General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do u guys handle flaming & rage in game?

How do u guys handle flaming & rage in game? in General Discussion
Swap Commends

    I am not gonna blame my team for in-game skill Bcuz shit might happen time to time.
    But what about the very early flame & rage & trash talk?
    I am not 100% calm person,I am a human being.My problem is when team is flaming each other especially when they are totally wrong,I go full crazy too and drop the game.
    Some times 2 retarded ppl fight for a lane and start feeding yet the team should pay the epic lose.
    I tried muting but it seems ppl report u if they notice.
    Srsly,wtf is wrong with the community???

    U will never take me alive!

      Calm down.. just try to think someday u have bad days and people will flame too. So dont rage .. avoid talking to people eapecially the flamer blamer mute them easily.. and if they die and die.. tell them try not to feed u can do we can still win.. give them a good mood. If they kill an enemy tell them good job well played.. dont rage..


        Dota players are as a generally rule - morons, especially when they are on your team, and geniuses when on the enemy team. Remember this and act accordingly.

        Eg in all of my games last night my team would never ever fucking push in the early game and take towers, while allowing the enemy to push and take towers. Or I would try and be pushing their offlane tower as a solo wraith king while my team fucked around doing god knows what - farming the big camp as an AA or some shit, 3 people would rotate to stop my push, turn it into a counterpush and take our tower and my team wouldn't respond to it.

        Every single fucking game we would have lost all our tier 1s and the enemy would have all theirs even if we weren't losing the early game. As I said - morons.

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          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

            Just tell them to stop, if they don't, tell them once more and to mute each other.

            If they still don't comply, just mute them and do what you can.


              I start pretending I'm doofy from Scary Movie, but I still play like I'm trying to win.

              Sometimes I also roleplay my hero and people just commend me for playing dota and RPing. ha.

              The way I see it, you just gotta make the best outta the team you got. Sometimes it sucks, sometimes it doesn't. Story of DotA.

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                If they flame my supporting I simply ignore them. Grow a thick skin from this shit ragers and flamers.
                In unlikeliest of circumstances, I show them my own way of throwing the game - not warding or just farming nonstop in jungle if Im a carry. Later, I'll carry their asses.
                Or simply M U T E them and play your game.


                  It doesn't matter how good/bad your team is -- just try your best. Flaming never improves a situation, no matter how mad you get.

                  Practice PMA

                    Yes, I agree with what a lot of people above have posted. I personally try to be very upbeat and positive. When someone takes first blood on your team, say hell yeah! Good job man! or Great rotation! It will give them a positive outlook on the game and make them more likely to put their team's needs above their ego. EG - If a lion rotates and ganks mid, and you congratulate both of the players in the gank, he will be more likely to place wards or come push/babysit if you ask him too. Check the other lanes items/levels. If they are going well, congratulate your team saying that they are doing a great job shutting down that _____. If not, say don't worry, you don't have to win your lane, just try not to die.

                    After a teamfight win, Quickly congratulate players, especially if there was an epic ult like an echo or a chrono. Compliment ward placement that helped your team position the fight/get the jump in the fight.
                    If you lose a teamfight or are behind, just say it's no big deal we outcarry/we only need a good combo to get us back in it.

                    So, basically mute flamers if it becomes extreme. I consider it extreme if i'm about to flame back at them.

                    By being crazy positive in games, your team will like you. They will respect you because you do what most others don't, and that's compliment them. Everyone flames when someone get's ganked out of position, but rarely do people compliment a great fight/gank.

                    When your team likes you, they will be more likely to follow your lead. If you say "great fight! Let's take rosh/mid t2/rax off this," they will most often follow you. The key to most lower end pubs, imho, is coordination. If AM is salty, he might go farm instead of push, because he doesn't want to do what those ass holes on his team want. But if they like you, they will follow. Knowing/picking the best objective to push isn't always necessary, the key is agreeing to all do the same plan, and not wasting the advantages you've just earned.

                    TL;DR: Suck your teammates dick for any little thing that they do, then lead them to victory.


                      ignore the negativity and tell them to calm and continue to do what you are supposed to do


                        if u cant handle it just mute them, but i suggest to not do it. Toxic ppl is everywhere and u must face it everytime u play a team based games and i felt ur also one of them. learn to polite, pursue him, and talk with calm tone so they unconsciously respect you and they will focus to the game and heard ur suggestion than talking shits with u, it also improve ur anger management, and maybe lead u to a victory.

                        rice cake

                          Flamer is either have unstable emotion or below average intelligence or both.

                          Player 175043649


                            Pale Mannie

                              Last time i got flamed was in 6.84 for picking Silencer instead of Leshrac

                              lm ao

                                I dont do anything. People who invest their true emotions in this game/act by psychoemotional impulse are usually idiots (which I happen to avoid in the real world) who dont deserve any of my attention.

                                Rektdalf the White

                                  Just learn to don't care what other people say, simple as that.


                                    I flame or ping a lot or neither of these


                                      I tell my teammates to not chat unless it has something to do with the game. If they don't stop flaming, I type "STFU" everytime they flame. Everytime I do this, we comeback 75% of the time.


                                        I FLAME BACK :D:D:D


                                          Just ignore them , if u reply them you're only fueling them to flame more

                                          El Dongerino

                                            Try to look at what you're doing wrong too. Correcting your own mistakes is often key to success. Also, as was mentioned above, learn to be thick-skinned and accept that people are idiots. That's life.

                                            Mr. Swag

                                              Use toggle to talk to your team, just play and enjoy the game.

                                              Johnny Salami

                                                Mute, report, pack another bowl, crack open another beer


                                                  I almost always get my reports back. U see people who flame usually get reported by other people too so in order to fasten up their journey to low prio select communciation abuse and type in description racist. Ez low prio.


                                                    I mute a toxic person as soon as I see it.


                                                      Sengoku Nadeko

                                                        Honestly you need to flame back. Like you pull out all the stops, flaming is a beautiful thing in dota and every sport. Trash talking is the way to go.

                                                        Swap Commends

                                                          ^ Yes it is


                                                            I've just had game, where I went Mirana mid. I didn't won mid (tie) and then failed to hit two arrows and failed one gank. And noone flamed me, AM even thanked for helping him in lane and Night Stalker was like it's okay, you just have bad luck.
                                                            With that, I scored rampage in next teamfight and that would never happen if some1 flamed me for not hitting that arrow.


                                                              If you feel pleasure flaming back and insulting people, okay. i respect that. I don't do it, because for me flaming back makes me feel even worse other than already feeling bad for people who insult me or, in general, curse and insult the others.


                                                                if ur good u dont get flames cause ur too cool

                                                                Swap Commends

                                                                  NS smurf 4head


                                                                    smurf on rank? lol smurf is different than boost.. just sharing cause I just recently know that xD