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General Discussion@ Relentless MMR Question and how to improve - Critique me.

@ Relentless MMR Question and how to improve - Critique me. in General Discussion


    I was told you are the man to speak with. Anyone else looking to give constructive criticism please feel free to respond.

    I am currently at 3200 MMR and i am having trouble improving. Here is my story:

    Supposedly, your starting MMR (calibration) is based on the normal games. I started at 3500 MMR went to 3700 , Since then i have fallen to as low as 3100 and now i am unable to move past 3200 or so.

    I feel as though i am on a never ending losing streak - i can win some but never string together enough to increase my MMR back to where it was.

    Now, what did i change? Well i played ONLY carry during my 10 placement games. Keep in mind, my placement games were all stomps - i played carry 7 out of 10 and stomped - when i tried to support we would lose. But never a balanced game. After i placed games became a bit more balanced and i went support because people seemed capable of playing there role - this worked well for around 10 games, then the losing streak - i began to be matched with selfish players who did not help support or could not carry. Kind of just afk till they can 6 slot and use no real teamwork. Noone TPing or helping defend etc. etc.

    So i went back to carry, but that didn't work - it seemed no matter what i did i would lose. The only way i have found to win is if i can 5v1 with someone like lycan or DP or some snowball hero. But this inst how dota is meant to be played. And am i supposed to just ignore everyone and try my best to 5v1? What if most people have this mentality.... how do i improve? and how do we win if no teamwork.

    I am really confused and disappointed. I have found most games to be less balanced. Alot of people do not use teamwork and will not push or defend etc. Usually just afk all game and try to carry - How do i improve?

    Please critique my dota buff and see where i can get better. ANd my last question is - is it worth it to grind out the games to get back to 3700++ or should i start a new toon play my 10 placement matches again and do something different with my gameplay when at that level?

    Any help is appreciated.


      I also want to say - i was always above 50% win for a long long time. Then all of a sudden i just went on a terrible streak of losing and feel i am stuck in ELO hell if there is such a thing. Please help me to improve.

      Last game 2017



          Solo rating is pretty annoying to improve, I think you should focus on picking independent heroes who make a lot of impact in the game and are pretty much "single player" mode, such as Broodmother, Slark, Weaver. If you don't know how to play well if these, practice a bit in non-ranked and then go play.


            I cant really see those support games you mentioned. There are like 2-3 Necro, that from items seems to be fine, and you build mek on DP, thats... well, something. I mean, that can work, yes, but play her as pusher not as support, right? Even I can win 70%+ with her, and Im the worst mid player in dota2... Wtf are those items on veno and venge thou? I hope you dont mean them as support games. Warlock build is fine but thats the teamfighter build, not the support-warlock. Play CM/Lich, they are op and easy, your team will like you and you can play them without items, they have nice range, good harassment, and def dont need any lasthits, you can let your team farm more and still be useful.

            I cant comment on your carry games.

            King of Low Prio

              play high impact heroes *THAT YOU ARE GOOD AT*

              For example BH is not one of the top impact heroes in the game but since I am good with him I increase my win %

              there are heroes of each role who can have alot of impact on the game (even if it is not noticeable on the stats screen)


                Yeah but picking Broodmother, Slark and Weaver everygame is legit even at 6k MMR... picking BH every game isn't. I'm talking about reliable, solid picks.


                  If you want to practice a carry hero go pick am/jugger/any other hero and just try to get as many lasthits in freelane in 10 mins withtou buying any items or leveling skills/stats, once you get maximum 10 times in a row you will know how to last hit properly. Watch some pro replays in player perspective(burning, etc.) and try to understand why they are doing something or not doing something, pause, try to think, don't leave something unexplained. Look at how they avoid harrass, how they harass themselves and how they manage to stay alive in various situations. Then you should take notice of when and how they dive/commit to fights and you will gain a lot of knowledge if you will take everything into account. And then try to get a friend or two who would support you every game in pubs and go play those. That should be way more than enough for getting into 4.5k

                  King of Low Prio

                    I dunno people are starting to get better with dealing with the pubstomper heroes now since they want to increase their rating. Brood is annoying as fuck but hes manageable if you have a bat on your team

