General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat happens when you leave 2k?

What happens when you leave 2k? in General Discussion

    Am i still a terrible 2k shitfuck?

    or am I then a slightly less terrible 3k shitfuck?

    take into account I took a 2 year break, came back, sucked bad and dropped down to 1800. ugh.
    pretend I didnt tell you that

    sin blyadi

      still D.R.E. (2k)


        someday you'll realize that you've lost your main intention of having fun while playing videogames. sadness will overcome you.
        what have you done? is this the life you want? of course not.
        You start another game. This time you'll have fun. You're going to play whatever you want, however you want. It won't matter if you lose or win. You're going to have fun.

        But anxiety kicks in, your teammates have already picked 3 carries. one for each lane. But you wanted to play carry, now you can't.
        No, you tell to yourself, I am going to pick whatever I want. 4th carry it is.


          basically this game is mainly. Winning feels like a drought, loosing feels horrible.
          a mental drug, only your own will would be strong enough to leave that circle of devastation. But you don't want to.
          Dota is fun, isn't it?

          doc joferlyn simp

            You just have to get comfortable with this generation of Dota 2 players I guess. Maybe in the 2 years you were gone people in your server became more aggressive, going for more tower dives as defensive items have been added like Infused Raindrop and the availability of cheap burst heals in the form of Faerie Fire.

            Also toxicity levels rise in the 2k range even more so than the 1k since most of the population from 1k are just innocent players that just started playing, asking legitimate questions on which build is suitable, how do you stack camps, rune timings, how to use the hero they picked, among many other noob-like things. 2k is the gateway out of the potato tier and absolutely everybody wants out so tensions are palpable unless you are playing a stack. If you are rusty and need to brush up on your carry skills and make a few mistakes, players will be brutal and unforgiving, complaining about how slow you farm or how bad at item progression you are. "gg noob carry" called everitiem. Ez tilt.

            Lastly the prevalence of self-proclaimed prophets of avant-garde builds (or simple people copying pro players' build that worked due to the sheer difference in skill) also ruin games. They are often VHS or HS players making smurfs to test out their builds without having to see that depressing "Lost Match" in their profile, even if it was just a pub. High-risk high-reward (or so they say), extremely niche builds that 80% of the time doesn't work are very common here, especially when new items are introduced basically every patch leading to crazy and most-of-the-time ineffective builds. Fucking selfish smurferinos.

            Anyways your playstyle and builds should be open-ended to deal with the newly-evolved mindsets of players and weird smurf builds, and act mature when faced with butthurt and desperate players. Your trends also indicate you are more or less settling in this new age of whiny community members, and you should get back to your deserved MMR fast.

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            doc joferlyn simp

              Eh but what do I know I'm just a lowly NS mid-2k scrub.


                aether isn't far wrong, but unfortunately it continues all the way up to around 4800-5000 mark


                  It's all about perspective.

                  6k lifeless nerds see 2k as a shitfuck

                  2k people with life who play for fun see it as good (or they just don't care)

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                    most people who play for fun are 1ks. 2k generally wants to win but sucks or retarded like me.

                    LIL KASALANAN

                      ^ Don't be too hard on yourself you just won midlane with your 1st game darkseer vs TA LOL!


                        just because the rude lifeless nerd kids tell you that you are a retard doesn't mean you are a retard


                          LULULUL Xd


                            Thanks guys, now im questioning my existence...

                            I dont get too caught up in it, ice been playing long enough to know that sometimes you cant do anything different to win some games. You can only pick your hero. You lose some, you win more. (Well, some of us)

                            One day ill be in a bracket where most of the time people dont have the downs every game. One day..

                            I still have fun


                              You can do whatever you want, this game is made to give you a 50% winrate. Deal with it and move on.

                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!