General Discussion

General Discussion5 Worst Heroes in Dota2

5 Worst Heroes in Dota2 in General Discussion

    I don't really hate the usual Sniper, Drow, Riki, because most people playing those heroes are noobs that are usually fed by noobier people.
    I hate:
    Faceless Void
    Witch Doctor
    Nature's Prophet

    These heroes are all UTTER assholes at some point in the game or other, whether it's Witch Doctor and Bane early, or the rest late.

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      I feel you playman, i really do. Thats why i really like supporting a carry who can actually do sth on lane (ck,sk,jug etc.).

      Woof Woof

        yeh enchantress that farms woods for 15minutes straight while going for midas as first item is my favourite too i wonder where players learn that shit

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          1. Bloodseeker. Completely useless and countered by 150g tp scroll.
          2. Skywrath mage. Useless squishy shit.
          3. Troll Warlord. He need to keep attacking one hero to be effective. Kited easily, not flexible enough. Useless.

          Woof Woof

            ^ nice troll attempt


              1. Briste
              2. Sniper
              3. Drow

              and maaaybe slardar


                ^ nice troll attempt 2


                  I love techies ! Bring it up icefrog!

                  Dire Wolf

                    Bristle on two lists? Seriously? Lich might be boring but he's really good. Medusa also really good, just takes forever to farm up. 80% right click dmg to the entire enemy team wut?!?

                    The only hero that I find pretty consistently terrible is broodmother.

                    Riki is also a bad pick, doesn't carry, weak gank countered by some items, just a bad pick.

                    I don't think sniper is a bad hero, but he's picked way too often on teams where he doesn't fit in. So is drow and luna. If you're good at positioning and you have the right supports they're good picks but pubs blindly pick them to mid with.

                    Bloodseeker is hit or miss, just like pudge. They crush noobs mid but won't do jack against good teams.



                      - bad nuker (need luck)
                      - bad disabler, 560 cast animation
                      - useless Ignite

                      all you can do is spam bloodlust on carry and hope for multicast


                        OM is PURE SKILL...what's this luck thing you talk about?

                        We outsmarted em. That's how we win with OM.


                          But yes, at least he's fun

                          Dire Wolf

                            Oh I forgot about him and how bad he is. Elder titan is also a pretty good pick for worst. He's so slow at everything, everything he has is on delay and the controls for his spirit are stupid. The spirit should at least be a control group you can tab to but it's not, you must manually click and control.

                            Another that's not terrible but not great either is windrunner. Bad might not be the best choice of wording but overrated definitely applies.


                              Elder Titan can hit for 300+ at level 7.

                              Not to mention that Spirit gives vision, and the aura is totally imba if you can be in range (ie. have disables).

                              d -

                                Axe - Jungle all day and steal farm for carry for? Nothing
                                Meepo - Never played with or against a good meepo.
                                Bloodseeker -
                                Broodmother - Pretty useless when you know what to do
                                Zeus - I hate Zeus for stealing kills from your carry


                                  I know one thing :D Brood is not on the list

                                  My guess would be tuskar but thats just from what ive experienced


                                    What's been asked for here is , WORST HEROES, ( means not being useful at any part of the game, and needs to rely on others for them to be helpful) Not what you hate the most. Read the title people.
                                    these are the 5 on my list:
                                    1) Brood (Obviously, Doesnt do shit on early - late game except hide on here webs, Needs to rescale this hero skills, too much waste)
                                    2) Sniper ( needs levels and farm, so squishy as shit , 2 man gank can kill him easily)
                                    3) Zeus ( needs levels and farm )
                                    4) Doom (what can you expect from him? besides using hes ult? )
                                    5 ) Medusa ( Needs terrible farm )

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      Zeus nukes like no other early though. I generally don't like the play style of those who play him but he's a very effective ganker since his early nukes are so strong.

