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    Finish Acchi Kocchi

    Started Air

    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

      Lol @ CT, gonna fuckin kill me.

      @Salza I think I have air downloaded somewhere, haven't seen it yet.

      Noragami is promising as fuck. Shit is getting heavy.

      Этот комментарий был изменён

        Air, Clannad TV, Kanon Remake, huh? Add Angel Beats to make a full set.

        Btw, among these, Air is so-so. Except for specials' arc - it is amazing.

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          Anyone ever watched Slayers?
          There's a character called Lina who's older sister is Luna.
          Lina is a magic user who can use fire type spells including dragon slave and light strike array...

          Этот комментарий был изменён
          Hex Sigma

            I heard that icefraud used this as an inspiration for lina...


              I heard that icefraud has no relation to 80% of doto content.

              And, goddamit, DotA: Allstars character is "Lina Inverse, The Slayer". Dragon slave is her signature spell.

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                Miku Plays

                  hello :x


                    Totaly going there. =p

                    Miku Plays

                      bastard... dont tell me youre seriously going there TT.TT ... i envy you so much

                      Sexy Vicious


                        I pretty much just watch anime and play Dota. Although my list hasnt been updated in awhile.

                        I saw a few people mention some things I love. Kingdom Manga is my favorite read at the moment, can't wait for new releases @_@. SAO as an anime was pretty good, I like the arc that comes next in the light novel (Deals with Guns). School Days....Oh boy, I know some people loved it, but I did not and I always recommend it to people looking for a romantic show.

                        Will probably go to Anime Expo in LA this year. Day 1 Merch Day 2-4 Karaoke, screenings, workshops, and taking pictures with Cosplayers =D

                        Anime I have watched numerous times and love
                        Cowboy Bebop
                        Last Exile
                        Initial D
                        G Gundam
                        Mobile Suit Gundam
                        Gundam Wing


                          ^The person above me.

                          GTO GTO GTO <---- I didnt even know why I watched such an anime at the age of 11, but heck, that was one of the best non-cliche anime. Onizuka is prolly one the most interesting anime characters out there. So many unexpected scenes with him.

                          Anyways, what do you guys think of the current season's anime? Any recommendation on any of the anime? If so, why?

                          Miku Plays

                            I can recommend an anime if you like ecchi and harem genres mostly

                            Sexy Vicious

                              Yes GTO was great, he brought everyone together, didn't neglect any student and taught the students real shit. Plus he was weird and just wanted to bang.

                              This seasons line up is a little dull for me, but like always I enjoy a few of the shows. My favorite three are"

                              Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei- Main setting is a magic high school. Two main characters are brother and sister (Although sister does have a brother complex). What really makes me enjoy the show is there is a class system 1 and 2, where 2 is looked down on, and the brother is a 2 and the sister a 1. Hardships ensue and they must overcome obstacles. Im just a big nerd for magic based stuff most of the time, and I really like the main character.

                              Sidonia no Kishi- The animation is crap, but it brings it in with a decent story and cliffhangers every episode. Starts off slow and just picks up the pace back to slow back and so on. People piloting mechs to kill alien creatures? Yeah Im down. Lots of Blood and death too, so if youve been feeling like you need to see people die, this will somewhat fill in the gap until Shingeki no Kyojin releases more fucking chapters ><.

                              Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou - Slice of life, lots of humor, easy to watch and good characters. Really All I have to say about this, a good watch.


                                @ Hatsune Miku
                                No thanks much as the awesome proportionality in ecchi stuffs (Heck, the artists for those kind of anime really paid attenttion to all the small details. The proportionality of the human bodies were just top-notch. Great artists in short), I will have to reject your offer. They are simply too tempting at times at takes my attention away from the plot (weeeee).

                                @ Vicious

                                Yes2, and today I am yet to find anyone who resembles Onizuka in any other anime. T_T I miss him so badly....would love to rewatch
                                the anime any day any time

                                When you say "big ner for magic-based stuff", I reckon you watched Madoka Magica?
                                And, I've been watching Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei and the class division is indeed interesting.

                                I might check out Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou, am a big fan of slice of life, especially between Dota 2 games and after 2 straight losses. Slice of life usually just lightens up the mood :3

                                Miku Plays

                                  slice of life :3 you should check out Hayate the combat butler ... i dont actually watch solely ecchi and harem fyi

                                  its not on this season though ... blehh

                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                    Second season of HTCB is mah luv.

