General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed Help. Thanks! (High ping, fast net)

Need Help. Thanks! (High ping, fast net) in General Discussion

    Hi! I lived from the Philippines. I checked ping using dota 2 lobby connecting from the SG server and got 250-320 today. Yesterday was 220++. I usually play about below 100 ping. And now i dont have any clues why is this happening... Need help about this thanks


      Just chill and see if it will be better the next day. Usually those things go away as fast as they appear.
      If things might be unchanged, check for loose cables or get WireShark and check in and outgoing packages(However I am not sure about that one)


        My concern is that when I use its all fine, its just that when I am play game I get high ping.


          use a vpn or ping booster

          Bad Intentions

            pinoy doto best doto