                                      Doom is also just sadly played wrong. Afk jungle farm then come out and try to carry. He needs to be played more like a tank support than hard carry.


                                        ^ zeus cant do much at early levels of the game, with a what? Lightning bolt? and wait for a 7 second cooldown? he relies on he's mana and shit

                                        Doom, what more can you expect from him, yes if he eats the creep with a net, or a centaur, he can help, but how? he has to wait for another nuker to start something, besides scorched earth doesnt do much, as well as lvl death, which costs him almost all his mana.


                                          You'll really wish you had a Doom in your team if the other team got a skilled Timber, QoP, Tinker, Puck or Invoker though.




                                              What's up with the hate on Tuskarr? Are you guys forgetting that he has a low CD melee stun that goes through BKB?

                                              I hate when people feed the sigil to the other team though. Not okay.

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                Arc lightning, lightning bolt, ult from zeus all ranks 1 is like 400 magic dmg before his passive and before resistance. He nukes really hard for a lvl 6. Offhand only qop and timber might do as much that early.


                                                  1. Huskar - So OP!!!
                                                  2. Drow - Also OP!!!
                                                  3. Windrunner - Sucks ass lategame and UP!!!
                                                  4. Sniper - Just in the OP and Boring List!!!
                                                  5. Viper - OP aswell and A lil Boring!!!

                                                  I just hate OP as heroes .. especially just right clicking ones -.-

                                                  Low Expectations

                                                    3.Meepo (easly killed by any hero that focuses 1 target)
                                                    4.Death Prophet

                                                    4. Useless hero you wanna push towers? get Leshrac, only viable skill is silence
                                                    5. As someone mentioned before, 80% of ppl think they are dendi and fuck up the whole game, the problem with Pudge that he EITHER wins you the game or loses you the game and the team cant do shit about it, if you dont land the hooks its 4v5 and you lost

                                                    nandi |

                                                      The word "WORST" can be viewed in many ways.... If you are asking about HEROES who are relatively easily to play without requiring much skill and who can almost garuntee a kill then;

                                                      1) Sniper
                                                      2) Drow
                                                      3) Viper
                                                      4) Huskar (with the new upgrade)
                                                      5) i dunno

                                                      If u ask me whom i HATE playing against, then it would be;

                                                      1) Omni Knight (with his repel and guardian angel)
                                                      2) Shadow Feind (got 36 souls? time to deal shit loads of right click damage with a effing negative armour aura)
                                                      3) Vengeful spirit (a freakin annoying stun with damage, a passive that bolsters her team damage and an irritating ultimate)
                                                      4) Phantom Lancer (if he gets fed)
                                                      5) Darkseer (with ion shell and surge for escape)

                                                      Imo, there arent any WORST heroes really.

                                                      and one more thing about people saying that SLARK is a bad hero. SLARK is an awesome hero with all his spells being useful from start to finish of any game. It's just that people dont play him well. From the experience i've had SLARK is an amazing HIT AND RUN hero with outrageous escape mechanics. You just need enough essence shift stacks and u start dealing out ridiculous amounts of damage. In my experience i usually pick slark against LS, URSA, Huskar... if they dont have sentries or a gem... just steal their stats and deal damage in retturn and if u feel u're gonna die just pop ur ult and keep hitting them hehe... if things get dicy pounce away... if they pop dust use you built in diffusal blade!... with a built in ward detector (u can even detect when Bara is charging u) Slark is a good hero. only issue is he is not that good in team fights when Nukes are fired at him unless u have a BKB...

                                                      sorry for going on and on


                                                        1) Spirit Braker
                                                        2) Naga Siren
                                                        3) Invoker
                                                        4) Zeus
                                                        5) Warlock!


                                                          The OP explained in detail which what kind of "worst" he meant, so people, pls, at least read the whole first post.

