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    Russian dotka deathball at 18 min, wp!

      Этот комментарий удален модератором

        3 bloodstones on one team, lel. The picks are kinda weird tho.


          cutcutcutcutcut everything in 1 game
          good impact witch highest hero damage

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              you should gank more of have more presence cause you have deal more dmg than most carries in game

              Trade Prince Gallywix

                Any game against a techies is easy win. Nice la.

                Low Expectations

                  Interesting itembuild gyro mvp dire player. I dont think basher was the right item choice tho at least at that point.

                    Этот комментарий удален модератором

                      this went off topic xD

                      KGBlue Lives Matter

                        Seems like you Drow and Lesh did some work. From teh XP graph it looks like they got an early lead then yoloed and blew it hard.

                        KUKULAMIN KA BUT THE K IS...

                          Nyx nyx nyx, good job! Dire got rekt

                          Miku Plays

                            poor pl and huskar, ember 3 stronk

                            Bad Intentions

                              i think eb is with normal friends party? but a good win with alchemist, rare win. you complimented your carry well.

                              not sure why most of your games are in normal though


                                You did good on your part in the match. Good semi-carry for meepo I guess.

                                KUKULAMIN KA BUT THE K IS...

                                  Crazy dk, must've looked like Charizard on drugs when you were whacking people!


                                    high impact ember on what look like ones side stomping pub (pa somehow get her farm done):D


                                      Brew Master support?
                                      Supportmaster New meta?
                                      Anyways you Kinda Carryed you Carry Team there

                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                        @^ no he is actually doing usual dager midas etc and roam the map with naix bomb, i guess when all rax is done he kinda sell all his item xD

                                        next person pls comment @London Road :D

                                        Dagoth Ur

                                          Lots of kills on PL so gj, but should probably focus on getting more and more cs.

                                          That IO game was a fucking joke, please disregard it lol


                                            Leshrekt. Casual mystic staff into sheep stick I imagine? Standard build. I'm more perplexed about your lion who went tranquils into octarine core!


                                              Only 3 denies? Any form of creep equilibrium control would mean way more than that and as a carry you should practise that. Also, not a fan of Vanguard on Spectre. Get it first, you push back Radiance timing by quite a bit. Get it second... might as well have gotten raw reaver or heart at that point.


                                                ^ yeah, I did make a few mistakes. I got radiance after diffusal too. it paid off in the end, but it was a risk. also, I should have gotten heart instead of butterfly I realize now. but at that point we had the game and it wouldn't have made a huge difference. first time playing Spectre, and being in trench, not that great at lane equilibrium yet.


                                                  @ Bak played well with BH but wasn't enough. Looks like the WD destroyed the team. I don't see anyone on the team picking up a AC or CG to mitigate the WD damage. Looks also like the veno was a bit under farmed not sure why. Since you were involved in many kills looks like the team benefited from the track gold. However VS wasn't involved in many kills so maybe he afked or died early in fights. Looks like Sven failed to carry for some reason. Low hero damage. Also team has low tower damage so maybe not focused enough on objectives. Sometimes you just can't carry the whole team.

                                                  KUKULAMIN KA BUT THE K IS...

                                                    Nice itemization for 5man dota, could've aghs tho for damage but I guess you kept being focused first.
                                                    >Lost an hour long game :(! My feelz.


                                                      helpfull magnus too many assists:D

                                                      battlefury? wtf:)


                                                        nice, now i see you can play tinker without feeding


                                                          nice hero damage over 40 minute in-game time, nyx nyx nyx

                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                            18/0 morphling how do you do that?! I always thought that hero now sucks.. Nice farming & still killed people
                                                            gg bro

                                                            Trade Prince Gallywix

                                                              Zeus OPPA FEEDA MIDA! EZ katka free mmr

                                                              KUKULAMIN KA BUT THE K IS...

                                                                I almost never play that hero, Idk wtf I was doing most of the time. LOL

                                                                Nice gpm on a 40min game!

                                                                [RR53] RR

                                                                  Strong impact with DS. Too bad it was normal skill.


                                                                    Nice carry of useless teammates dude.


                                                                      So stronk that GOD'S STRENGTH
                                                                      doble cleave umm
                                                                      don't forget BKB


                                                                        Everyone had an obsession with feeding Gyro and Axe. GG


                                                                          Invoker + naix + SB , you can't fight them as storm, poor guy.
                                                                          dat qop , nice feed. and also her item are bad :/

                                                                          You,storm, did well , but not enough . comeback again shall we?

                                                                          STICKS AND STONES

                                                                            26 assists, bl on the tough loss. Have fun riding the ts meta to new mmr heights.

                                                                            All the best!

                                                                            plz do

                                                                              I look at ur db profile and am like: dafuq? is dis triplesteal-'s secret smurf?

                                                                              last game: comback is real! was it nice to carry the feeding train? u2gut for vhs nmm!


                                                                                Very nice game as Slark. Looks like you abused their supports as you should. Seems like lesh might have had a rough start. Also not that many kills so I wonder if someone ksed. Not that it matters because it looks like an ez win. Overall looks like a team effort as a whole. Must have been a fun game, not so much for the other team. Especially that poor Dazzle. He only gets one grave so hard to choose between saving yourself or saving your carry...

                                                                                NIKAD MAJNOVALA!

                                                                                  You wanted to push - so you did. Nice TD, decent farm.

                                                                                  However, your items... Huh.


                                                                                    Wow, you beat the odds of your team having fewer Dotabuff accounts. That is truly rare.

                                                                                    Trade Prince Gallywix

                                                                                      What the fuck this up with your games

                                                                                      [RR53] RR

                                                                                        You could have more lh. wp still

                                                                                        STICKS AND STONES

                                                                                          Viper vs Ta, looks like easy katka. Pretty sure you destroyed them all. ggwp enjoy delicious mmr


                                                                                            Next pro Timbersaw?
                                                                                            Seriously though looks like you made lots of space for your team. I'm quite impressed. Never seen Glimmer Cape on a Timbersaw before either. Not sure about your reasoning but I guess it worked :D


                                                                                              Standard 3 blade male TS. The inventory could be nicer with 6 of them.


                                                                                                nice abbadon play! i guess it was rather easy with the early game pressure on their gready lineup. 400 hero healing is questionable tho!

                                                                                                  Этот комментарий удален модератором
                                                                                                  Trade Prince Gallywix

                                                                                                    Wow u won a game with techies fucking congrats,

                                                                                                    Doing what every other 4k techies abuser does must be so hard.


                                                                                                      eh you play good am, but look like your team pick is rather bad compare to enemy team. nice TD though..