                                    Miku Plays

                                      wooot a HnG fan :3 .. i like CTMEOY and cuties since Ruka was there... but my RukaxHayate hopes is long gone when Hata-sensei didnt make them a thing :< the HinaXHayate still thrills me though .. but theres AthenaXHayate ... omfg this harem


                                        Slice of Life? Non non biyori if you want funny and calming.

                                        @Vicious dude please explain why you dropped Arakawa Under the Bridge. You might have made a wrong decision there.

                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                          Naruto sasuke itach manga hentai sakura bayo naruto ukraine ruski

                                          Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                            10 out of fucking 10!

                                            Sexy Vicious

                                              @Shiori Yep I watched Madoka Magicka, I had doubts going on, it looked like a Y7 tv show but had depth and a great emotional impact. Plus it was pretty brutal, and I loved it.

                                              @nyrn I know alot of people liked it, but generally it came off and stupid to me and I decided to not watch anymore. I do the same with alot of anime except Im too lazy to add to the dropped list.


                                                @Vicious ooooooohh :( I just thought since you liked D-Frag, K-On, etc. but Arakawa maybe is too crazy.


                                                  @ Vicious it sure does change the way we thought of magical girls-type story. Ground-breaking I should say. Now if only they make another season/movie for it to not leave us with a huge question mark, that would be awesome.

                                                  Oh I noticed you're watching Black Bullet, how was it?

                                                  @ Hatusune Miku, I read Hayate no Gotoku (manga) and watched it (anime). As awesome it is as a harem, it gets pretty long with all the love relationship (Nagi-Hayate, Athena-Hayate, Ayumu-Hayate, Hinagiku-Hayate, etc.). Come on, there has to be an 'ending' to this at some point. And it's really funny how Hayate is oblivious to most of these.

                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                  Sexy Vicious

                                                    I actually have not seen any of the movies, but I know that a few came out, were they any good?

                                                    I actually stopped watching it a few weeks back, just wasnt enough to hold my attention, same with a few other shows this season.

                                                    Blade and Soul is entertaining for me, Its not really good but its okay to watch and will fill in my void as I wait for new episodes of other series to come out.

                                                    Also Im up to date on the Baby Steps manga but havent seen an episode of it yet, is it any good? Or is it like the first season of Kingdom which we shall never speak of again?


                                                      @ Vicious

                                                      Alright, there are 3 movies for Madoka Magicka. The first 2 movies are basically the TV series clumped together into 2 movies (sans OP and ED in the TV series). The third one is the continuation of the series. Was it any good? It leaves me with a HUGE question mark and it's up to you if you feel that cliffhangers are good :D

                                                      I see, cause several of my rl friends watched Black Bullet and say some good things about it. But I guess I'll pass.

                                                      Welp, didnt know the last 2 manga/anime you were talking about and hence, am unable to give insight on them.

                                                      Miku Plays

                                                        Black Bullet = lolis with badass dudes

                                                        Blade and Soul = Chick without emotion

                                                        Sexy Vicious

                                                          Ahh so it would be like watching Neon Genesis Evangelion Death and Rebirth. followed by The End of Evangelion? Ill give the third movie a shot, not a big fan of recaps.

                                                          Yeah Blade and Soul is just a hack and slash anime with very minimal character development. Story is somewhat cliche, out for revenge against a super strong opponent who just evaporates enemies, but main character can withstand said attacks. Big boobs, blood, and death. Better than the Lollis (Black Bullet) (Seikoku no Dragonar- Another airing show this season, horrible, watched 2 eps was skeptical then the third episode came out and I was just like im done i felt like I was watching hentai.)

                                                          Baby steps is a tennis series, high school boy gets into it because he likes a girl I think. Quick learner becomes good and serious about it. Over 200 chapters out in the manga, further along then Diamond no Ace (Baseball Anime currently airing). Not a bad read count vouch for the anime.

                                                          Miku Plays

                                                            I think im gonna watch baby steps because he got better on tennis cause of one girl ... :3

                                                            Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                              Started Kill la Kill & Sakura Trick last night.

                                                              It is indeed true. Sakura Trick is best anime of 2014 undoubtedly.


                                                                @ Vicious

                                                                Yeah pretty much, and in the first 2 movies they took out the OP song, "Connect", which is such a shame considering how well-composed the music is.

                                                                LOL Seikoku no Dragonar was already classified as 'ecchi' in the first place anyways. And I personally will take lolis over big boobs, etc. Heck, I will admit that I am currently watching Gochuumon wa Usagi Desuka? and am very satisfied with the 'plot' :3 :3 :3

                                                                @ Hatsune Miku

                                                                Isnt there a bunch of those 'inspiration by one girl' type of anime out there -_-

                                                                @ Melody

                                                                Thats not a fair assesment of 2014 anime, considering we still have summer and fall season for anime.