                                                          1)Broodmother. She needs to be reworked.
                                                          2)Medusa. She requires too many items to be viable. The concept of the hero limits the team too much.
                                                          3)Sniper. Just right-click and ult. His biggest problem is where to lane him... And no, he is a bad midlaner, for various reasons.
                                                          4)Witch doctor. I love the hero (and am awful with him), but his skillset is just off. His stun is very unreliable and its his most (imo) important skill.
                                                          5)Ogre magi. OMG, that is one useless hero.


                                                            Most of the heroes I hate are ones that require no skill to play and often dominate the game because the other players are complete noobs.

                                                            1) Drow Ranger
                                                            2) Sniper
                                                            3) Viper
                                                            4) Spirit Breaker
                                                            5) Phantom Lancer

                                                            Drow, Sniper, and Viper are all self-explanatory, stupid right-clickers that have super long range and require no skill to use. Spirit Breaker and Phantom Lancer are similar, often will just carry the hero to victory when the entire game is noobs.


                                                              broodmother.. havent fight againts this hero in dota2 but he is useless.
                                                              pl/drow/riki/sniper .. < usually noob play this hero. cause all it need is right click


                                                                #2 post
                                                                Faceless void
                                                                useless in lane only good in chrono


                                                                  legion commander


                                                                    Heroes that I think are the most useless:
                                                                    Treant Protector
                                                                    Shadow fiend



                                                                      Sorry, Treant is one of the most useless heroes?

                                                                      Also, why do people think Riki is a bad hero? Oh no, you can see him with wards. It's not like you can see every other carry too. Backstab is one of the greatest passives in the game and his AoE silence is amazing against some really common higher level picks (ie. Storm Spirit, QoP, Anti-Mage).

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                                                                        ^ You just got trolled by ^^ :P



                                                                          I hold out on picking my hero in all pick and if someone on my team goes Sniper I task manager close that shit and abandon the match to find a new one. I don't recall DB counting games without all 10 heroes picked so fuck it. Why waste time on a almost guaranteed loss? He is that bad.


                                                                            Worst heroes in the game are rubick and wr


                                                                              If this is worse like as in game impact and usefulness then...

                                                                              1) Sniper - Right click hero only does well with farm
                                                                              2) Drow - Right click hero only does well with farm
                                                                              3) Keeper of the Light - Decent enough but item based support who supports lazy carries who can't mana manage.
                                                                              4) Medusa - Right click hero only does well with farm
                                                                              5) Skeleton king - Right click hero only does well with farm but does better than others without.

                                                                              If you throw player skill into the mix the list changes.

                                                                              1) Pudge - Most played hero on everyone almost but situational and not as a every game pick
                                                                              2) Invoker - Farm Midas mid all day and does nothing but Sunstrike
                                                                              3) Natures Prophet - Holla holla farm for dolla fuck the team composition
                                                                              4) Any RC Carry - "Stack Ancients" "PING PING" "Useless support no ward GG" "I have to farm more now"
                                                                              5) Enchantress - Like seriously what does she do in pubs? I have seen good players but rarely.

                                                                              If we are basing this off OP hated shit then...

                                                                              1) Earth Spirit the CockSalad - Stun. Silence. Knock back. Escape. Initiation. AOE ULT. You mad brah?
                                                                              2) Broodmother the Rapist - "GET THE FUCK BACK OVER HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT"
                                                                              3) Storm Spirit the Shitstain - Initiate. Kill support. GTFO. Deal with it.
                                                                              4) Timbersaw the Asshat - Whirling death is correct.
                                                                              5) Legion Commended - "NO NOT ME. DUEL THE CARRY. OH FFS"

                                                                              I hate all the above heroes for reasons, stuff, and things. Also forum necromancy.

                                                                              Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                I disagree with drow being worst, she has a bad rep cus baddies play her. But she has a strong silence, tons of dmg and a super strong slow. Also disagree with medusa, that ult is so good and 6 slotted she does some top dmg.

