General Discussion

General DiscussionShare us your Fail, Win, Rampage, Funny, WTF Gameplay in DOTA and we'...

Share us your Fail, Win, Rampage, Funny, WTF Gameplay in DOTA and we'll make Video on it in General Discussion

    We are a team of bored people with some basic skills on video editing. Bored enough that we've decided to make videos for a change. Feels good so far that why we're going to make it a habit. If you have this kind of gameplay ( Fail, Win, Rampage, Funny, WTF ) Unique as much as possible, Feel free to share us your Gameplay. Here's a better format

    Category: ( Fail, Win, Rampage, Funny, WTF)
    Game ID: <ex. 2464468371>
    Player Name: <ex. DOTA Moments>
    Heroes: <ex. Juggernaut >
    Match Time: <ex. 0:45min | 0:51min >
    Captions: <ex. Rampage using refresher >

    If your game is good we will feature you. Just for fun. Go share now :)
    Anyways you can find us on facebook.

    Эта тема была изменена

      Category: Win [Comeback, Base Race, Funny]
      Game ID: 2091552171
      Player Name: TerriBad the TerrorBlade
      Heroes: TerrorBlade
      Match Time: 42:30 min | 43:45 min
      Captions: Base Race with TerrorBlade

      The pause before the end was funny because Dire thought they won

      [Radiant Throne was 2 hits away from breaking, saved by Oracle Disarm and Invoker Deafening Blast]

      Этот комментарий был изменён
      浮垢HOT $AUCE亜空

        Thanks for sharing we'll check it. For those who also have rare/unique gameplay plz share it with us :)


          Category: Funny,Win
          Game ID: 2475144170
          Player Name: Spader-
          Heroes: Lich
          Match Time: 10.15 l 10.35
          Captions: Escape from AM & Tinker gank.

          Swap Commends

            U don't have any website ?

            浮垢HOT $AUCE亜空

              Coming soon :) We want do edit videos as many as we can.

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              Swap Commends

                Using the forum to submit matches is not good imo.
                U need a website first,even a very simple one so ppl can submit matches.But here?Idk


                  Category: wtf
                  Game id: 2458932130
                  Player Name: Rigamortus
                  Heroes: Timbersaw
                  Match Time: mid to late game xD
                  Captions: slark and clinkz chase timbersaw with 10% hp but at the end riki and timbersaw killed both of them and timbersaw survived

                  Preap Sovath

                    Category : Rampage
                    Match Id : 2268223298
                    Player Name : Glory Glory Man United (That's my past name)
                    Hero : Arc Warden
                    Time : Around 18-22 mins
                    Caption : Enemy come 4 to get our top. And my team except Sniper go to defense. The Clash kill one by one for each side but my necro take Ultra Kill (Sorry Venom). The last victim Slark, he get Tidehunter but killed by me (Even he best counter me) because I come to rescue Tide but fail. Thanks my Spark Wraith for my 1st rampage.


                      Category : WTF
                      Match ID : 2476429963
                      Player Name : 322.3154
                      Hero : Venomancer
                      Time : Whole Match
                      Caption : The whole game was so retarded. Shit happened watch out for 50min ish venomancer donates a divine

                      浮垢HOT $AUCE亜空

                        Thanks for your submission guys. As much as possible submit a clips that you think is unique or rare to happen in a gameplay. We will prioritize these kind of clips.

                        Pale Mannie

                          Category: LUL
                          Game ID: 322
                          Player Name: Goethe
                          Heroes: Pitlord
                          Match Time: 42:00 | 66:60
                          Captions: refresher double escape


                            Category: op shite, rampage
                            Game ID: 2476699199
                            Player Name: as salty as me pops pool
                            Heroes: outworld devourer
                            Match Time: 8-9 mins
                            Captions: 8 minute fucking rampage on od with 72 stolen int

                            浮垢HOT $AUCE亜空

                              Keep them coming :)




                                  Can I send Youtube link?


                                    I'm gonna post this just for fun xD

                                    The only rampage I got in my entire dota 2 career:

                                    Unfortunately it's a very old match and I don't have the match data.

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                                    Mode : TOPSON

                                      Category : Winning,Funny
                                      Match Id : 2439821414
                                      Player Name : 777
                                      Hero : Invoker
                                      Time : Around 20-30 mins
                                      Caption : enemy gank me but me escaped. nearly kill am and am blink. random sunstrike and kill XD

                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                        Techies with shadow blade, assault cuirass, desolator and medallion of courage. Reduces armor for maximum and give explosion.

                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!