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General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    You got carried.


      yeah i disconnected for 3 mins without anyone pausing the game and wasnt able to farm well and our Io never bought wards

      stupid fuck 2000

        @Cristina Rosales Played pretty well on silencer, got pretty farmed fora a support. Pretty sure refresher would've been much better than aghs tho.

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          @dat boi You played very well obviously. But, if a 5k< player had that game, the gpm would be around 800, along with tower damage being WAY higher. The way you played Ember worked out for you that game. However, if you ever find yourself in a very even game as Ember, try to rat your way to a victory. Force TP's while always keeping a remnant behind you. You're kills were great, and it's probably because you know your hero so well, but the last hits and tower damage could use some work.

          stupid fuck 2000


            ^ I agree my farm wasn't very good in this particular game but I have an excuse (i know its bad lol), this whole thing felt like a constant fight (60 kills in a 30 minute game) so I just didn't take the time to farm much. Only thing I did was push one lane with the team, leave a remnant push the other lanes, remnant back, fight and continue doing the same thing. As for my tower damage, I just didn't bother with that this game since I had both clinkz and pugna in my team pushing way faster so what I did instead was blink into the enemy backlines keeping the enigma away and harassed everyone else in the process with a remnant behind me so they just couldn't do jack about losing their buildings. I usually have 4-5k TD in a game like this which i think is ok considering that ember is good at pushing lanes but sucks at hitting buildings and you can't tank tower hits so you have to wait for creep wave unless you go manta or get moonshard when you're 6 slotted.

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            Swap Commends

              Nice ember wr.carried.gj.u booster ?

              stupid fuck 2000

                No, just a guy who calibrated when he started playing dota.

                Crimson Sky

                  @I am fine

                  I feel like greaves was a mistake. I can see why you went mek, cos obviously no one else on your team is building that. Arcanes are good early then you can use them to build into a bloodstone (my preference) or possibly but probably not an aether lens. You build isn't what I would use, any particular reason for maxing aura so early? I like the sustain from your passive and it makes farming waves with pulse very easy.

                  Necro is really versatile he can use something like blademail really well or go for a radiance, or just go for bloodstone / hood. I just feel greaves was too much gold for too little.

                  Someone comment my Bristle game and tell me how my team lost the game after I stomped the Sven and BH in offlane. :(


                    An okay performance with Bristle. Slark in your team sucked tho,. 8-16 really? Not acceptable at all. And BS in Dire was feeded.

                    Vide Cor Meum

                      Very spooky. Was like Halloween capitulated with a showing of poltergeist in 3D. I would hate to be on the other team, they got rinsed. Except the Morphling, that guy must have been a right pain in the buttocks.

                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                        Ez Axe dazzle lane against melee carry, always fun :D
                        especially when he starts whining.
                        Solid performance tho, consider getting soul ring if you're so active in fights, saves you a few trips to the fountain

                        Swap Commends

                          I was solo supporting the entire game damn u

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                            Nice itemization by your team. Surprised to see the SF go Bloodthorn instead of QoP though, but it works. Looks like you and SF took advantage of every opportunity you got.

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                              Easy win from your team. Well played Luna. Dat phoenix player in the other team gave me cancer..


                                you are sisyphus in that match. you repeatedly carried your team although they repeatedly fall. you find ways winning, yet you know how it will end. but in the end, it's just another game


                                  Gj with morph winnig spree will come soon
                                  Im sick of hand of midas on slark

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                                    Someone say something before i go 0-20 xd
                                    Pls comment on void match

                                    Этот комментарий был изменён
                                    Crimson Sky

                                      @ The Antydote that tinker game looked like it sucked. PA gone shit build as per most PA's. Urn should have been on SB not WD imo.

                                      On happier note, that void game looked good. Only thing is I would have probably gone diffusal early, maybe even instead of S&Y. Not a fan of SB's on Ursa i think blink is better. But meh.

                                      You seem to have a big hero pool maybe it would be better to try narrow it down to one role that you're comfortable playing and focus on that.

                                      stupid fuck 2000


                                        Played decent but that AM carried hard. I don't understand why you bought MKB. Your team composition looks like a nightmare, from the looks of it you probably jungled.

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                                          Well carried LS. Doom feeded hard tho in the other team lol, looked like a easy victory to gj.

