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    I see so many people saying RIP Techies. Why? Look at it, he is potentially competitively viable now! His new "suicide squad" deals a good bit of damage, PLUS a silence. His 1st deals crazy damage, it's just a matter of positioning it so they don't see it until it's too late (side shops, behind the trees of the bounty runes)-also helped by all the new highground-lowgrounds. Stasis trap got a massive buff. A 5 second root? Harder to set up in the middle of fights because of 2 second activation time, but no expiry means that the enemies have to tread lightly or risk a long root into getting initiated. Then his ult's faster cast time allows to be dangerous in team fights, the detonation delay is minimal. He may no longer fit the set style, but he fills a new style. Potential 4/5 support in pro games, I can definitely see it.

    JZ no Fear

      i have been playing this dota when i was 18..... now i m 30 yr old.... only i liked about this patch is new septer updates.... They have fucked all old players....... Bullshit update look like LOL now


        rest in peace dota2, welcome LOL! it's terrible

        Jason Bourne

          League of Dota. I'm done with this game.

          Cyber Prince

            Honestly, I was not aware of this patch until the day it came out. I have been playing this game since it came out as a map on TFT Warcraft 3. More or less.
            I was always aware that new changes will have an impact of the play style, hero-build, choices and was always prone to change, and of course there were some bad ones, and really good ones.
            So, with an open mind I entered into my first game in 7.00 patch. It made me really sad and disappointed, as a support (5) player 5.5k mmr.
            Why would you make a complex game as DOTA is with stats/tactics etc., to a simple game where you can basically chose from a single talent tree? I mean seriously, I feel as if all the roles are lost, everyone can play as a single hero without focusing on the team game, ganking, planning map awareness...
            The new HUD, it is truly a disaster. Why? Well, since it is completely different and as an old player you lose the complete map awareness. Why would you change something when it works as it should?
            What about the rosh pit? I mean, at least you could be more imaginative then placing it in the middle of the river.
            Yes, you will say now the new players could get into the game way faster, but then again why do we want that? What is wrong with learning the dynamics of the game by time. It looks like time does not matter anymore, it is always about the money and influx of new players who are here just for the single game, not team play.
            As an veteran player, who is not prone to big changes anymore, I made a decision to stop playing this game yesterday. I know that I am not the only one who made this decision to stop, but I cannot deal with this no skill future.
            It really feels that it is not DOTA 2 anymore, and that I entered a completely new game, which I was not ready to do so.
            Thank you Icefrog for all the bad, and good updates... And finally thank you VOLVO for destroying my favorite game. Goodbye DOTO, the toxic community will be truly missed.
            I think that I will need to find a new hobby, maybe collect stamps, learn how to knit... :-)

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            JZ no Fear

              yeah time to leave dota.... Thanks for change now i can easily leave this new shit

              Dark Hunter

                No one talking about Monkey King being broken af? He destroys your lanes with 5 attacks.

                Low Life

                  hello game "lost in maze jungle "


                    I feel like there were a lot of things changed that just didn't need to be. CHANGE FOR THE SAKE OF CHANGE IS POINTLESS. Games I have played and watched over the past few days have all been VERY one sided as well. No more close games because of snowballing.

                    EXTRA RAMPS EVERYWHERE (especially too many in jungle. Very unnecessary and makes locations for teamfights smaller and annoying), SUPER SMALL UI (please give us the option to scale the UI like we can scale the map, or even better, an option to revert to the old one if we choose to), AND MOST OF ALL.... Talent trees should not change the game more than an item. If it does, then nerf that please. Examples being a tree talent that replaces an item. Like alch getting 30% lifesteal at lvl 25. Any talent point that replaces or becomes stronger than an item is garbage and changes the game too much. We already get 3 more backpack slots, no need for talents like this.


                      Worst Update, Epic Fail from Valve. Hope they fired up UI-Designer and that idiot who developed map with a lot of losing FPS.


                        the only things i truly liked about this patch were the pregame changes. the animation for loading in with the dota logo is very smooth, the fact that you can buy your items pregame, choose your lanes and ward spots is great and the hero interface is WAY better than the scrolling one from before

                        that said, a lot of the new stuff they added is unappealing for me, an existing player. the pace of the game has changed immensely thanks to the combination of talents and map changes, so the power spikes are irrecognisable and everyone just pushes mid or fights constantly. nobody needs to farm anymore. maybe that's just because of how new the patch is, but i worry otherwise.

                        thanks to the bounty runes and constant fighting, it doesn't matter how well you play early game.

                        as for the UI changes, they really weren't needed. nobody really complained about the old UI, so this new UI kind of just alienates people, especially so because there's no legacy option.

                        adding ALL of this new stuff at once makes the game very difficult to enjoy. I wish the patch was simply a normal 6.89 with hero/item buffs and nerfs, plus the new pregame. they could have added some of the good ability tree ideas to normal dota as aghs upgrades or straight up ability buffs.


                          The thing here is, techies now become more useless. You won't be seeing another match with a techies. I guarantee it. And also, the tricky riki can no longer diffusal himself when he encountered dust/track/ampilfy dmg because you can no longer target allies with diffusal. The laner and early farmer will also now have a little headache, heroes like ursa and stuff, due to the massive increase of morbid mask. There are a lot to complain about this patch, but hey, look at where we are? Discussing the game that we have loved for decades. I just really, really, really hope that some of it will be 'reworked' into something similar to the old one.


