General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is your comfort level when being provoked to trashtalk?

What is your comfort level when being provoked to trashtalk? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Do you usually stay quiet? do you retaliate? do you just report them and stay quiet? or can all hell break loose? Kindly share your thoughts and experience. Thanks

    lone dog

      Only losers talk; real men act.

      So you gotta give it the ol' run down mid.

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        If I feel like I can win, I will invest some words. Then maybe mute them. And when I do win, I will unmute and start trashtalking back.
        If I'm losing, it's better to just mute them and play the game.


          I just instamute and continue playing. Even if it's just barely negative all it takes is one comment.

          Potato Marshal

            Usually mute, shit-talking in SEA isn't as fun as in the US servers.

            ma-ku hemburger country

              Walk down mid like how I wish I could do so irl

              Potato Marshal

                Hiyori's back? I thought you were busy going to clubs and getting drunk with your new Australian normie friends.


                  Walk down mid drop items bb giff free wards within tower range, plant 3 gg branches die 1 more time then I go into next game. Also valve thinks I really care if my account gets flagged so I cant type anything on chat or ping on map :V

                  boni top fan

                    ^this is cancerous, im not sure if you are a child or a man acting like a child

                    Forget me not

                      If I'm getting trashtalked by enemy team I just play . when I'm getting trashtalked by my own team for something that I do that I think is right I'm just gonna throw the game.


                        just chat all "?"


                          Best response to enemy trash talk is ignore them until they invariably fuckup and then trash talk back.

                          If it is your team, if you care about winning you've got to diffuse the situation, if you don't care about winning then do what you like because you've already lost.

                          stupid fuck 2000

                            Enemy team is auto muted from options, if some1 starts trash talking on my team I tell them to stop talking and play. If they don't, i mute them, simple.

                            Bill Cutting

                              I’m quite sensitive these days, having some morons in party gang up on u usually is enough to tilt me.


                                Sarcasm counters TT

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  I am pma player always


                                    same,i always try to calm down people

                                    the only stuff that i tt is really rare,usually probably superlose game and one bad guy just keep blaming the team

                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                      pma turks OMEGALUL


                                        Depends. If Its enemy, i try to tilt him. If IT Is my team, insta mute after telling that person muted, So He doesnt have to spend energy on me.