                    King of Low Prio

                      but yea if you tryhard and wait to pick you can win alot more games because you will not get counter picked


                        Clearly vaeldiithis knows more about dota than you so should keep losing! ad from my estimates of levels she should be in the 3k+ side around ~3200s... ofc u might be better in managing the heroes since she's still new but your lack of understadment of the game should put you around 2500!. Hoperfully u will keep losing

                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                          With solo matchmaking just chill out and assume nothing from your teammates. Pick whatever hero you feel you can play well against their lineup or is needed. You need to be flexible in roles and just make up for whatever your team lacks, and generally you will be able to win at least half your matches. Assume your teammates are competent, but don't go so far as to expect tp-reactions or exceptional plays. Keep calm, be okay with losing, and have fun.

                          My last solo queue I randomed a SB and bought a set of wards and prepared to jungle/roam. However, there was a 3-stack and they wanted to go to the same lane, so I had to go to the offlane with Quelling/Stout and a set of tangoes. Needless to say I wouldn't get much out of it, and just played to get whatever I could from my lane and ganking mid/bottom every chance I could, while entrusting the tri-lane to my teammates (some group of chinamen). It went much better than expected, which definitely would not have been the case if I had complained and moaned about not being able to go where I wanted to. Remember to keep an open mind, and just try to make the best of whatever you have.

                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                            Haha. Relentless is legendary man.


                              Sampson Broodmother is NOT manageable at all if you have a Batrider, as soon as she gets Orchids she can solo kill Batrider with no effort. And if you say "well then Batrider won't go alone there" then ok, you have 2 or more heroes trying to deal with a Broodmother which is basically the hardest hero to kill in the game while the other 4 players of your team are pushing the other 2 lanes.


                                First of all solo ranked is just going to be excessively difficult. You will be placed in the same games as party ranked and will usually face groups playing their best heroes and playing team dota. Personally I have also found there is much higher rate of throwers and leavers in ranked games. I recommend not being too serious about your solo ranked score in the first place. But solo queing is convenient.

                                If you want to get to a higher MMR with solo ranked I think the most effective route is to quickly pick your favorite solo mid hero, call solo mid and then try to gank the other lanes asap to get them back in control.

                                Then just play the game to win. Take towers at every chance you get. Say any positive thing you can to keep team moral up while biting your tongue and ignoring mistakes. The only mistakes worth commenting on are ones that have not happened yet. If someone will die because they are far from the team, say that you need their help to get them to come rather than "back you stupid nub!".

                                Don't hope your team will get smoke/dust/sentry. Just get them. Who cares if you are the carry as long as the dust is used and invis hero is dead? Using a dust costs 90 gold. Getting your next item 2 cs later means almost nothing. There are so many invis options and so many heroes getting shadow blade in pubs I don't know why every hero doesn't carry dust at all times past the laning stage. Its far more helpful than a tp scroll in nearly all pub games.

                                As for "is it worth it" that depends on what you value. Personally I don't believing having a high solo MMR is important. I can tell you this. If you achieve a 400 point gain in solo MMR by grinding games you will feel like you have accomplished something. If you make a smurf you will still have to play 150 games anyway. If you won all the games you would gain 400 MMR in about 16 games. If you won 60% of the games you would gain 400 MMR in 80 games, still far less than the 150 for a new account. If you win only 11 of each 20 games... that's the break even point where are new smurf would get to high MMR faster.

                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                  the best way i have found to counter brood is through hero picks and through rotations.

                                  I personally think heroes like axe, kotl and LC handle brood best. A good brood becomes so ridiculous by maximizing the farm that the spider-lings provide by sending them to the jungle. Even when hiding in the trees, a good brood is always farming.

                                  To counter this, I have found that over pressuring broods lane will really screw over the brood. Lane cutting the brood and taking away his towers early, while aoe clearing the spiderlings, will put brood behind and stop the snowball.

                                  Most players i see seem to think that ignoring broods lane (because he is hard to kill) is best. I prefer an early domination of his lane, which messes with brood her team's entire game plan.