                            When will they stop messing around with illusions and not just fix it. They changed radiance to deal less damage if "held" by an illusion. Why not just keep with that mindset? Make illusion deal a % effect of their "held" items or passive abilities equivalent to their % damage. Ex: Antimage gets Manta with level 4 Mana Break and creates illusions. These illusions deal 33% of Antimage's damage so they will only have 33% of the Mana Break, meaning that instead of both illusions dealing 64 mana break they will only deal 21.33... Seems like a fair way to balance out the illusion meta to me, and before anyone starts saying that this would destroy heroes, just buff their illusions or other aspects instead. Thanks for reading :D hope to hear your thoughts.

                            Brünk Hüll

                              Three things about the new patch that are good:

                              1. Interface

                              Just about everything about the new in game interface is amazing. Things have been moved to better places, such as the stun meter or the shop button just telling you your current gold on the button. The battle log has been spiffed up and is far more informative as to what is happening, which is good. Information that is not intended to be secretive should be shown in such a way that those that don't use it have nobody to blame, and almost every change made to the interface reflects that mission.

                              Most important, however, is the new pregame stage. Being able to purchase items, mess with the minimap in depth, suggest heroes, purchase items, plan your first steps and overall timing windows with strangers after they last pick a second carry, and PURCHASE ITEMS is amazing. Everything about this makes me wonder how I lived without it before.

                              2. Talents

                              Talents could have been a terrible inclusion had every talent level been like the level 25 talents. In fact, many heroes have a rather tame level 25 talent. They aren't new abilities, either. Just augmentations to current abilities. They also are well suited to the overall theme and mission of each hero, appropriately matching their peak stregnth timings and allowing for different roles etc. Some of the level 25 talents do seem strong out of context, but in practice, 200 movespeed on shukuchi in the late game is pretty unimportant when weaver is unlikely to be too far from the rest of the team. Had it been earlier, that would be devestating. It's added complexity, and that's a good thing. It feels like deciding what your next item should be.

                              3. Backpack

                              Finally I can stop worrying about that recipe cluttering up my inventory. I can be a carry with wards. And unless I'm Oracle, it's fine to get a refresher orb.

                              Three things about the new patch that are bad:

                              1. The shop.

                              During the pregame, the shop doesn't show you everything. I want to set up my quick buy, but Ring of Aquila isn't shown. I could give more examples, but it sucks that not everything is at your fingertips, and it's hard to locate what you are trying to buy if it isn't part of the suggested items. I actually feel more stifled for time even though it's a free 30 seconds because I have to plan, purchase, and communicate with my team but I spend most of that time searching for that stupid sages mask.

                              It doesn't get better in game either. Suggested items gets its own tab now instead of being always on. I will gladly give up screen space to have the expanded interface. On top of that, the icons are tiny, and things are moved around. Some of that might be a short term problem, but it seems like less info is at my fingertips.

                              2. Experience

                              I played League for a year before joining the master race. It was common, nay, expected, nay, commonplace, nay, natural for every hero to hit max level and fill 4 or 5 slots, if not all six, by the end of the game. I had never even heard of the idea of early and late game strats (although I'm sure they had them). By shortening the amount of experience needed for 25 by two levels and talents that allow fast tracking your levels, we are seeing a system that leans towards expecting everyone to make it to level 25.

                              This is a problem because early game heroes have a smaller window of opportunity to be effective. Going this direction means a simplification of strategy. When everyone's timing window is level 25, the game loses strategy diversity. Game length is predictable. Heroes can't be used in new and exciting ways.

                              I looked at two games I played with Weaver. One before the patch, one after. Similar game time, similar KDA. Both offlane. Before the patch, I was level 18. After the patch I gained level 23. Some of that could be attributed to how well the game went, sure. But not enough. It's far too easy to get gold and experience with the new patch. It removes choice, stifles experimentation, and overstimulates to the point of boredom.

                              3. Attributes

                              Drow needs early points in stats. You can't do that now. Why not? There are still levels where stats could be leveled. There are four talent levels, 15 skill points for the regular hero. That leaves six levels open for attributes. By removing the option for attributes completely, you are removing a choice in builds. To me, that's a cardinal sin.

                              Here is the thing though:

                              The game still feels like Dota. For all the changes, I haven't felt a HUGE change yet. Communication, planning, execution, evaluation, etc are still super important. The talents do make me feel a bit artificially superpowered, but I expect that to just be something that I get used to and plan for in my builds and timing windows.

                              I fully expect all of these problems to be corrected too. I foresee the pregame to be improved upon. It's great already, and it can easily get better. I see no reason for them to ignore it. Valve clearly desires complexity in their game, and I think the next patch will either reintroduce attributes, redo the methods of gaining xp, or add something completely new yet again. I actually wouldn't be surprised to see those extra levels become extra skill points. I could even see Valve introduce level 30.

                              The future may be uncertain, but I gotta say, the patch has only revived my interest in Dota. That alone gives me hope.

                              white shadow

                                fucking shit update


                                  Наконец-то оптимизировали и сделали минимальный интерфейс игры!
                                  Великое и лучшее обновление в Dota ЗА ВСЮ ЕЁ ИСТОРИЮ!


                                  Но где патчи 6.89? И 6.90-6.99?
                                  Или я считать разучилась? (

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                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!