General Discussion

General Discussionfck LC junglers

fck LC junglers in General Discussion

    seriously that hero is so fucking good on midlane , max Q & bully the fucker out of the lane rush blink dagger & go gank other lanes for duels )))) fuck whoever play him jungle

    & jungle farm is so slow not even worth it , in mid with like only 60 cs i manage to get bottle + brown boots + blink in less than 10 min when in jungle with 80 last hits u barely have enough gold for blink & boots & ur useless with 1 lvl in Q most of the time

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    casual gamer

      you can max q and jungle dude


        if your opponent let you farm mid. but you can go jungle and get blink, boots, talon in 7 min. lc is borne for jungle since q is useless for duel.


          ^ how is it useless ? u take a big chunk of their hp with Q then u finish them off with duel


            ^ how is it useless ? u take a big chunk of their hp with Q then u finish them off with duel


              Nice winrate with LC , I have higher and I played LC every lane and jungle. Don't teach me how to play LC nab


                ^ its because i only played fail jungle lc in this acc , i tried her mid with my new acc & it went perfect


                  2k mmr

                  Megu Rum

                    I have much much much better win rate and kda than you as jungle legion.
                    What is your win rate and kda as mid legion?

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                      10mins blink + boots + bottle? IDK for bottle but the brown boots seem to be overkill for me. Skip it and go for straight blink and get some smoke to gank people asap. Even then IDK if people in your bracket would actually smell you coming and help your duels, given that you had not much to kill the enemies except for Q.

                      FYI a good LC jungler can always get blink in 6 minutes. Those junglers you might want to look out for are those who start with small/med camp.

                      KUKULAMIN KA BUT THE K IS...

                        Get fucked by last pick riki if you're jungling


                          I either bring dust on as early as min 0 or switch to lane and observe whether Riki has fucked off to somewhere else.

                          It is easy to tell if Riki is around you when you are jungling. Just look at your XP bar.


                            I'm sure jungle LC isn't as horrid as people make it out to be. If you know what you are doing you can easily get 10 minute phase+blink and actually contribute to your team. That being said most people who pick it do it to avoid supporting and rush horrible shit like midas and shadowblade.


                              i fucked jungle lc just now and it feels great


                                nothing wrong with shadow blade LC vs jerks like ember. If people didnt auto-surrender when people pick jungle LC im pretty sure it would have a decent winrate.


                                  Lc jungle isnt bad. Lc is bad and jungling is usually bad.


                                    You can get shadowblade at 8 min or even 7! Its not the hero its the players bro!


                                      ^ True, with the help of a rune and good rngesus blessing on the counter strike (though less decisive) it is realistically possible to get it on 7th minute and has been done by me previously. Even better when your team has a CM for her mana aura since you can use more Press the Attack to regenerate HP and farm faster. People just wont realize the difference a single (or even half) minute makes when it comes to LC starting to gank around the map.

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