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    @ sano

                                    dota is a team game, nowhere did I say the gank would be coming in solo


                                      u know what?! u should ignore this account!!! there is no chance to get higher if u get 3500ish mmr. cus u'll play with 3500mmr no clue about dota, i dont speak russians.....and there is no point to play with those tards....prolly your own skills around 4300mmr..but u wont get higher cus u have to play with 3500mmr russians...

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        you realize you will be fighting 3500 trashbag players as well right?


                                          was i the only one that noticed the guy has 46% win?

                                          Mike Hawk

                                            Pick Earth Spirit and go mid ==> easy win. Tested, won 8 / 10 of last games. Had the biggest throw in my life last game, though.


                                              OP your placement games were obviously a fluke where you got carried by better players who secured your farm. Stay in 3200 like the scrub you are.


                                                Nice win%

                                                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                  It's just luck. When they throw you into games ur suppose to win and you drop that win, it hurts. Also winning easy games doesn't help MMR much. Losing easy games really hurt you more. IMO there's like no difference between 3000 and 4000 rankings. Just that in higher play people know their roles more than in lower tier. I'm sitting at 3200 myself and find myself warding as carry more than supports. There's nothing new. Hopefully the people who suck will drop off in solo rank games so it'll be easier. I've been winning more games now than when we didn't have rank so I'm glad it's booting non-serious players and people who are carried to 4k, away from having padded stats.

                                                  Sōu ka

                                                    theres no games that you are supposed to win or lose unless you are stacking really hard at the high end of the spectrum you will have 50% chance to win
                                                    you can however be the highest and in another game be the lowest rated player
                                                    if you have relatively high MMR compared to the average MMR of the game then you are supposed to have a high impact and it should be easier to have a good score when you're doing well

                                                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                      ^ You obviously haven't checked profiles after a HUGE win/loss streak? 90% of the time when I lose..I check profiles.. 4 allies all under 48-49%...etc... Or coming off a steamroll game... Check the stats.. My team all above 51% winrate...other team all below 49%... consequence?


                                                        ^ I have, and usually my allies are all 53-70% win rate, as they usually are.

                                                        Woof Woof

                                                          ^^ tsssss its all coincedence


                                                            @Benao, why are you offline everywhere? =/ I def start to miss you...


                                                              Hey OP, My mmr is lower than yours, but I have some questions:

                                                              1) In, Both you and Dazzle have a Mek. I thought Meks dont stack and generally there is no reason to have double mek (that I know of). So is there any reason that happened? I can understand your deso, since you HAD to go semi-carry due to your team comp.

                                                              2) In, 4 bracers--why? Perhaps that is an idea that I am not aware of. Please share it here.

                                                              It is possible that you are a better player than your MMR shows since you build really weird items on heroes, at times, and try to make it work. Perhaps if you read up on some standard builds, and think about the items you are buying carefully, you can make a greater impact in the game. Good luck :)

                                                              Harry hamburgerryg

                                                                Stop playing all pick. Play captains draft. Get proper team. Pick for the team, don't be selfish. If you need a support go support. Do your best no matter what hero you play. Buy wards dusts, and smoke ganks, if the team have enought brain for it. Never flame, do your best to help your team mates. Even if they rage at you.

                                                                I also started around 3500, but i moved my way up to 3851. Some of those things helped me.

                                                                But also remember, don't play if you're tired. Or in bad mood. I realized that i play much much better when i'm feeling well, and not tired or hungry or in a bad mood, so that ill rage instantly.

                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                  Iso when you are really far behind and need hp bracers are the cheapest thing you can get ....

                                                                  Well cloak too i guess

                                                                  Vape-babulya, Ebalo pitbulya

                                                                    > i was always above 50% win for a long long time

                                                                    I have a db plus and I see that you've barely ever been above 50%. Mostly around 48


                                                                      Dorkly: Wouldnt converting the drums to a bracer at the cost of 1250 gold be better than spending 1500+ gold on three other bracers? That is, at the cost of getting higher health, you try to support your teammates. It might also be true that she would never survive team-fights to make drums effective. So I am not sure which is the better option.