General Discussion

General DiscussionVery high skill On SEA Server

Very high skill On SEA Server in General Discussion

    some players are Brainless Idiotic .5%picking Support and no ganked the middle , so i go on South korea server so cool some of my games i always encounter 4-5k mmr its so difficult but nice.




          ROFL look at you normal bracket. then suggesting me. nahh

          nekopunchhh dadadadadadada

            You just a smurfer tho, that guy is better than u


              ASSESS Product

                FYI, 4k unrank are full of tryhard smurf and one of that people is you.

                5%picking Support

                The irony is that 5% also including you.


                  You played in 4-5k skill level, low impact has driven you into 3k kevel


                    OP is dropping to HS already. Soon he'll be back to where he belongs, NS

                    ASSESS Product

                      I mean other 95%


                        "OP is dropping to HS already. Soon he'll be back to where he belongs, NS"

                        this! ^^


                          normal skill soon


                            When no support people gone mad, when someone support they blame for not ganking. Who like supporting anyway, thats not fun be nice to supporter even if what they do is buying ward only.

                            feeding weaboo

                              meh when there is no support people get angry
                              when there is support people treat them like TRASH
                              "map so dark" wards out of stock
                              "no detection" while they dont buy them themselves then proceeds to walk around solo on enemy territory
                              "no item" kay this shit is the worst,instant mute
                              "feeder so many death" while the carry doesnt use all the space created by the supports and mid player have made,having no item after such space created


                                I love it when people trash talk about a supports KDA. Instant lolz.

                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                  to be fair i still lose games when playing international mmr which is over 2k under my solo, running into high 6ks on smurfs/international ranked quite often


                                    Yeah KOTL Nahh!

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