General Discussion

General DiscussionPos 4 and 5

Pos 4 and 5 in General Discussion

    What is the main things to play on pos 4 and 5 ?


      good look up top winrate heros in your bracket for those roles..
      5 is hard support
      4 roamer


        In normal skill thats mean youre the only one not so retarded in team so you not going to pick 4th or 5th carry in team - but than you have to carry team and ward as well.

        but u said dota was fun :(
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          but u said dota was fun :(

            Every game is winnable in every fucking bracket, even if out drafted by the enemy team. One mistake by them and it's all over. Other than what Bungmangler have just said, just support. Do not blame all the time and do your job. Typing in all chat 'noob carry' won't change a thing. What's worse than having a liability carry is him throwing and more often than not, quitting.

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              its a dumb myth that winning low mmr games as pos 4 is hard. look at my winrate and hero winrates.

              i climbed from 2.2 to 3.4 with about 10 losses only playing pos 4 (sb,clock,slardar,sk)
              its easily one of the easiest way to win normal skill games.

              people pick 4 greedy cores every game, if you know how to play 4 you win all alnsa for your team and put pressure on the map so that th enemy team never comes back


                not fucking up the lane as pos5
                not ganking pushed lane as pos4

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Night stalker


                    it's impossible to win as pos5 atm tho
                    if your core player does 1 mistake ~35-40 min. timemark ur done


                      strongest pos5: wd bane disruptor
                      strongest pos4: dw clock shaker/slardar/sk


                        i think AA's pretty nice as well


                          CM all the way hahaha.


                            aa works in a specific combinations and not really a good hero during laning stage
                            mid-lategame this heros the best

                            ROAD TO HERALD 0

                              Position 4 Luna

                              Versatility at its finest, brought to you by Herald Legend SEA.

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