General Discussion

General DiscussionW33 stream

W33 stream in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    Alphamale6packman: w33haa is cheetos your favorite snack?


    Fxg_archangel: -refresh

    Issyl__: My name is Aliwi "w33" Omar. I'm 19 years old, playing DOTA2 from Romania. My nationality is Syrian and I play DotA for more than 10 years now. I HAVE BEEN CHEATING FOR MORE THAN 10 YEARS NOW. Starting from now i'm offering cheating for 35$/hour, meaning you get to party with me as a coach and i help you improve your game by cheating, feel free to ask any questions as i'm here to help you. If you're interested pm me on twitch and we'll talk.

    Peepbutts: what a refreshing game this was

    Nientes: -w33fresh

    Melk0r_: w33 I forgot why people are flaming you for. Can you refresh my memory?

    Noxiouspudge just won a cheating contest! Type -refresh to participate!

    go meepo and get 6min agha, you know how

    Toxicworm: VORSNAK used to cheat using coaches to pause and ***....he sure is influecing -w33fresher

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        never liked that autist vagina well now hes getting what he deserved


          V-GOD + w33haa

          do u even ?

          // v-god casual op jugg

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            thats hands down worse invoker ive seen in a while

            and ive been playing some trench games lately

            Make love, not flame

              In previous thread, someone wrote that this will be forgotten soon. Nope. People will always remember this. Sucks to ruin your reputation like this.

              "Nyter25: >lays without cheats>Goes 0-6-0"
              "Jozueeee: -RESPAWN"
              "Rats_eyes: 2 spell WEX EXORT invoker hahahahahaha omg there are no cheats in the world to help this trash"

              Anyway V-GOD playing for Team Empire or inactive? Not following esports that much in DotA 2.

              "Ggjax: 10 years since last -refresh.i walk through the empty streets waiting for poof to go off cool down but my path always leads to -refresh. i stare at the screen for less than one second and try to summon the -refresh lord. i watch other asian girls streaming but they don't even -refresh.i flame EEL in their channel and try to resist the nazi mods but it is all meaningless. the end is near.i then usually watch some old -refresh videos of w33 and -refresh myself to sleep."

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                I will w33define the w33ality w33 live in. I will w33fresh the w33gion that was hit by sandstorm darude. Sometimes I w33ly a little too much on w33fresh though. I guess I'm better off w33thout it.

                Make love, not flame

                  I keep f5 this thread for something funny.


                    im gonna buy -w33fresher from now on


                      sup with w33? idk last news.


                        left cheats enabled in EEL game, used -refresh to refresh poof as jungle meepo to farm a fast aghs. dota community (reddit) shitstorm. he plays it off that he doesnt care.


                          yeah well, was glaringly obvious.

                          the realm's delight

                            ye i guess so


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