General Discussion

General DiscussionTheory crafting troll+drow

Theory crafting troll+drow in General Discussion

    So I tried troll a couple of times this patch but couldn't get him to work, most of the time was because of my team I feel though, like I would get farm fine but my teams would feed a lot :(. I don't know why when I picked troll they insisted on playing like how they did - no communication, no coordination.

    Anyway so troll was not as big a hero as I thought he might be given his buffs. Currently just under 50% winrate and a roguhly 7% pickrate (59th overall).

    Now at TI and afterwards drow has become a much more popular pick. She was already fairly strong having a 52% winrate or something like that, and now of like the 5 games I've played around this TI period she's been in half of them and is sitting on 54%.

    Troll may also receive another slight buff next patch to push him more to prominence. Now combine troll and drow together and what do you have?

    Drow increased ranged trolls attack damage, so during the laning stage troll can cs much more easily since he will be getting the extra damage in ranged form. This also means he can harass stronger etc. In fact by about level 3 drow will give as much damage to trolls ranged form as what he lost in melee form after his nerf.

    In the mid and late game troll can act as a tanky front liner building SnY,BKb, Skadi, Satanic while drow sits in the back of the fight.

    Troll ultimate comboes very well with drow ranger since they both want to be right clicking. In cases where troll needs to switch to ranged form to get off his extra slow spell and finish them off at range he will be getting between +60-80 damage from drow. They would also melt towers as fast as TB/Lycan etc.

    In other words 6.89 could see the return of almost the exact same 6.83 dominant duo - except this time the ranged hero will be drow rather than sniper. I can legitimately see these two dominating pubs if drow does not get a nerf and troll gets a buff. Drow seriously needs a nerf before she becomes truly cancerous.


      Drow duznt need attack speed ftom troll she already has it so no special synergy between the two. Troll always likes to hit in melee form but yh u may be right abt pushing towers in ranged form.

      Anyways troll is love, troll is life. Fuck drow and sniper, troll duznt need a team to win the game


        if you're gonna combo troll, combo it with enchantress, who benifits from the A/s

        Drow combos better with heros like visage/venge who can buff eachother up, as drow already has A/s built in.

        As far as troll, apart from being a garbage hero. He combos very well as a synergy pick with Faceless void, or Legion commander, heros that need slightly more damage to get a solo kill.

        I personally believe trolls best position is jungling currently.

        Dire Wolf

          Uhhh, troll wants to sit in melee form so I'm not sure how viable that strategy is. Even if it is viable it'll never catch on cus troll's won't stay ranged to get that bonus. It's also not as huge of a dps increase as you think because troll's BAT goes from 1.7 to 1.5 in melee form. I can't seem to get precision aura to apply on my calculator but I added sacred relic (60 dmg) to get an idea of the dmg differences. Troll at 16 with bkb, phase, dominator, s&y, aquila and melee form does around 286 dps and that does not include bashes (which adds another like 10 magic dps). With relic +60 dmg in ranged for he does 325 dps. The difference is greater if he has fervor stacks but it's not like double his dmg and you lose bashes, move speed and armor.

          I think the problem with your troll games (which you don't have enough to really tell) is your build. You need points in whirling axes eary. It's a huge nuke cus you can switch to ranged and use that one too, and the miss debuff is amazing plus the slow on ranged form. You really only need 1 or max 2 pts in berserker rage in lane. I max rage sooner if jungling sometimes but jungle troll is like 5 patches ago. I mean one game you didn't even sped it til level 10 vs a TB, naix, riki.

          Silver edge and echo sabre are also really great items. You may be able to skip s&y now for those and an early crystalis is a huge dmg increase.

          A waifu a day keeps socie...

            Troll dragon lance + drow is actually legit guyz

            Dire Wolf

              yeah it might be, but idk how you get pubs to run this


                I think troll is fine as is, his main point is being a glass canon, i personally prefer going early crys after Dominator and then blink diff and bloodthorn, with a bkb/satanic if needed. As said he's a glass canon and going in early in a teamfight is a death sentence, getting blink so you can enter whenever you want is pretty nice

                STE 8-1-8

                  it'll mean you will have two squishy cores though.