                                                                                Most useless are probably:
                                                                                1. Sniper, zero utility, no escape, squishy, right click dmg isn't that impressive compared to others.
                                                                                2. Riki, not that much dmg, not that much utility, needs too much farm, wards > riki
                                                                                3. Meepo, potential but the mechanics just aren't there. Too easy to kill him early.
                                                                                4. Chen, potential but so creep dependant, better in theory than practice. Most chens are bad.
                                                                                5. Pudge, snowballing is required, god this hero drops off so badly late. He can be an asset if other team's mid is bad but there's a ton of better choices for your mid.

                                                                                Spirit breaker gets an honorable mention, that ult nerf was a big deal.


                                                                                  1. IO cause i solo queue, so pretty much all IO players are unorganised with random stack and ended up feeding
                                                                                  2. Pub enchantress: build midas, feed all game not a single ward bought
                                                                                  3. Rubick: usually picked mid or even not mid, feed all game and barely have any use
                                                                                  ( is there any good rubick player out there? ) even FY is 26 W & 23 L with him
                                                                                  4. Enigma: Same.. Jungle -> Midas and useless all game, ulti only catch 1-2 players and disabled, game already end when he got BKB
                                                                                  5. Axe: i'm so manly so i cut creep on their lane and feed first blood, f*cking everytime


                                                                                    Riki has one of the best scaling damage steroids, arguably one of the best area-denial skills and forces supports to squander their gold. He is especially effective when opponents have junglers. Wards are hardly an easy counter to Riki even in top page games.


                                                                                      What's up with the recent Rubick hate?


                                                                                        There really is no worst hero. The only thing you have to compare heroes with is the current meta. What heroes do pros never pick because they are not as effective as most others? That is the better question.

                                                                                        1. Sniper
                                                                                        2. Drow
                                                                                        3. Riki

                                                                                        Probably the worst 3 heroes in the game. I honestly couldn't come up with anymore worse heroes.

                                                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён



                                                                                            And there's where you're wrong, competitively Riki was picked more than Zeus, Centuar, Necrophos or Axe, to name a few. In the latest patch alone he's seen more use than PL, Jakiro or even Skywrath Mage, winning 66.6% of all the games he made an appearance in. With a proper game plan Riki is a very strong counterpick for certain core heroes (AM, Naix, Storm) and punishes junglers by forcing the solo support to invest heavily in detection. His hate in forums is very much unwarranted.

                                                                                            Thus far for 6.79 alone the heroes with least competitive uses are Meepo, Warlock and Spirit Breaker,

                                                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                              1. Pudge - most useless pick ever. 98% of pudges i see die 8 times mid then say "no wards gg" in all chat when we have wards
                                                                                              Fuck you dendi
                                                                                              2. Broodmother - there are over 100 heroes in the pool. Idgf if you get a tower when we die because its 4v5 (or 6 if you keep feeding those lings)
                                                                                              3. Morphling - "carry" my ass. Needs too much farm and gets countered by a bkb and cant out right click any other carry
                                                                                              4. Pub chens - srsly fukoff usuk
                                                                                              5. Sniper - a disgrace to dota


                                                                                                in competitive?

                                                                                                Skeleton King,
                                                                                                Drow (when not with visage),
                                                                                                Is huskar in competitive now?


                                                                                                  Why the Magi hate? :( I like him. He does take a littttttttle bit of luck with the multi-cast, however. I've been having good luck on him as of late, as well as having bad luck against him and being completely dismantled.

                                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                                    Why do you guys hate on skeleton king? If the other team does not counter with mana drains (kotl, am or diffusals) he is very strong. Ranged disable, vamp aura that scales nicely with his crit, double life makes him nearly impossible to kill.

                                                                                                    who am i

                                                                                                      ^other than the fact that he's easily kitable in fights, and lacks damage output of most carries as game goes mid->late. also has no flashfarm ability.

                                                                                                      all of the heroes you've mentioned have viability given a different role or playstyle tbh.