                                          Crimson Sky

                                            @dat boi

                                            Well, team was a nightmare, was flaming from minute one and I ended up in lane solo vs weaver / mirana so yes, a lot of the time I was jungling. MKB was because I saw eaglesong in morphling inventory so decided to cover vs butterflys (from weaver maybe too) otherwise it would have been heart. I feel like WK is a good hero for me at this level.


                                              i had already commented on spader but i'll do it again to keep the "give and take" going.

                                              seems like your necro sponged the whole game at the same time dealt the most damage output from your team. i also commend your kill participation. gj


                                                Not sure how AA works but you got the most assists so gg?

                                                stupid fuck 2000

                                                  Their team was shit. Yours was a bit less shit and you picked dark seer against 3 melee cores so destroying the lane was guaranteed almost no matter what. Pretty sure it was the AM who got beat up since he was sad enough to buy a blink dagger at the end. :D


                                                    normal skill bro, nothing else to add :D


                                                      newacc who can't even reach vhs, nothing else to add :D


                                                        What insightful thing should I say about your match? There isn't much to say when it's a stomp.


                                                          hah, creative build. snowballing stomp with 3 diffusials


                                                            Kinda stomp, but 39min means sven and pa hold you a bit, typical nyx dagon people around the map.

                                                            stupid fuck 2000

                                                              Very close match but the ember went full retard with the glass cannon build so when he inevitably fucked up, he just melted in 1 second and half of their team's damage was gone giving you the win.

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                                                              Pale Mannie

                                                                Just as known from russians they tend to throw the game after a certain time. You couldnt get burst down that quickly while your hero damage goes up and your necro ends their suffering of their existence.


                                                                  Pretty good tower damage, low on farm and that death count, but you did good otherall.

                                                                  ps. try not to feed that much, please :)


                                                                    Unfair game
                                                                    Leaver games are so boring
                                                                    3 bloodthron WTF


                                                                      Nothing really to say.
                                                                      You stomped the game and ended in 28 minutes that is probably why you had no BKB


                                                                        Ursa stomping, rage omni, ez win


                                                                          fed team, noob morph and AA, easy stomp

                                                                          (i want to know how the fuck is wrong with NP, skip bane pls)

                                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                            No offense but very very low skill match according to entire players. it seems u didnt buy a single ward after two wards that u bought at the start. (Meh)
                                                                            And cm was the highest XPM person after spec. But you did good (Fuck NP jungler pickers)


                                                                              Strong game, only one rax left on your side. Fucking tinker slark pickers failed, once they died it was ez push with ss, voker, wind, axe. You simply cleared the ring whats left in it.


                                                                                A stomb
                                                                                Shut down enemy so quick and played very well and had amazing hero dmg.


                                                                                  Not much to say. You and Riki totally owned the other team. Well farmed btw.


                                                                                    Try to last hit more, you only had 83 last hits in 40 minute game. Spectre seem to have carried you but you were active (in 28 out of 40 kills).

                                                                                    stupid fuck 2000

                                                                                      Not much you could do. They had a greedy lineup and they got the time they needed to come online. Disco goat seems to be back at it.

                                                                                      Rektdalf the White

                                                                                        Great game as a sven, decent score incredible farm, seems that they didnt bother to defend towers from you. But when i look at the score and time the game took, I think you could have ended faster with snowballing ursa.


                                                                                          Pretty nice stomp with PA!


                                                                                            Wow. very good ES play. I always appreciate a great support. Also, ES is such a beautiful pick in that game. I wouldn't be surprised if you won it for your team.

                                                                                            stupid fuck 2000

                                                                                              No diffusal or radiance spectre, what? Honestly I think you should've gotten crushed when you had both AM and Spectre on the same team against Axe, SF, Slark, Bounty, CM. The other guys didn't know how to take advantage of this super greedy lineup. Really bad farm on everyone in the game too.

                                                                                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                                Obviusly crashed the game with ember but i like to see blink always on him. But thats just me.
                                                                                                Very nice farm btw, i guessing you had also monoshard there.

                                                                                                Pablo Picasso

                                                                                                  Classical ratting Strategy.
                                                                                                  Cant believe AM managed to carried the team desipte Kunkka getting hunted down.