                                                                  @Hatsune Miku
                                                                  Goddamnit! Are you living in Australia?

                                                                  Miku Plays

                                                                    ^ lol yes i am .. whats wrong living in Australia? :x


                                                                    Educate me pls huehuehuehue.... the only anime i remember that got inspired by one girl is Love Hina which is my very first anime

                                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                      @Hatsune Miku
                                                                      Goddamnitagain! And you are not even into ponies, what is my life?

                                                                      Do you want to get Hatsune Miku ~20cm figure for ~25$?

                                                                      Miku Plays

                                                                        ^ im lost right now... you didnt even ask if i like them :P but im not into them lol...

                                                                        are you in Australia ?? Can i see how she looks like ? I got one coming soon ... maybe i will


                                                                          Like this:

                                                                          or this:

                                                                          or even better.

                                                                          No I am not in Australia. BUT new McDonalds MLP toys will be. So, if some good guy will make me a favor of buying collection of all 8 characters (if they're sold separately, they should be ~1$ per item, if they're not - I dunno) and send them to me, I, in my turn, could buy some non-crazily-expensive Hatsune Miku figure for him and send it as an appreciation gift.

                                                                          Miku Plays

                                                                            That sounds like a great trade :3 ponies < Miku ... ill let you know ... and im gonna man up to order a happy meal


                                                                              anime on dota forums.

                                                                              sorry guys rider wins all.

                                                                              Miku Plays

                                                                                fate/stay night or fate/zero :3


                                                                                  Thank you in advance!

                                                                                  Oh my gosh, I want it.

                                                                                  And of course it is Stay Night. There's no VN based Zero. And there's no Heroic Spirit Emiya.

                                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                                  Miku Plays

                                                                                    pls not that miku pony TT.TT


                                                                                      lol, there's no way in hell I can send away such a masterpiece! Even if I did have it, which I don't

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                                                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                          Natsume Yuujinchou is the only good moe crap I'm watching right now

                                                                                          Angel Beats is mediocre and kind of dumb tbh

                                                                                          Anyone who wants the next season of SAO can go kill themselves as well lol, WORST SHIT EVER

                                                                                          Brynhildr in the Darkness isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be, 7/10. Slightly less worthy than its precursor Elfen Lied.

                                                                                          I like the 2nd OP which is Japanese metal (???)


                                                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                            After finishing bakemonogatari and this seasons's shows I'm going to watch some classics like Romeo no Aoi Sora, Totoro, Castle in the Sky, Revolutionary Girl Utena, etc. which puts most of the contemporary anime industry to shame


                                                                                            Before 2000 they gave us NGE, Perfect Blue, Cardcaptor Sakura, Cowboy Bebop, etc.

                                                                                            Nowadays we have people worshiping the likes of Stein's Gate

                                                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                              I would like to take this space to inform everyone SABER BEST XD
                                                                                              on another note have any of you guys seen madoka magica my friend is trying to make me watch it but im not sure if I should cause its kinda creepy looking lol


                                                                                                madoka is not that creepy. and this is coming from me, i can't even watch stein's gate and FMA cos they look creepy. just the drawings are a little crazy (but beautiful, though). at first i thought what kind of shit anime is my friend recommending me but it turns out to be one of my favorites now. i would give it a 9/10 on par with
                                                                                                Code Geass
                                                                                                can u guys recommend me some stuff? this is what i finished and rated highly
                                                                                                Clannad 10/10
                                                                                                Mushishi 9/10
                                                                                                Code Geass 9/10
                                                                                                Toradora 9/10
                                                                                                Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica 9/10
                                                                                                Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann 8.5/10
                                                                                                Death Note 8.5/10
                                                                                                Spice and Wolf 8/10
                                                                                                Great Teacher Onizuka 8/10
                                                                                                Kuroko no Basuke 8/10
                                                                                                Hajime no Ippo 8/10
                                                                                                Angel Beats 7.5/10

                                                                                                i can't seem to find another non airing anime which is suiting me. tried gundam 00 but the first episode was such a gay cliché that i dropped it right away


                                                                                                  I agree with your entire list except clannad (6/10 for me), madoka (dropped lol), and angel beats (5/10)

                                                                                                  Try this one:



                                                                                                    the plot sounds nice. i hope it's not creepy / scary or i'll have to drop it (i'm a scaredy cat)